At this point any main event face push for Roman is going to backfire. He’s damaged goods as a face. It’s not entirely his fault, but it isn’t relevant who’s fault it is. When people think of him as a top face, they think of the 2015 royal rumble match, trying to transfer Bryan’s crowd support to him, having him devour Wyatt and Rusev, the sad efforts to rehash the deadly game survivor series tournament and no chance in hell 1999 royal rumble storyline, having Roman headline wrestlemania 33 in a match that was thrown together a month before the show and trying to get him sympathy cheers against Braun after beating taker and giving a full on heel promo the night after, losing big match after big match and still getting put in title matches inexplicably, his not winning the royal rumble match but headlining wrestlemania last year anyway after an “lolcenawins/summerslam 2003” style win in the elimination chamber, his getting multiple shots at Brock in a row despite losing clean as the challenger, their turning the most popular guy on raw at the time heel and reforming the shield solely to try protecting Roman from getting booed, not to mention the countless times they shut off the crowd mics to hide how loud the boos usually were, and it only ending because Roman had a leukemia flare up. Otherwise it would’ve never ended. The crowd isn’t gonna just forget the last 5-6 years. Roman as a top face after all that just isn’t gonna work. The failed experiment of him as the top face even has its own Wikipedia page. If they want him as a headliner, they’ll have to turn him heel and give him more depth of character because through all the stuff I just covered, he was never depicted as anything more than a cardboard cutout of a character.So that's all Roman Reigns fault and not the guy who controls his booking? Fans cheer him now that he's actually booked properly. You also conveniently left out his Mania 31 match against Brock. Were the fans walking out of that too?
I'll put that on Becky. She's gotta give Bayley more room to complete the moveLooks like both. Bayley overshot that and Becky is a little too close. I always thought that the Sunset flip into the corner was a shytty move anyway.
That’s good, but building him into a top face overall, let alone the top face in the company will still take time. Leave him in some big feuds centered around more character growth for another 6-8 months to fully wash out the awful taste of that 5 year span. Competent booking by that point should firmly have a crowd behind him. Roman gets all this attention because for 4-5 years he was presented as all that mattered on the show as the follow up to a decade of John Cena being the only guy who was presented as a credible top guy. Sins of the father and all that. The other reason is that vince is incapable of hiding a wrestlers weaknesses while highlighting their strengths.I'm not talking about the failed baby face push of Roman Reigns @Mantis Toboggan M.D. because once again, a lot of that is poor booking.
Why is Reigns in the minority of wrestlers who flaws and negatives get highlighted and magnified while completely ignoring the things he's good at? Just because he was given a huge push from Cokeboy?
Have you seen the crowd reactions Reigns gets lately? Have you seen his booking? He's booked somewhat properly now and the fans are actually cheering him again.
I get what you're saying, trust me. That's what they seem to be doing. Reigns hasn't been in the main event scene since he returned. He's also taken way more Ls and is giving other guys shine and rub. I honestly wouldn't mind seeing him take a few more losses here and there. That's always been my biggest issue. I'm just tired of the narrative with Reigns.That’s good, but building him into a top face overall, let alone the top face in the company will still take time. Leave him in some big feuds centered around more character growth for another 6-8 months to fully wash out the awful taste of that 5 year span. Competent booking by that point should firmly have a crowd behind him. Roman gets all this attention because for 4-5 years he was presented as all that mattered on the show as the follow up to a decade of John Cena being the only guy who was presented as a credible top guy. Sins of the father and all that. The other reason is that vince is incapable of hiding a wrestlers weaknesses while highlighting their strengths.
The issue is that they try to blend the underdog aspects of the Lasskicker with her new character that got really over post Summerslam 2018. You gotta pick one or the other.
It isn’t even so much the win loss record. It’s giving him some sort of relatable personality so the crowd can connect with him and for there to be more to him than just always hovering around the title picture. I sent friends of mine a video I found a while back that was a 5-6 minute collage of him losing a big match and then still getting the next shot at the world title. When the shield split, Rollins developed a clear persona and a few defining characteristics, as did Dean. Roman never did and that was the problem. He was still just the muscle/hot tag from the shield. Same gear, same music, and even had a cut and paste of 2013/14 Bryan and 1998/99 Steve Austin. It was the most inorganic push we’ve ever seen. His first pay per view match post shield breakup he was in a ladder match for the world title. His third singles match on pay per view was the main event of wrestlemania. We hardly knew this guy, and to top it off, they tried to tell us that we want him and not Bryan even though he’d just come back off injury and they had a built in storyline for him against Brock that the crowd would’ve been red hot for. If they’ve learned this lesson now, that’s good. Keep that up.I get what you're saying, trust me. That's what they seem to be doing. Reigns hasn't been in the main event scene since he returned. He's also taken way more Ls and is giving other guys shine and rub. I honestly wouldn't mind seeing him take a few more losses here and there. That's always been my biggest issue. I'm just tired of the narrative with Reigns.
How many times does it need to be proven that Sasha is the star of the 4 Horsewomen? Her interaction with Trish in the Royal Rumble was the loudest crowd reaction of that match.
Becky's best match by far during her run is with Sasha
Ronda's best match was with Sasha.
Sasha and Rhea last night had dueling chants and the crowd was electric and ready for it. What's the common denominator here? SASHA
and they won't push her
they have no women babyfaces, maybe its time for Rhea Ripley to come on over to SDthere are no credible women babyfaces for her to be a heel...she'll just get cheered for
How many times does it need to be proven that Sasha is the star of the 4 Horsewomen? Her interaction with Trish in the Royal Rumble was the loudest crowd reaction of that match.
Becky's best match by far during her run is with Sasha
Ronda's best match was with Sasha.
Sasha and Rhea last night had dueling chants and the crowd was electric and ready for it. What's the common denominator here? SASHA
and they won't push her
Wrong on all accounts;
Sasha is true main eventer
Kofi is being disgraced but is a true main eventer. To compare Roman to him is disgusting.
Adam Cole is a main eventer
Rhea is a made woman and could actually wrestle and pull off the Man gimmick better.
they have no women babyfaces, maybe its time for Rhea Ripley to come on over to SD
yea at this point there is no one left to push other than Sasha, she is the only one who they have avoided giving a run to.. Maybe its going to take a DBRY/Kofi style crowd demand for her to get her proper run. She needs to take the belt off Becky, I guess she could win the royal rumble
This....all of this!
Her promos are great but her matches don’t match her promos because she’s playing underdog. She needs to be full on heel.