This Super Cena booking does not fit Becky at all

Mike the Executioner

What went on up there? Poppers and weird sex!
Sep 10, 2015
Brooklyn, New York
I think it's becoming obvious to everyone that she's playing a character. The "Man" persona doesn't fit her anymore.

The Becky Lynch that used to have weird outfits, make corny puns, and play to the crowd? That's who she is in real life and that's what her character was. She was a dork, but she had self-awareness of how dorky she was, and it was easy to like her because of how authentic she was. She was the closest thing to an old-school babyface that we've seen in a long time.

Then they turned her heel when nothing she did justified anybody turning on her or believing she was in the wrong. Her character got an upgrade and we stuck by her because she deserved her shot and she was tired of being passed over for it. She was going to take it, no matter what, and she transitioned into playing a badass character well because it felt authentic. Then she accomplished everything she set out to accomplish, but her "Man" persona remained. And when that happened, her ego grew and her character suffered for it.

The authenticity isn't there anymore. She's not lovable and she doesn't come off as someone that's easy to root for. Half the time, she's irritating to the point where you want her to lose so she'll have some humility. Mark Henry called her out on it and she took shots at him. She can't be a badass that's always one step ahead and an underdog at the same time. If the crowd starts to shift, they'll be forced to turn her heel. It's probably for the best if she starts transitioning back into the "Lass Kicker" character. She doesn't have to be a pushover or naive, but she can start reminding people of why they loved her so much in the first place, and why her heel turn didn't work because we knew she deserved more.


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
yea they dont know how to protect her and hide her weaknesses. She has that stupid irish accent and it takes away from her promos. Her moveset doesnt match her personality either. she should be brawling and doing strikes, not top rope leg drops.. They also need to update her entrance.. I think her character can be saved but she needs a real heel run first, she needs to actually whip someones ass a few times. and yea its time to take the belt off her, she isnt as entertaining as she should be, its time to let Sasha have a run
Sasha is on Smackdown so I don't get the connection there. Also no disrespect but your suggestions would make her even more unbearable. She's already beating people up all the time anyway, so that wouldn't change much.


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
Sasha is on Smackdown so I don't get the connection there. Also no disrespect but your suggestions would make her even more unbearable. She's already beating people up all the time anyway, so that wouldn't change much.
if Sasha wins the rumble then she can go after whichever title she wants


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
I think it's becoming obvious to everyone that she's playing a character. The "Man" persona doesn't fit her anymore.

The Becky Lynch that used to have weird outfits, make corny puns, and play to the crowd? That's who she is in real life and that's what her character was. She was a dork, but she had self-awareness of how dorky she was, and it was easy to like her because of how authentic she was. She was the closest thing to an old-school babyface that we've seen in a long time.

Then they turned her heel when nothing she did justified anybody turning on her or believing she was in the wrong. Her character got an upgrade and we stuck by her because she deserved her shot and she was tired of being passed over for it. She was going to take it, no matter what, and she transitioned into playing a badass character well because it felt authentic. Then she accomplished everything she set out to accomplish, but her "Man" persona remained. And when that happened, her ego grew and her character suffered for it.

The authenticity isn't there anymore. She's not lovable and she doesn't come off as someone that's easy to root for. Half the time, she's irritating to the point where you want her to lose so she'll have some humility. Mark Henry called her out on it and she took shots at him. She can't be a badass that's always one step ahead and an underdog at the same time. If the crowd starts to shift, they'll be forced to turn her heel. It's probably for the best if she starts transitioning back into the "Lass Kicker" character. She doesn't have to be a pushover or naive, but she can start reminding people of why they loved her so much in the first place, and why her heel turn didn't work because we knew she deserved more.

yea thats a good point, when they had her apologize to get put back in that match, that made it look like she was just playing her role and not actually "the man" .. Stone cold would have never allowed that to happen, but at the same time this aint 99, so she may not have wanted to apologize but the way things are now she might not have had a choice.. which is why I dont think this is entirely on her, I think women dont have representation in creative and no one knows how to write for them

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
yea thats a good point, when they had her apologize to get put back in that match, that made it look like she was just playing her role and not actually "the man" .. Stone cold would have never allowed that to happen, but at the same time this aint 99, so she may not have wanted to apologize but the way things are now she might not have had a choice.. which is why I dont think this is entirely on her, I think women dont have representation in creative and no one knows how to write for them
It’s not that deep. They don’t know how to write faces in general and the McMahon family needs to insert themselves into almost every hot angle that gets booked on their show. Part of that need to control the narrative about them being the sole creator of what’s good in pro wrestling.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Nothing is wrong with her promos..shes the best on Raw. Easily. Is she better than Asuka? Not these days but then who is?

Green Ranger

I Am Legend
May 24, 2012
Angel Grove California
I suppose it was inevitable. We think highly of someone until they become overexposed and exhausted, then we look towards someone else and the entire process happens again. :mjcry:
It’s the TSC & the IWC in general when your the underdog and jobbing to Alexa Bliss why they not pushing Becky.

She gets over they decide to actually push her and not 50/50 or stop-start push which TSC & The IWC complain about all the time and it’s she getting over pushed she is trash fukk her she is Cena-Roman

Fans flip-flop like the wind so much nowadays that you really can’t listen or try to appease them continually because there always found something to complain about.

Plus let’s just keep it 100 if they was giving Sasha this same push TSC would be :banderas::banderas:them CAC are so mad


Heavily Armed
Sep 14, 2013
The 718
It was arguably worse than the Roman push. They started noticeably dropping match quality so wrestlers wouldn’t outshine him. Announcers began calling him the most controversial champion ever to try masking the crowd turning on him, everyone who got over was either fed to him or turned heel and then fed to him. I think the only 2 matches he lost clean in that whole span was the London match to Shawn and the vengeance 2008 match with triple h. 4 different guys lost I quit matches clean to him which nukes a heel’s credibility. They spent entire years building up a monster heel by having them destroy everyone else on the roster several times only to feed them to cena which in turn makes the rest of the show look bad (not to mention how bad subjecting us to Khali as a top heel was to begin with), they changed his promo style to either pandering to the crowd shamelessly or not even attempting to take his opponent seriously and then winning every match clean, painted him as the underdog in every feud even though he won some 85%+ of his matches and clean every time while always overcoming the odds solo, and developed the habit of having him go on even after the champ when he wasn’t the champ to drive home the point that he’s more important than anything, which makes all their titles and the premise of the show essentially meaningless if one guy matters more than that. It can legit be argued that aside from maybe edge that not a single wrestler has come out of a feud with him looking better than they did going in, and this didn’t change from 2011-16 either. It still blows my mind that they really ruined a top face as badly as they did back then when they had so many guys who made for good heels.

Edit: Yeah I think Edge definitely came out of their 2006 feud looking better, but that’s the only time I’d argue that someone benefited from working with him from 2005-17.
Yeah, the SuperCena era permanently soured my outlook on wrestling...that was fukking painful to watch in real time.

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
Do you think Cody will be able to keep himself from becoming AEW’s 2003 HHH once they’re established?

Not trolling you breh, just curious if you think AEW VPs can resist inserting themselves in all the hot shyt once things are good and running
Only time will tell but I doubt it. They’ll have to do a lot of work to credibly work around the whole Cody can’t challenge for the title stipulation since he lost at full gear. The other big thing is that the majority of the reign of terror was eating up WCW and ECW guys. Rob Van Dam, Scott Steiner, Booker, Nash, Goldberg. All of these guys became big stars someplace else. Not a coincidence that they all failed during said time and only Goldberg won the belt at all during that time period.

I don’t think the people running AEW are so petty and insecure as Vince is either. Vince refused to commit to a top face who became a star elsewhere which is why ultimately none of the aforementioned guys went over in the long run even though the crowd wanted them. Most promoters don’t have such an issue because most don’t feel a need to drive that narrative that they’re the only source of good content in pro wrestling.