So you knew of the African God?

If you know a Spanish person and y'all cool? You gettin called chongo. That or Miyatae (I flipped it on em, so I'm Miyatae Loco)
This term is well known if you live in the real world. So you just proved how your not even trying to be rational in your thought process
If you can't think rationally with subject matter such as this? I have to ask why?
Are you racist? This topic deserves a certain candor your not exhibiting which truly is sad...
I finished the whole thing and I just can't get into agreement with some of what the host and the black dude with glasses is saying.
Guess they don't know that Django came out in the late 60s with zero blacks in it
What does that have to do with anything?
how did he expose him... hes mad he didnt use kike for inglorious basters?
the movie was mostl in german and french... the germans arent gonna call jews a kike... neither are the french... the american characters are (mostly) jewish does using the word make any sense
What would the Germans use for Jew? I'm sure they had a name, but alas it's a mystery to most. When they spoke n German, did they not have subtitles?
Content wise, Radio show 1, QT 0
Apparently they were supposed to use a racial slur that neither originated or was used in Germany.
Was the movie a historical reproduction or an entertainment movie? Then ask yourself is Django a historical reproduction or an action movie?
The radio show spoke on how in none of QT movies does he go on "nikka" rant towards other races, but always finds the time to include the word ******.
If that is true, Radio show 2, QT 0
I bet if it was the same movie but directed by spike lee no one would try to pull the race card.
i'm saying to say it was not good because white people used the n word is just as bad as white people not liking it becasue spike lee directed it.
Who said it wasn't good because white ppl used the N word? Not a single person anywhere said that so why are you bringing up made up stuff to the convo?
In fact, after your first comment, you're an idiot, good day baffoon...
True but then you gotta ask why would they not like it if spike lee directed it
and why is it critically acclaimed if Quentin Tarantino directed it?
then you gotta ask why was this movie made in this first place
The type of questions your asking is for black people. White people don't ask questions like that, they push the envelope to see what they can get away with.
Then they'll call you a militant or angry black man if you stand up for yourselves
Don't fall for it ppl of color
Tarantino's guilt about what? You all are so ridiculous Ican't wait until this stupid topic stops showing its ugly face
That is your white guilt right there

I have no problem discussing this until we can come to an understanding like intelligent human beings
Inherent white guilt over what his ancestors did. That's what I got watching the movie anyway
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you should too since some black folks owned slaves as well :smugobama:
Where am I gonna derive a guilty feeling from when I've done nothing wrong? I have no connection to such ancestors.
No, you just don't want to acknowledge your connection. It's outta site, outta mind for you. That behavior makes you ignorant to the real racism that is running rampart around you...