communism (okay, marxism-leninism if you wanna be a stickler ) worked in russia so well that it completely collapsed in the late 1980s
what did they have before the october revolution in russia?
they had the tsar nicholas... a king. the bolsheviks imprisoned them in different houses for weeks, then murdered them all with guns when they got scared.
not just the tsar. his entire family. the wait staff. the butler. the bolsheviks murdered every single one, except for the tsars young son
he ran room from room crying and they dragged him out and shot him in the head
there was further conflict like the whites and reds but no need to go too deep. lenins side won out.
so begins 70 years of communism. lenin. then stalin. ukrainian holomodor. millions of deaths when people starved. for example under the new system they forced grainaries to produce a quota for the government, often impossible to meet with no food for the locals. thus begins the holomodor, which iirc is ukrainian for 'the great hunger' or 'the great starvation'. people actually ate each other
there were warrior islands where stalin sent hundreds of men to fend for themselves. they ate each other
the gulag system. the persecution.. almost magalike, to be called a kulak, a hoarder. they were sent to gulag
what happens after the soviet union falls?
a kgb agent by the name of Putin begins his path to become the new Tsar
nothing EVER changes
you MAGA retards want to bring royalty back. they worship donald like a king. thats why theyre on russias dikk so hard. its sick shyt
i could break down maoism too. mao was even worse.
communists are worthless killers. the only successful ones in that society were the ones who hoarded all the wealth for themselves. sound familiar?
communism is trash
Karl Marx was mostly right. He correctly posited the evolution of human society. He did well explaining the short comings of capitalism and how its natural contradictions make it unstable and prone to collapse even if the wealth generated in the short term is immense.
He correctly pointed out capitalism requires infinite growth. Even profitable companies are considered failing companies if they don’t double or triple their profits every quarter. Capitalism also requires a permanent underclsss of the deliberately impoverished. It is by its essence unsustainable. How can you have infinite growth in a finite resource planet? How do you prevent revolution when you need to keep a underclass of barely compensated laborers. Look at Europe today. They need to import vast swathes of immigrants just to keep their welfare society afloat.
The problem was we had two pre-industrialized, primarily agrarian societies with largely uneducated populaces in China and Russia both devastated by conflict that attempted to institute communism. Marx thought communism would come from advanced industrialized societies that had an excess of wealth and primarily led by the educated classes.
My idea is with AI we could literally remove the human equation from resource management. Everyone is allotted a base living standard and free to pursue excess capital at their leisure.