This nikka Biden lying about the job market. fukk this nikka


Feb 16, 2017
You completely misinterpreted my posts but I'll try one more time. I was saying when the Feds and politicians talk about the economy, they are speaking more on a macro level (big business) versus the micro level which is ordinary people. Ordinary people hear the economy is doing great while their money is being stretched thinner. The Feds are not talking about regular Americans are doing well when they talk about the economy.

As for your second point, I'm not close to being a Harvard grad. However, the older I get I notice a high level of bullshyt from so called experts. The Feds is in a position where they are not audited nor accountable to anyone for their decisions that literally impact everyone. Also correct me if I'm wrong but is the information made public of their research and tools to reach their conclusions? I am highly skeptical of experts who just expect people to take their word without sharing the assessment of their work.
I get you're concerns but the current level of inflation is a direct result of Long COVID and the Ukraine War.

Demand for housing skyrocketed after the stimmy and the FED raised rates to strengthen the dollar so home loans became unaffordable so oldsters who would've downsized couldn't find buyers so they stayed in their houses and renters kept renting so demand went skyhgh

Same with Ukrainian grain most of that shyt shyt goes to Africa and the middle east but when it was shut down they had to source grain from america which made the price of food increase.

The Fed raises rates loans become harder to get Loans to banks and businesses become harder to get they pass the increases down the line and raises for employees especially lower performing employees lessen and at some point layoffs happen.

It all matters what affects the Macro trikles down to the Mirco.

The experts make projections they could be wrong and they can't account for every eventuality no one is infallable but they do look at things that we don't look at that's why they're experts. a Mechnaic working for 20 years ain't infalliable but he knows a thing or two about cars. guys studying economic trends in China and poring over historical data knows a thing or two about the global economy.


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
why the neg @Giselle

i asked that question for myself

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
fukk outta here. Every warehouse..if that's what you settle for hiring.. my cousin just got out of prison for five years last month and has a job. Temp service.. every sales position..

People who went to jail have active programs.
whether they know it or not.
to be more productive than a normal non felonious citizen sir. I know so. In construction school...every guy who was a murderer in my class.
got high paying gigs and I got none cause I have no record like that.

You can go to whomever Danny k Davis office is now to get help in the chi. if you have a rap sheet.

It is in rhe same building I went to construction school.

On arthurington . Out west.

5544 ..behimd a police station
Did you just mention soul....nikka what are you 70?!? Now I see you truly a goofy. Nothing in life is guaranteed but you put yourself in the best position for the results you're striving for. You're saying that it's all unfair so I'm not going to compete at all. I can tell you were raised by only women because you sounding real feminine and bytch-made speaking like that. That's how women and entitled wyte people talk. If you played any sports or on a team in life it's the exact same concept but I guess you were over there playing dolls so that concept don't apply. That's why you're losing in life.

Oh we trying to play fatherless games now.

My father is how yo goof-ass got to reply on the internet.

As he made more of a man than yo goofass.

My father lived with me my whole goofie.

I know you a ho ass sellout c00n nikka now. You sound white as fukk too tho.
As nikkas who had pops fa real. Not speaking with such estrogen like you Tho.


Oh and you failed.
at the low brow scorched earth George Karl father less thing.

I come from a time.
when every nikka daddy was generally there.

I did not live the homebody sheltered sellout c00n life like you tho goofie.

Ol George karl, get yoked up like pj karlismo face ass boi.
You so goofie.

You opened yourself up for me. Easily sprewell.
yo goof as throughed't it too.

Art Barr


Mar 19, 2017
People who went to jail have active programs.
whether they know it or not.
to be more productive than a normal non felonious citizen sir. I know so. In construction school...every guy who was a murderer in my class.
got high paying gigs and I got none cause I have no record like that.

You can go to whomever Danny k Davis office is now to get help in the chi. if you have a rap sheet.

It is in rhe same building I went to construction school.

On arthurington . Out west.

5544 ..behimd a police station

Oh we trying to play fatherless games now.

My father is how yo goof-ass got to reply on the internet.

As he made more of a man than yo goofass.

My father lived with me my whole goofie.

I know you a ho ass sellout c00n nikka now. You sound white as fukk too tho.
As nikkas who had pops fa real. Not speaking with such estrogen like you Tho.


Oh and you failed.
at the low brow scorched earth George Karl father less thing.

I come from a time.
when every nikka daddy was generally there.

I did not live the homebody sheltered sellout c00n life like you tho goofie.

Ol George karl, get yoked up like pj karlismo face ass boi.
You so goofie.

You opened yourself up for me. Easily sprewell.
yo goof as throughed't it too.

Art Barr
You literally on here making excuses why you let a nikka from jail out hustled you for a job.. o I woulda got the job if I was a murderer too azz loser. smh real life clown so I don't even know if you pops failed you. But he probably should have just left you in a napkin and flushed you.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
You literally on here making excuses why you let a nikka from jail out hustled you for a job.. o I woulda got the job if I was a murderer too azz loser. smh real life clown so I don't even know if you pops failed you. But he probably should have just left you in a napkin and flushed you.

Yousa goofie.

Ain't no hustle nuffin.
They have programs for felons and I am no hater.

Yo soft ass is on rhe internet failing at just posting.

So please stop the whole flaug'n ho nikka purveyor of cool.

Simple goofie c00n joke of lame-dom...white boi. You got no daddy responses. You sheltered from rhe burbs you goof ass homebody. While you lucky.
I was even alive.
to give yo lame ass.
sumfin to fail at everyday in the internet.

nikkaz talking like the results of their corporate success is a daily thing in the American home. nikka nobody bought a thing from you.
Not even one weak ass post from you.
Yo Sambo step fetch c00n ass nikka.

Yousa sheltered goofie.. I bet you try that ypu got no daddy sht in any hood.
Bet yo goof ass.
never make it to your burb you goofie.
nikkaz can tell.
I put sprewell hand marks on your neck.
from their computer screen.

Art Barr