This guy collected all the GMB infinity stones


Oct 26, 2014
If you want to marry or otherwise share assets with a woman, she should FEAR you.

I dont have to like it or "agree" but it's the only check on the current legal system i can think of.

My brother went through a devastating divorce and she made more than him.
I hate that has to come to this.. but shyt.

As a man, you should be nice to your wife. But you should NEVER be non-threatening. She still has to respect you as a man, and part of being a man is your physical strength.

And this is coming from someone who hates even hitting other guys, let alone women. I don't EVER want to even imagine hitting my wife. But as fukked up as it is, I don't want her to think that she can get away with anything.

It's fukked up, because people will say "just date someone that isn't going to break your heart", but we all know that's easier say than done, otherwise we would never have this issue in the first place.

I just hate how sexual attraction that men and women have and legal matters have to intertwine to create such a mess. :wow:


May 17, 2012
I hate that has to come to this.. but shyt.

As a man, you should be nice to your wife. But you should NEVER be non-threatening. She still has to respect you as a man, and part of being a man is your physical strength.

And this is coming from someone who hates even hitting other guys, let alone women. I don't EVER want to even imagine hitting my wife. But as fukked up as it is, I don't want her to think that she can get away with anything.

It's fukked up, because people will say "just date someone that isn't going to break your heart", but we all know that's easier say than done, otherwise we would never have this issue in the first place.

I just hate how sexual attraction that men and women have and legal matters have to intertwine to create such a mess. :wow:
It’s all part of the game of life. The saving grace is you get to choose which position you play. You can dominate or be dominated. Nature doesn’t look kindly on the passive. You can lead or be led. You can conquer or be conquered. These are your options.


Oct 26, 2014
Basically, to avoid this shyt:

You're probably better off avoiding single moms. I am not trying to single them out or shyt on them, but the odds are higher. Is it fair? no, but the women you are dealing with aren't always playing fair (which is something we need to learn, the whole "fairer sex" "women are wonderful and empathetic" thing is inaccurate).

Don't ever simp. Self-explanatory. Don't try so hard to please her and earn her love. Don't put up with ANY disrespect. NEVER be afraid to leave her.

Be a man. Legit, have traditionally manly attributes.


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
You have to delve a little deeper with the bolded.

Like legit, harm physically or psychologically?

I want to get married, so I want to know what can protect me short of a prenup. I'm not trying to have shorty afraid of me. I do want her to know that she could never do better than me.
Tbh, its so unique to the couple/ situation that i can't advise, but i think physically works best bc that's where men excel. Also, i think this is a technique men are intended to share amongst themselves, so all i can tell you is how it looks from the other side and give you an example.

So, i knew a girl and her bf, we can call them Young Kamala, very dominant socially, and Young Doug (Emhoff, her rl husband). They were born into loosely the same class (upper middle), but by the time i knew them, he seemed more 'working class.' Though they went into the same field, she went to a better professional school and had a better career trajectory. In public, she appeared "better than him," so much so that i noted it at the time to my man, like, ":patrice: Thats not gonna go well." If even i noted the vibes, 'Doug' must have attempted something psychological that ultimately proved ineffective.

Welp. My boy asserted himself physically and it apparently worked. One night, we're all hanging out and i noticed they were as lovey dovey as us, which was new. She told me why later: he had, um, forced himself onto a road not often taken. She looked lovingly at the bed as she recounted the tale (no pun intended).

I went through many visible reactions in response to her story, ranging from :dahell: to :damn: to :mjpls: to :patrice: to :ld: to :ehh: to :lupe:.

End result: they went on to marry, buy property, and live happily ever after. :yeshrug:

Idk if it was just the once or if she requires periodic tune ups. But it seemed to me that feeling his full strength viscerally got her in line in a way they both (again, apparently) enjoyed. You could say she was 'scared straight.'

A little fear can be a good thing.

Now, ofc, she also could have turned around and reported his ass to the damn police. He must have known her well enough to predict a likely response.

Which is why i say, it depends- on the man, the woman, and the relationship they create together. :ld:

@Hennessypapi or anybody else, can you explain this from the man's perspective? Im in Plato's cave trynna explain a thing i cannot see. :mjlol:


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
I've been married for 19 years now.

I have 250k in my 401k I've saved thru two decades of sacrifice and commitment to principles. My wife "might" have 10-15k in hers....
Even tho she's more educated and makes pretty close to what I make, she spends her money on clothes and shoes and whatever else.

But hell, even if we don't split up, were' both going to have to live off it anyway because she hasn't saved anything...

Damn bro, just curious have you ever brought this up to her? I cut off a woman recently for this exact same reason. She would barely save money. Its like her and i were living on different planet. I am big on retirement planning. I literally had to beg her to see a financial advisor. She made six figures n lived paycheck to paycheck. It was wild.
:ohhh: :picard: I had guessed this to be true for a lot of working women, but everybody tells me I'm wrong.

Y'all might wanna point this out to coli brehs focused on a womans income. I see it a lot, even itt. :francis:


Mar 11, 2015
:ohhh: :picard: I had guessed this to be true for a lot of working women, but everybody tells me I'm wrong.

Y'all might wanna point this out to coli brehs focused on a womans income. I see it a lot, even itt. :francis:

Yeah, I learn that the hard way :wow: I was excited to meet a six figure attractive woman :ehh:.

She invites me over, her spot is real nice, then I look at the rent :picard:.

then we started going out to eat, bill will come out to 100 :hhh: I am like yo, do you do this regularly, told her I cant afford her and it wont work out :francis:.

Then I learned her student loan debt :picard:.

then she wanted a new car in the middle of the pandemic where we rarely drive but she wanted a luxury car:gucci:.

Then she tails she is in a financial bind, asks me for help(she always paid me back it was more like $150).

We just friends now, I flat had to tell her that I am not the type of man wants. I have met woman that made less money with more financial sense so it's not always about the money. Even as a friend I tell her cut your cost of living, stop spending so much on living an expensive life style, buying luxury item and that this corporate shyt is not forever.

She looks good so I am positive some sucka is going to fall for it and will be :mjcry: when they see how much she is spending.


Jul 8, 2014

You cant make this shyt up, these twitter bird brains really live in an alternate universe in their heads .:mjlol:

" What is the purpose of this post, to discourage MEN from getting married?"



Feb 11, 2017
I usually try to avoid videos like this, but it's reality. I'm not one of these Brehs on here that are GMB, matter of fact, I would like to get married and have kids one day, I can't think of a better feeling than having a woman who you love and trust bearing your last name with submission, pride and honor along with your kids living under the same roof as you.

But those responses and some shyt I've seen in real life make me feel some kinda way. Women talking down on the man as if it was his fault he got cheated on. I will admit that i would never get into a serious relationship with a single mom (unless I'm a single father) and raise another man's child (no disrespect).



Take from the b*tch, give to the whores.
Nov 11, 2017
if you actually watched the first 10 minutes of that interview you’d know that he mentioned his ex wife’s family being extremely racist saying how they hate black people and using the N word with the hard ER. He said he cut them off because of that shyt. His ex wife’s family was on that their granddaughter is cool but they hate ******s.

Dude is white. His ex wife is white. He could have easily just said I’m going to raise my adopted daughter as a white girl and completely ignore the fact that she’s half black.

He said he has no black friends growing up, but he took the time to research black culture and history for his daughter. And you can tell he did by the things he says.

he also said they’ve experienced similar racism from other whites. They like black people but hate ******s and how his daughter has been exposed to that. Said it’s tough for her because she isn’t white enough nor black enough.

fukk outta here with that bullshyt.
Fair enough. I only watched the first video. I’m not sitting through 2 hours of a CAC telling his “woe is me” stories. Do you though. :hubie:


Take from the b*tch, give to the whores.
Nov 11, 2017
:mjlol::mjlol: my fam is Nigerian but I grew up in the states foh :russ::russ:

His wife’s family said that not him.

Actually watch the interview, not all white people are bad.

Point me to a white father teaching their children about black history.

Now it makes sense why you’re caping so hard for this CAC. Just because he’s raising a biracial girl and teaches her black history, it doesn’t absolve him from being a racist. You want me to believe a CAC that’s grown up around a racist family doesn’t still have those tendencies? I don’t care if he has cut them off or called them out.

The moment he tried to make “black racism” comparative to white racism, that was all I needed to know. If he truly understood this white supremacist system, he would never never have made that false equivalence.

That’s what I’ve noticed especially with you foreign blacks, you’re so easily impressed with CACs adopting any little bit of black culture, you automatically thinks that gives him a pass.

“oh look. Chad dances to Afro beats and speaks three words of Yoruba. Let’s make him a chief and raise him above us whilst we dress him in a dashiki.”


May 17, 2012
Tbh, its so unique to the couple/ situation that i can't advise, but i think physically works best bc that's where men excel. Also, i think this is a technique men are intended to share amongst themselves, so all i can tell you is how it looks from the other side and give you an example.

So, i knew a girl and her bf, we can call them Young Kamala, very dominant socially, and Young Doug (Emhoff, her rl husband). They were born into loosely the same class (upper middle), but by the time i knew them, he seemed more 'working class.' Though they went into the same field, she went to a better professional school and had a better career trajectory. In public, she appeared "better than him," so much so that i noted it at the time to my man, like, ":patrice: Thats not gonna go well." If even i noted the vibes, 'Doug' must have attempted something psychological that ultimately proved ineffective.

Welp. My boy asserted himself physically and it apparently worked. One night, we're all hanging out and i noticed they were as lovey dovey as us, which was new. She told me why later: he had, um, forced himself onto a road not often taken. She looked lovingly at the bed as she recounted the tale (no pun intended).

I went through many visible reactions in response to her story, ranging from :dahell: to :damn: to :mjpls: to :patrice: to :ld: to :ehh: to :lupe:.

End result: they went on to marry, buy property, and live happily ever after. :yeshrug:

Idk if it was just the once or if she requires periodic tune ups. But it seemed to me that feeling his full strength viscerally got her in line in a way they both (again, apparently) enjoyed. You could say she was 'scared straight.'

A little fear can be a good thing.

Now, ofc, she also could have turned around and reported his ass to the damn police. He must have known her well enough to predict a likely response.

Which is why i say, it depends- on the man, the woman, and the relationship they create together. :ld:

@Hennessypapi or anybody else, can you explain this from the man's perspective? Im in Plato's cave trynna explain a thing i cannot see. :mjlol:
Umm maybe it’s late and I’m tripping but did u just say ol girl had a husband and a bf? And the bf got her to submit to him by fuccking her violently in the ass??? :laugh: please tell me I read the spoiler story wrong.