Avisible Man
S/N: 52093850
T2 made more money but the movie theater business in 1987 wasn't the same as in 1991; Predator's gross in 1987 was enough for it to make the top 10 in highest grossing movies while in 1991 it would've barely been enough to crack the top 20 highest grossing films.
Also the release model for those two films were entirely different. Predator was a surprise hit while T2 was a summer blockbuster sequel that opened on 4th of July weekend in twice as many theaters as Predator did on a random weekend in early June.
If McTiernan woulda made Predator 2 with Arnold, based off the strength of what Predator made, I wouldn't have been surprised if it made more than T2. I still fukk with Predator 2 tho.