Thirst no longer, brehs... MOLLYWATR launched over the weekend...

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Dollaz make Sense $$ ABM Commas After My Commas
May 16, 2012
ABM Headquarters The Flossy Life
Nobody cares. Nobody knows who you are. Stop derailing my thread. u go with that lie again. Thats what im saying, ur on that sucker shyt. We both know i didnt ask you for help nor do i think there is anything that you could help me with. We know this because you tried the same little play in another thread and when i linked the discussion your referrencing you didnt respond to it. So why say it again? Because you know he's not familiar with the situation you're referring to (where another poster asked you a question and rather then answer the question you chose to be a dikkhead towards him and i called you on it) and figure you can play on his ignorance of the situation. Its the definition of Sucker shyt.

But that aside, Youre a dikkriding clown. Your posts make that clear. Youre also mad soft and would never speak to me like this in person. Be thankful that the internet allows pussies like you to log onto it and talk reckless

That last line is hilarious

(you have to have it set to max posts per page for link to work)

heres the conversation he's referrencing where i scorned his sweet ass heart

my response

So what exactly did i ask you?

nikkas need to learn to differentiate between constructive criticism and pure hate. He puts his personal ideals out there so dont get mad when someone disagrees. It is not a personal attack, nor a crabs in a barrel. U want us as blacks to support a product that glorifies drugs, is overpriced, etc. Every consumer has a mind of their own and it should be respected, and a true company should act in this manner.
I actually felt sorry when i went to the other msg board and saw how hard he was getting shytted on, so i took a step back and said its nothing personal against him, its just his product does not appeal to me. No more no less. I want him to keep striving. I also want him to stop looking down on people because the very same whites you run with will turn their back on you and, boom, now all of a sudden u are back at square one.
@spinoza i expect better from you. You know that man personally? How u know his life is over? There is always another man that can shyt on the accomplishments that you have done. Some of our legal, it cert, and other professional colizens could easily say that you are chasing windmills by making a hobby a career. We could easily say that what you do amounts to nothing, and given the right camera, i could do what you do with little to no experience.
Im not saying this because i dont feel that way about you, but watch what you say when you say someone wont amount to shyt in life.


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Kilgore Trout

May 2, 2012

lol@this gay response

"ur band mates" huh? let me guess, u all make white boy music too?

After loooking thru ur pics its no wonder to me that ur on the******ians dikk like u are.....ur a token ****** just like him. All ur pics r with u hanging with ur wierdo white "friends"......wheres the color c00n? Lol

I bet u talk like a white boy too dont u?

U and him both come to this website to mingle with the otherside then log off and go back to ur ur white boy lifestyles

an even bigger sucker then i thought

You've never left Baltimore, stop trying to act like you know who I am. After all this you still woke up to your shytty ass life. With your shytty ass insults. And please don't compare me to the Nigerian.





Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
You've never left Baltimore, stop trying to act like you know who I am. After all this you still woke up to your shytty ass life. With your shytty ass insults. And please don't compare me to the Nigerian.

ur right about that.........

this thread is now about

and why exactly shouldnt i compare the two of you?

u both are the token negros of your respective circles, u both have beat old ass faces, u both dress like bums, u both talk like white boys, u both walk like white boys (as evidenced by ur arm alignment in this pic)
, u both curse the negro skin u were born with and you both push bullshyt products

so far as im concerned u two c00ns r peas in a pod

Kilgore Trout

May 2, 2012
ur right about that.........

this thread is now about

and why exactly shouldnt i compare the two of you?

u both are the token negros of your respective circles, u both have beat old ass faces, u both dress like bums, u both talk like white boys, u both walk like white boys (as evidenced by ur arm alignment in this pic)
, u both curse the negro skin u were born with and you both push bullshyt products

so far as im concerned u two c00ns r peas in a pod

You live in baltimore...Im guessing you guys are still rocking platnium fubu. In a few years they will open an urban outfitters, uniqlo, and american apparel and in 2018 you'll be dressing like I did in 2012 when that pic was taken.

Not sure you can call me a c00n for being a in pic with a Spanish and a white yo not have any friends of a different race? Do you have any friends period hahaa.

Let me elaborate on my earlier post on why your mind state is destructive to the black community. Your parents werent shyt, they had no chance at anything and they raised you with that in mind. The best thing you ever saw growing up was HBO shooting the wire in your back yard. You don't think black people are allowed to do positive shyt because you've never seen it before, your actually discouraged from doing so. Your self esteem is so fukked up that seeing black people do anything positive fukks with your whole identity. You would feel more comfortable with your mom sucking dikk for cash than with her being a nurse because you need people to fit in with the way you view the world.

Hey Say it with your chest are you going to pack it up tomorrow and move to New York, or LA and grid for a better life? Of course not! your going to stay in your mommas crib and at your dead end job, eventually knock up a hood rat, not be in the kids life, then feed him the negativity you were fed. You never had a positive influence in your life, you never had a chance. Well actually you do, today is first day of the rest of your life.

The reason why you're so negative is because your dad made you this way, actually its the lack of dad that made you this way. Your mad at the world and you want me to feel the way you feel. You're grasping at straws looking for insults to say. I don't look at the world the same way you do so the shyt your small mind comes up with has no effect. nikka I just weighed and measured you. Your whole life just flashed before my eyes. Like I said earlier, better luck in the next life.

Stop being a c00n and a hater. Until you do that you are destined to life your dad lived. Your son will be destined to live your life unless he breaks the cycle.

Don't reject me, Let it all soak in. Im not going to reply to you any more or read any more of your responses.


Kilgore Trout

May 2, 2012


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
You live in baltimore...Im guessing you guys are still rocking platnium fubu. In a few years they will open an urban outfitters, uniqlo, and american apparel and you'll be dressing like I did in 2012 when that pic was taken.

Not sure you can call me a c00n for being a in pic with a Spanish and a white yo not have any friends of a different race? Do you have any friends period hahaa.

Let me elaborate on my earlier post on why your mind state is destructive to the black community. Your mom wasnt shyt, your dad wasnt shyt, you arent shyt and your friends arent shyt. The best thing you ever saw growing up was HBO shooting the wire in your back yard.

Hey Say it with your chest are you going to pack it up tomorrow and move to New York, or LA and grid for a better life. Of course not, your going to stay in your mommas crib and at your dead end job, eventually knock up a hood rat, not be in the kids life, then feed him the negativity you were fed. You never had a positive influence in your life, you never had a chance.

The reason why you're so negative is because your dad made you this way, actually its the lack of dad that made you this way. Your mad at the world and you want me to feel the way you feel. You're grasping at straws looking for insults to say. I don't look at the world the same way you do so the shyt your small mind comes up with has no effect.

Stop being a c00n and a hater. Until you do that you are destined to life your dad lived. Your son will be destined to live your life unless he breaks the cycle.

cool story breh

lol@you really trying to cyse that old ass snorkel coat like its some new shyt tho lol

nikkas was wearing those here too...................about 10 years ago lol.....

and those beat ass boots lol..........................them shyts look u been doing PT in them muthafukkas

and lol@u calling that style

nikka u got the style of a hobo...........and the face of a homo


i suppose thats a fringe benefit of hanging with one calls u out on shyt like this......

i mean look at ur circle.............

it looks like u hang with muthafukkas who dont shower on the regular

go exfoliate ur face faggit


Aug 19, 2012
I missed this whole thread and idgaf !!!

Yo son Mollywatr ... good luck with that playboy

If i buy it at the club i'll think of youuuuu no homoooo pauuuseee
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