Slaimon Khan Shah
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. In the name of God, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. This chaos in relationships between the people in disbelieving lands has to be hard on people. Men and women mixing, is like wood and fuel mixing. Women not covering up, are only the devil's pawns that day. Women and men both working in disbelieving societies (rather than just the men working) adds to the temptations. With no Shariah law and no death penalty for adultery, the STD's spread like wild fire, and the fear of the people is none. The devil ravages the disbelieving societies such as America, Britain, Australia, etc. Now the devil is moving on towards homosexuality. It's only going to get worse before The Day of Judgment. The solution is Islam, and the divine laws of Islam. Will you become a Muslim, and save yourself from the hellfire?