Never saw it as Kenard trying to impress Marlo's crew, thanks. You're right that he was there when Omar ran up on Michael and badmouthed Marlo. So even though he wasn't aware that Marlos crew was actively hunting down Omar.....he did know that there was some beef.
Marlo did tell Chris and Snoop later that the young'n hit Kenard did take credit for the hit.
I didn't like it then, don't like it now...and think it was a copout done for shock value.
Speaking of Omar's return....The way the story is written, he and Butchie are NOT related, Butch is just his bank, but Omar's reaction to his death...and his campaign of terror back on the streets seems like how someone would avenge a family member. I know Omar has codes and principles and is coming back out of a sense of loyalty to Butchie but I never really got what their bond was.
The whole west side knew Marlo's crew was hunting Omar. Michael even said he was lucky that Omar didn't recognize him from the shootout at Monks apartment. Kenard killing him wasn't for shock value. There was layers and purpose to Kenard doing the deed. Omar's downfall was that he wasn't wary enough of kids. He forgot how deadly he was as a kid and should have known better. Remember HBO did flashback shorts before episodes for a minute. There was a Young Omar short where Omar was about Kenards age and he, his brother, and another dude robbed a middle aged working man at a bus stop. All they got was 5 dollars. Omar was like "we giving it back". The other dude was like "Hell no". Until young Omar but the gun in his face and made him give the wallet back.
A second instance of Omar underestimating a kids was when he and his BF were watching Marlo and Chris while they were talking to Mike. The boyfriend asked who Mike was. Omar said "he just a kid" and the ep went off. Mike proved to be way more than just a kid and these 2 scenes foreshadowed underestimation that would ultimately lead to Omars end.
As for Butchie and Omar, blood don't always make you family especially in the streets. For Butchie to have been Omar's bank you have to realize he's someone Omar has known probably since childhood to build up that type of trust. He often advised Omar as well as kept his money so you know this has to be a bond that goes back. Butchie was probably someone that Omar could always count on and never judged him for being gay. Butchie even knew Omar's grandma so he could be a long time family friend.