They're trying to get Ilhan Omar the fukk out of here...

Tony D'Amato

It's all about the inches
May 1, 2012
Youngest one is 7. Her son is 12 and her oldest is her 16 year old daughter who’s big in the climate movement. They’re good kids. More we’ll behaved than most Somali kids.

Yeah. They got married IIRC in 2002. Divorced in 2008. Then got back together in 2011.
Whats Wha u and her? How u know so much about her.:jbhmm:


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
Whats Wha u and her? How u know so much about her.:jbhmm:

Somali community intel :Ilhan: I also met her last year. Met her kids at her swearing in party in January in DC/VA.

My mom (also named Ilhan) also knows people who know her in Virginia.


Apr 30, 2012
Shags & Leathers
Why do you think majority still support Isaias? And yeah she was there earlier this year alongside Karen Bass and a few other representatives. What she said is true so it's good that she's speaking up. And I don't think they are trying to force regime change, seems to me that there's been a shift in US foreign policy towards Eritrea and they are bringing Isaias in from the cold after a long time of isolation and sanctions. It has a lot to with the battle between the US and China in securing maritime trade routes after Djibouti terminated its DP World contract, and also the US interests in securing a possible location for an african military base, using Eritrea as a strategic rival to Djibouti. UAE already have a military base in Assab. The US was very influential in the UAE & Saudi sponsored peace process between eritrea and ethiopia

US Draws Eritrea Closer With Removal From Terror List

Ethiopia is definitely not the darling of the US anymore. This dude Cohen been trolling horners on twitter lately, people are mad as hell in the replies, specifically amharas :laff::laff:seems to me like he's fueling the fire of ethno-nationalism

Cohen was influential in the overthrowing of Derg and help oversee the transition of power in ethiopia in the early 90s :mjpls:


I don't know why I didn't see your response earlier. :snoop:

Hasn't Cohen always kinda sympathized with Eritrea? I know Amaharas hate him for basically handing the country to TPLF after the war.

I saw a lot of Eritreans going at Omar for exaggerating the threat nationals face if they return home.

Isaias should chill out now. The self-reliance model can only take you so far in today's globalized world. US wanted to build a base in Assab in the 90's but he refused. He should reconsider now to help resurrect that city.

I see the YIAKL movement growing but I don't believe they are the majority. Am I wrong?


All Star
Nov 19, 2016
I don't know why I didn't see your response earlier. :snoop:

Hasn't Cohen always kinda sympathized with Eritrea? I know Amaharas hate him for basically handing the country to TPLF after the war.

I saw a lot of Eritreans going at Omar for exaggerating the threat nationals face if they return home.

Isaias should chill out now. The self-reliance model can only take you so far in today's globalized world. US wanted to build a base in Assab in the 90's but he refused. He should reconsider now to help resurrect that city.

I see the YIAKL movement growing but I don't believe they are the majority. Am I wrong?

Just because you're against Isaias doesn't necessarily mean you are Yiakl, so I don't think you can say that they are the majority but I definitely don't think Isaias enjoys the support of majority of eritreans anymore, especially not in the diaspora. A lot of the pro-afewerki eritreans are a lot more vocal of their opinion on him though so thats why you see them going in on people on twitter a lot. PFDJ moves like a mafia organization so in the past many people, although they were against the government, were afraid to speak up due to fear of maybe something happening to their family at home or their assets getting confiscated or whatever. But lately there have been more and more speaking up, which has pretty much polarized the eritrean political scene where everyday you have the opposition and government supporters going at each others necks. Its a mess, crashing each others events, vandalizing etc.. :snoop: Im skeptical about this yiakl movement myself, seems like its mostly some hashtag internet shyt and they seem to spend most of the time arguing with gov supporters over irrelevant stupid shyt. The eritrean opposition is super weak, which is part of the reason Isaias has been able to stay in power for so long. There is no real alternative. Which is by design also since he's dismantled pretty much every university and political institution in eritrea.

As far as macroeconomics yeah Isaias is probably one of the few die hard communists left on earth :mjlol: His mind is stuck in the 70s. He was sent to China in the 60s as part of a task force during their cultural revolution when he was still with ELF and was heavily influenced by Maoist philosophy. Thats a young Issu fifth from left standing in the back. The tallest one

Here you can read about how much he idolizes Mao :heh: : Cable: 09ASMARA363_a

sorry for derailing the thread


Apr 30, 2012
Shags & Leathers
Just because you're against Isaias doesn't necessarily mean you are Yiakl, so I don't think you can say that they are the majority but I definitely don't think Isaias enjoys the support of majority of eritreans anymore, especially not in the diaspora. A lot of the pro-afewerki eritreans are a lot more vocal of their opinion on him though so thats why you see them going in on people on twitter a lot. PFDJ moves like a mafia organization so in the past many people, although they were against the government, were afraid to speak up due to fear of maybe something happening to their family at home or their assets getting confiscated or whatever. But lately there have been more and more speaking up, which has pretty much polarized the eritrean political scene where everyday you have the opposition and government supporters going at each others necks. Its a mess, crashing each others events, vandalizing etc.. :snoop: Im skeptical about this yiakl movement myself, seems like its mostly some hashtag internet shyt and they seem to spend most of the time arguing with gov supporters over irrelevant stupid shyt. The eritrean opposition is super weak, which is part of the reason Isaias has been able to stay in power for so long. There is no real alternative. Which is by design also since he's dismantled pretty much every university and political institution in eritrea.

As far as macroeconomics yeah Isaias is probably one of the few die hard communists left on earth :mjlol: His mind is stuck in the 70s. He was sent to China in the 60s as part of a task force during their cultural revolution when he was still with ELF and was heavily influenced by Maoist philosophy. Thats a young Issu fifth from left standing in the back. The tallest one

Here you can read about how much he idolizes Mao :heh: : Cable: 09ASMARA363_a

sorry for derailing the thread
That's a clean pic. I've read that a lot of the early ELF/EPLF were influenced by Mao and Lenin.

My sister married an Eritrean and I'm real close to him so we talk all the time about what's going. He's a staunch Isaias backer. In fact, he sent their kid to Oakland for the YPFDJ conference. He always says "no country is perfect in its first 20 years", "democracy doesn't work in Africa", "YIAKL are really "woyane" trying to cause instability", "a lot of the refugees dying in the Mediterranean are really Tigray people trying to seek asylum as Eritreans", "Eritrea has gold, silver, potash, etc...the future is bright! Have patience", "the G15 were trying to overthrow the gov't", etc.....I'm sure you know what I'm talking about lol. It's funny you mentioned the skirmishes, he was in the middle of one in Dallas a few weeks ago that went viral on Facebook. But yeah he was pissed off about Omar's comment b/c he said nobody is killed when retuned home. He kept mentioning how this is a betrayal b/c of Eritrea/Somalia's friendly history. This letter + his disdain for the Obama admin/Susan Rice got him ready to vote for Trump next year. :pachaha:


All Star
Nov 19, 2016
That's a clean pic. I've read that a lot of the early ELF/EPLF were influenced by Mao and Lenin.

My sister married an Eritrean and I'm real close to him so we talk all the time about what's going. He's a staunch Isaias backer. In fact, he sent their kid to Oakland for the YPFDJ conference. He always says "no country is perfect in its first 20 years", "democracy doesn't work in Africa", "YIAKL are really "woyane" trying to cause instability", "a lot of the refugees dying in the Mediterranean are really Tigray people trying to seek asylum as Eritreans", "Eritrea has gold, silver, potash, etc...the future is bright! Have patience", "the G15 were trying to overthrow the gov't", etc.....I'm sure you know what I'm talking about lol. It's funny you mentioned the skirmishes, he was in the middle of one in Dallas a few weeks ago that went viral on Facebook. But yeah he was pissed off about Omar's comment b/c he said nobody is killed when retuned home. He kept mentioning how this is a betrayal b/c of Eritrea/Somalia's friendly history. This letter + his disdain for the Obama admin/Susan Rice got him ready to vote for Trump next year. :pachaha:
I know exactly the type :russ: At the end of the day everybody is entitled to their opinion and I see some of the stuff they are saying, there definitely have been attempts by external forces to try to destabilize Eritrea but imo Isaias does a lot more harm than good.

Isaias had an interview recently like 1-2 weeks ago where he acknowledged the exodus problem and that a lot of those refugees are in fact eritreans.
Apr 30, 2012
Racism / Race Baiting
...still no documents produced to quell marriage fraud allegations. But at least she's getting international coverage. smh