They will know us by the trail of the dead - WALKING DEAD Season 5


Countdown to Armageddon
Apr 30, 2012
Nothing there is new regarding the Governer. Its all from the comics and books. He has two novels on him that they pulled all that from. The show gets no credit for any of the governer's backstory, they just depicted it visually. All they did on the show is tip-toe around his true relationships with everyone (like his daughter, Penny) and tone his character down eight notches, and whitewash him, literally. There are a few better developed characters on the show (like Shane) and a few differently developed chars like Carol, but Governer is not in that boat. Comics gov, carl, and tyrese are three characters that stand out as being screwed by the show big time. He doesn't even get to come back all diced up as Gov2.0 after Chonne dices him up. Such a wasted oppritunity. He just isn't menacing on the show. I want my villains menacing and threatening and scary. The way the show is doing things, actually Rick is the villain much of the time, which is okay if people call him out on it... but no one does. There isn't really a reason that the group in the show couldn't have worked something out with the show's Governer. Its kinda ridiculous they even went to war. He is the kind of person you can have a convo with. Rick escalated that whole thing making everybody unsafe.
And he's back at it again...

There are interesting new characters, and certain characters are better elaborated on in the show, like Lily... (was that her name?)
The psycho girl.
But even with that the payoff is less (Carol kills her instaed of Carl) so its just a give and take.

She had the right idea though...
Smartest character on the show:
"We need to shut this waterhead baby up"

edit: Lizzie, thats her name.
Best comic to tv conversion is her, then Shane.
Lol everything so off base. No point in going back and forth, this is like a person thats seen a few eps and has made up everything else to fit some preconcieved narrative.

((ReFleXioN)) EteRNaL

May 1, 2012
Rick stays catching that fade. :russ:

If he didn't pull out a gun on 'ole boy, he would have been put on the sidelines for 6 months like when Govna laid hands on him. :mjlol:
he didn't even pull the gun on him, he pulled it out on the people who were running up on him. pete was already half asleep by then. don't know why people saying rick caught the L....yea it was a tough fight but rick stilled pulled it out in the end. rick just took him lightly:manny:


May 10, 2012
Rick is the most compelling character on the show right now, but he definitely isn't thinking straight. Michonne giving him the one hitter quitter was best for the group in the moment. Jessie gave him the yes and we know Pete would have played a couple of games of Punch-Out with Jessie if Rick would have left the house in that moment.

So far the residents of Alexandria have been duds. Episode started out with Deanna's dead son horrible taste in music. Even his dad was like turn it off :scust:. Nicolas lying on tape and trying to get at Glenn. Glenn low-key is saving homie, why would you want to be on supply runs anyway. Give me the easiest job out there. At least Killa Carl found him a little playmate in the forest to hang out with :steviej:.

Sasha losing her mind and shooting bullets like they grow on trees :wtf:.

For the season finale, I need to see a lot of these characters come to an end :demonic: