They will know us by the trail of the dead - WALKING DEAD Season 5


May 3, 2012


Countdown to Armageddon
Apr 30, 2012
First I was like y'all... thinking :pacspit: on the priest for snitching...
but then I remembered Rick is a cop.
Priest called his state senator and reported police brutallity... :pachaha:

I'm not even mad anymore.

This whole story arc is taken from the comics. All the stuff with Pete and his wife... Rick is just more realistic in them as opposed to the show.
When he makes poor decesions in the comics bad things happen. On the show, not so much. So he can aford to steal things and make ultimatums and kill people on the show because each episode all the main characters get off without a scratch on them. If the bad decesions he makes led to serious consequences (his people being raped, murdered, eaten, disfigured, maimed, leaving, killing oneanother, killing themself and/or their kids, going crazy, defecting, etc) like they do in the comics then his decesion making would be more balanced and thought out and not so one dimensional. When those things do happen in the show they write it so that Rick is not directly responsible, thus he gets bolder instead of really getting wiser or reflective.
Like when they met Aaron, he has clean clothes cases of water, supplies, multiple vehicles, flares indicating a plan in place, knows you all by name and Rick's big idea is beat him up and steal his stuff.
:snoop: If that had of been a different kind of group he did that to it would of gotten his whole group killed. His group was on foot eating dog. This dude shows up in the whip Abercrombied out fresh as hell and he has food with him he don't even eat... Rick has gone so long without consequence he is just out there fullretard. In the comics Tyrese would of socked Rick in his mouth but Daryl's just his yes man and never checks him.

The show version of Carol has way more character development than her book version, but she is an exception. On ensamble shows everyone doesn't get enough screentime to be well-rounded.
Everyone keeps saying where is the priest, for example. Thats just the show not being able to cram him in. In the comics you know where he is cause they show him.

only a few hours til ep 15
Disagree completely. Rick tryna be kumbayah farmer Rick led to the group's paternal leader getting his head chopped off and their entire way of living destroyed. Thats a big reason he's so cutthroat now and again, every situation theyve been in since that happened has only reinforced that mentality. Aaron was clean and friendly offering food and sanctuary. So were the Terminus people :usure:

Most of the characters, especially the villians got more fleshed out character development in the show (except the couple they killed off early.) I know the Pete story is from the comics but they didnt approach it the same way. Rick isnt even tryna fukk Jessie in the comics until Pete is gone. The show is using the oppurtunity to draw parallels to the whole Lori and Shane situation, which again was more featured and important on the show, which is an awesome callback to one of the main recurring themes of the whole show. Subtle things like the way Rick wipes the mirror and stares at himself after shaving is a clear callback to Shane doing the same shyt when he was plotting on Rick.

Shane was basically an afterthought in the comics whereas in the show he represents the dark, survive at all costs side of Rick, and of their world in general. The longer time goes on, the more Rick and the group are subverting to a bunch of Shanes.

The main characters they've killed off this season have something in common besides being 75% black. Bob, Beth, Tyrese and Noah were the bright lights, the defiant optomists, the merciful and civil, the symbol of future hope. They're all gone. And now though it appears on the surface that the group is in the best situation they've been in since it started, theres a lot that isnt right and is starting to boil over. Theres a darkness underneath and we're seeing that with the worse, most gruesome violence to date in the show, despite the fact they're all in the "safe zone" with picket fences and dinner parties. There's one more character left that is the show's moral compass and we know the worst is yet to come.
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