This has to be one of the worst episodes of the season for me.
This show is so popular because it gets people to put themselves into the characters shows and think about what they would have done had they been in that situation.
With that being said, it takes you completely out of the moment when Tyrese, Daryl, Sasha, and other do things either completely out of character or completely opposite of what we have been led to believe is how they would behave.
Tyrese decided he doesn't want to kill people anymore even if it means putting his friends in danger. He didn't kill that hunter dude that threatened him and the baby. Hunter dude got away freed his friends at terminus which probably killed all the other people that were liberated and took it over. Then came back ready to kill ricks group.
Tyrese decides again not to hurt anyone which screws up the plan and puts his friends in more danger.
Rick should of killed that cop that jumped Daryl which would of made sense for his character progression but instead Daryl of all people was the one to talk him out of it which didn't make any sense at all. Daryl should be on a rampage right now seeing that this group kidnapped BOTH of the only people he really cared about in the group.
Idk I guess im just wondering when Morgan is going to come back and save the day