is safe is tijuana for a young black male breh?
I'm talking nightlife
my boys want to go but I'm not about that savage life
Posted in another thread by me:
I'm down there for lunch, and dinner, (the Baja-Med culinary movement has produced amazing restaurants) pretty frequently, and further south for the beaches….it's safe, esp. if you just heading into the tourist areas, or Zona Rio. Like dude said above, it was like a sleazier, underage Vegas for years, I was down there in the club a lot, like 10 years ago-blacked out drunk- all of SDSU partied down there, until Teo broke off from Inge and started a war, it still wasn't a place where (whites) were getting lifted up for no reason, but there was a high level of indiscriminate violence, there were many cases and I heard personally of people seeing places get shot up, wrong place, wrong time. They were dropping of a dozen bodies at a time, with no tongue, it was ugly. It went up to 800 murders in 2008. 2009. It's down to about 450 now, mostly internal violence, confined to the industrial areas and slums, but not always. Things are cheap down there, and life is no exception. It's wise to be informed, but the fear mongering mentality of people who thick because they are white, or black, they will get abused, or kidnapped, or killed is just ignorant and insulting. The danger is in mistaken identify, or caught in violence. Best to be respectful and aware at all times, three kids from Chula Vista got tortured, strangled, and stuffed in a van down there a few years back. Americans too, and it was never solved. Three girls from Mexicali were hanging with some of Teo's workers before the split, and words were exchanged, something was said….they were asphyxiated, and dissolved in acid in some safe house.
As of February 2014, there were 19 murders in the last 10 days or so, El Atlante and El 300 are fighting with La Rana and Aquiles, who are all supposed to be under the CDS banner…with El Señor detained, things may get ugly, though it's mayos people in TJ. Even it did, it's still safe to go.