These Color Struck Dominicans Are An Embarrassment


Mar 18, 2013
I'm done with you because you just like arguing to argue. I show you PROOF that your dream of dominicans doing their thing is not true, in fact WORSE then you thought, and you still find a way to downplay it, while still shytting on black americans and acting like white supremacy is something small. What's the point. You see what you want. I can't wake you up. If other dominicans see these post for what they are, wake up calls not disses, then that is good enough for me. YOU are a joke, goodbye.

:umad: keep leaning on that crutch



May 1, 2012
Now I'm giving it power by attempting to be successful despite it and without acknowledging it or using it as an excuse for failure.

You're giving it power by downplaying and attempting to dismiss it. You don't seem intelligent enough to understand that you can attempt to achieve despite systematic white supremacy while acknowledging that it does exist and speaking out against it. The truth is the truth. It can be used as an excuse or it can be used as motivation. Just because some black people use systematic racism as an excuse for failure doesn't mean that the truth shouldn't be acknowledged. People like you are so disingenuous and phony that it's pathetic. You don't believe that racism exists, you only pretend to acknowledge it to avoid completely exposing yourself. All of that "my great grand daddy worked hard and did this that and the 3rd" bullshyt illustrates that you really don't understand the racism that permeates our society. Of course people have to work hard to achieve, that's not the point. The point is that there's a system in place that ensures that people of a certain race stay at the top while people of another race stays at the bottom. White supremacy is about making sure that the white race stays dominat to all non whites, and especially blacks. The idea that all black people have to do is "work hard" and they will be magically immune to white racism only perpetuates white racism. The state of the black community is a direct result of the racist system that you keep trying to downplay and dismiss. "Working hard" doesn't negate the system, and that's what you don't get. The system ensures that in general, if a white(lighter skinned) man and black(darker skinned) man are working equally as hard then the white man will have a much better shot.

The only solutions to the problems plaguing the black communities across the country involve ways to overcome the racist system that is in place. We will have to find ways to overcome the racist education and judicial/ prison systems. We will have to find ways to overcome the racist banking system, the housing and job markets. We will have to overcome the racist media and ect. Racism is ingrained in every facet of our society and you're completely clueless if you don't grasp what that means.


Mar 18, 2013
You're giving it power by downplaying and attempting to dismiss it. You don't seem intelligent enough to understand that you can attempt to achieve despite systematic white supremacy while acknowledging that it does exist and speaking out against it. The truth is the truth. It can be used as an excuse or it can be used as motivation. Just because some black people use systematic racism as an excuse for failure doesn't mean that the truth shouldn't be acknowledged. People like you are so disingenuous and phony that it's pathetic. You don't believe that racism exists, you only pretend to acknowledge it to avoid completely exposing yourself. All of that "my great grand daddy worked hard and did this that and the 3rd" bullshyt illustrates that you really don't understand the racism that permeates our society. Of course people have to work hard to achieve, that's not the point. The point is that there's a system in place that ensures that people of a certain race stay at the top while people of another race stays at the bottom. White supremacy is about making sure that the white race stays dominat to all non whites, and especially blacks. The idea that all black people have to do is "work hard" and they will be magically immune to white racism only perpetuates white racism. The state of the black community is a direct result of the racist system that you keep trying to downplay and dismiss. "Working hard" doesn't negate the system, and that's what you don't get. The system ensures that in general, if a white(lighter skinned) man and black(darker skinned) man are working equally as hard then the white man will have a much better shot.

The only solutions to the problems plaguing the black communities across the country involve ways to overcome the racist system that is in place. We will have to find ways to overcome the racist education and judicial/ prison systems. We will have to find ways to overcome the racist banking system, the housing and job markets. We will have to overcome the racist media and ect. Racism is ingrained in every facet of our society and you're completely clueless if you don't grasp what that means.

Oh it exists alright, but what does acknowledging it and complaining about it and using it as an excuse do exactly? How is it overcoming anything? Yes, white people will always stay in power. If the Asians had been in the white man's place a few thousand years ago, Asians would be in power. If it had been blacks, they would be in power. Does that mean it's impossible to make it? Is it impossible for a black man to make it in America?

N Yea its easier for white people, but so fukking what? That's why they are so weak and frail that they snap and commit suicide or mass murders. Calm seas do not make skillful sailors. Let them have the easy privileged life. It's like nikkas is out there saying nah fukk that I want a white man's road to success mine is too hard. Until I get it, ima hustle and get turnt up. The black community is full of problems they can take care of themselves without waiting for white supremacy to end. shyt jews have done pretty fukkin well for themselves despite this racist white supremacy system. Yea white people are still in charge, but they owe jews money. Jews have figured it out despite people trying to wipe them out for centuries. Every immigrant arrived here since the 1800s n was discriminated against and throwing into ghettos but instead of crying about a system that does exist and did try to keep them down,they kept their head down aand worked and now they own a piece of the pie. Plenty of black people also own a piece of the pie. U think that system didn't exist for every black professional or business man? The same system can be overcome by so many yet is the reason so many aren't doing shyt with themselves? The racist system is why nikkas in Brooklyn are shooting 1 yr olds? The same system is responsible for so n so from the hood to sell drugs and shoot people while his next door neighbor is going to college and working part time to get out the hood?

Yes, there is a system if u wanna call it that. But it can be overcome. Sitting down on forums bytching about it accomplishes shyt. There's impressionable youth on these forums dapping all the posts about the system and absorbing that bullshyt and they gonna always have this victim mentality. Guess what? White people are in charge. We gonna kill all cacs? We gonna kumbaya our way into the top? We gonna wait for racism to magically stop?

No? So wtf is talking about it all day and blaming them gonna accomplish exactly? Nothing at all. That doesn't make me a closet racist or whatever the fukk u talking about, it makes me a realist. I'm not denying it's existence, I'm simply saying shyt does not control my destiny and nobody should let it control theirs.


May 1, 2012
I'm done with you because you just like arguing to argue. I show you PROOF that your dream of dominicans doing their thing is not true, in fact WORSE then you thought, and you still find a way to downplay it, while still shytting on black americans and acting like white supremacy is something small. What's the point. You see what you want. I can't wake you up. If other dominicans see these post for what they are, wake up calls not disses, then that is good enough for me. YOU are a joke, goodbye.

:rudy: why you giving dominicans a hard time when you was in that other thread trying to be a hebrew.


Sep 25, 2012
Oh it exists alright, but what does acknowledging it and complaining about it and using it as an excuse do exactly? How is it overcoming anything? Yes, white people will always stay in power. If the Asians had been in the white man's place a few thousand years ago, Asians would be in power. If it had been blacks, they would be in power. Does that mean it's impossible to make it? Is it impossible for a black man to make it in America?

I understand what your saying but.. To many people look at racism in america as whites VS everyone who is non white. Thats not really true. Its more accurate to say that racism in america is White american vs Black american and all others who are non white get whatevers left of it. Black americans and white americans have been batman vs the joker, superman vs lex luthor for hundreds of years in this country. Racism against us is different than it is against immigrants(that includes black immigrant groups) or other non whites. We have a long history with this sht dont get it confused just because we're both "minorities" . Our deep rooted rivalry is so strong that a black person would get a pass just for not being of american slave descent. They go as far as using latinos and black immigrant groups against us

Im sorry but we are not dealing with the same situation here. So the whole bu but but my grandfather came from another country and made it here why cant you, thing doesnt really hold water


May 1, 2012
Oh it exists alright, but what does acknowledging it and complaining about it and using it as an excuse do exactly? How is it overcoming anything? Yes, white people will always stay in power. If the Asians had been in the white man's place a few thousand years ago, Asians would be in power. If it had been blacks, they would be in power. Does that mean it's impossible to make it? Is it impossible for a black man to make it in America?

N Yea its easier for white people, but so fukking what? That's why they are so weak and frail that they snap and commit suicide or mass murders. Calm seas do not make skillful sailors. Let them have the easy privileged life.
I stopped reading right here because this say it all about people like you. I never said that blacks are justified to use racism as an excuse. That's a strawman that you keep building to disredit anyone who acknowledges and speaks out against white supremacy. That's the issue here. You don't oppose the system of white supremacy, you support it. The rest of that dumb shyt you're talking is irrelevant. You're just trying to deflect and cloud the issue. The bottom line is that you support a system that is put in place to ensure white supremacy based on the oppression of blacks and other non whites. That makes you a c00n/cracker. "Let them have their privilege" Well they're privilege comes on the strength of our oppression, dumb fukk.


Mar 18, 2013
I stopped reading right here because this say it all about people like you. I never said that blacks are justified to use racism as an excuse. That's a strawman that you keep building to disredit anyone who acknowledges and speaks out against white supremacy. That's the issue here. You don't oppose the system of white supremacy, you support it. The rest of that dumb shyt you're talking is irrelevant. You're just trying to deflect and cloud the issue. The bottom line is that you support a system that is put in place to ensure white supremacy based on the oppression of blacks and other non whites. That makes you a c00n/cracker. "Let them have their privilege" Well they're privilege comes on the strength of our oppression, dumb fukk.

:rudy: keep fighting the good fight bro im sure u will make a huge difference


Mar 18, 2013
I understand what your saying but.. To many people look at racism in america as whites VS everyone who is non white. Thats not really true. Its more accurate to say that racism in america is White american vs Black american and all others who are non white get whatevers left of it. Black americans and white americans have been batman vs the joker, superman vs lex luthor for hundreds of years in this country. Racism against us is different than it is against immigrants(that includes black immigrant groups) or other non whites. We have a long history with this sht dont get it confused just because we're both "minorities" . Our deep rooted rivalry is so strong that a black person would get a pass just for not being of american slave descent. They go as far as using latinos and black immigrant groups against us

Im sorry but we are not dealing with the same situation here. So the whole bu but but my grandfather came from another country and made it here why cant you, thing doesnt really hold water

The whole thing got sidetracked, my point is Dominicans aren't c00ns cause we aren't fighting white supremacy. We here to try to make it no matter the obstacles cause shyt is fukked in our country. Blacks trying to suck us into their fight with the racist system when to us we really just wanna be left in peace and make it however we can. Stop going at usbecause some dDominicans who didn't even make it thru high school deny their heritage. Ya dont kno shyt about us and our history with Haiti and being occupied by them. It isn't the world vs blacks or theworld vs wwhites. Stop dragging us into this bs.


May 1, 2012
:rudy: keep fighting the good fight bro im sure u will make a huge difference
I'm not your "bro". You're part of the problem as far as I'm concerned. You're an agent for the system and you're either too stupid to know it, or you're too cowardly to admit it.


Mar 18, 2013
I'm not your "bro". You're part of the problem as far as I'm concerned. You're an agent for the system and you're either too stupid to know it, or you're too cowardly to admit it.

Agent for the system :russ:


Mar 18, 2013
Agent FOR the system my bad


I'm out here making sure black dudes don't make it to college cause I refuse to fight the power.


Worry about yourself fool.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
assimilate and conform, and you will have very few problems with White supremacy.

here's a great quote from Bobby Jindal

“while racism still rears its ugly head from time to time” since Martin Luther King Jr.’s iconic “I have a dream” speech, the major race problem facing modern America is that minorities are too focused on their “separateness”:

Yet we still place far too much emphasis on our “separateness,” our heritage, ethnic background, skin color, etc. We live in the age of hyphenated Americans: Asian-Americans, Italian-Americans, African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Cuban-Americans, Indian-Americans, and Native Americans, to name just a few.

Here’s an idea: How about just “Americans?” That has a nice ring to it, if you ask me. Placing undue emphasis on our “separateness” is a step backward. Bring back the melting pot.

There is nothing wrong with people being proud of their different heritages. We have a long tradition of folks from all different backgrounds incorporating their traditions into the American experience, but we must resist the politically correct trend of changing the melting pot into a salad bowl. E pluribus Unum.

with that being said, conform: shed all the cultural identities and assimilate into the dominant culture, you may feel defeated at first, but in due time you'll develop a pathology that'll help you cope, much like our Native American brothers and their alcoholism, or the Australian Aborigines and their alcoholism.


cheers until we no longer serve a purpose in this country and are marked for genocide.



Jun 8, 2012
Not all before i get jumped on but alot of them


It amazes me how every ethnicity who isn't black loves to suck up constantly to cacs in every way possibly even when they were opressed by them. See how the Japanese sometimes stereotype and treat black people when we had nothing to do with the massacre in 45.

I call it Battered Nation Syndrome where they fall in love and constantly praise the cacs who either opressed them or never did anything for them while shytting on blacks in every way when we never did anything to them.

Only thing worse than a racist is a self racist. Folks too damn color struck


"7:30 to 7:35"

Straight out of the mouth of a native

'Dominicans are in denial of who they are"

funny you speak of this me and the wife were talking about this very subject a few days ago. i will say this.. it seems to me everyone wants to be someone, anyone..but themselves.

WHITE people too. oh you want proof?

out of all the things to copy that black folks do. you choose to copy a dance that became popular in strip clubs.:snoop:

lets look further

more twerking by white women

and now siberian white women want to be Jamaicans

how many internet videos did they have to watch?^^

i mean...



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