Yea we the ones that need to wake up, I'll be sure to go to all the Dominican owned businesses up and down the east coast and tell them to drop what we doing so we can become black militants like our afro American brethren.

Maybe just maybe we are past identifying with race and have moved on to identifying with our country which is why Dominicans come to the USA and, whether dark skinned or light skinned, open up businesses and help each other open up businesses and become successful in this country while ya still cry about the past and play the victim.
Like I said, stfu.
U intelligent idiots slay me

Maybe just maybe we are past identifying with race and have moved on to identifying with our country which is why Dominicans come to the USA and, whether dark skinned or light skinned, open up businesses and help each other open up businesses and become successful in this country while ya still cry about the past and play the victim.
Like I said, stfu.
U intelligent idiots slay me