B-Rock Odrama
I am Black and proud to be. Some call me racists, the way I carry my black pride ala @BLAZO da GAWD and @SLCpremium
However, I don't wanna be called African American. I am a Black Haitian male who has nothing but respect for all the self-respecting, positive African Americans out there, but I seriously look down to ghetto, ignorant AAs who think they cool. Like you 28 year old coming to work blasting Chief Keef cursing. Oh, lemme not forget the AAs who think all Haitians stink and always trynna throw voodoo jokes my way. The things I tell em are worse than a white supremacist could ever tell em.
Lotta Dominicans, especially DOminican Kid from SOHH are Black but they won't admit they are Black. Brazillians, from my experience don't wanna be called Black because of the prejudice they go through in their country. I have a dude from DR who claim he's not Black and dude is darker than me. Those are c00ns who suck up to the white man and looks down to other Blacks
There is plenty ghetto and ignorant in Haiti...Those traits aren't exclusive to African Americans my brother....Doesn't Hiati have a high crime rate and alot of thugs? Being considered an AA should be postive to you you cause it means the ethnic prejudices you mentioned have been erased and we accept you as one of us...I've heard about AAs allegedly bullying Hiatians but wasn't that like in the 90s and in the Northeast in general....Don't get me wrong I once heard a hoodrat working as server at a hotel talking stuff about people from New Orleans she thought were Haitains but down South AAs don't really have any animosity toward Haitians..
As for Domincians...Like I said I've never met one...If it wasn't for hip hop messeboards and baseball or Olympic volleyball I would've never heard of these people muchless had an opinion on them...For such a small population in Amerikkka whom are exclusively found in New Yawk Domincians and Puetro Ricans are over represented on here....Like I said I've never met one so i'm no authority on this subject...You sharing an Island with them would know better than anyone but consideirng Sammy Sosa claiming his Michael Jacksonque skin whitening job was an normal comsetic procedure, Zoe Saldano only dates cavemen, and the way Afro latinos in general jock passionately jock Spaniard and Potguese masters it's probably true alot of Domicans are Toms.
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