Self hate is a general problem and isn't exclusive to Dominicans. Now to sorta stray off topic I know some hot Dominican girls I'd go postal on:

Self hate is a general problem and isn't exclusive to Dominicans. Now to sorta stray off topic I know some hot Dominican girls I'd go postal on:
It kinda reminds me of how everyone thinks people of Eastern Asian decent are this one homogenous society. Until you expand your social circle and start hanging around them. Every ethnicity/race whatever you wanna call it has beefs with each other.
The more you deny it and try to play this "but not all of us are like that" game, the more you come off as an apologist.
wrong username....
who is that? Link?
that's a little boy fakkit
Jamaican is my nationality it goes without saying by looking at me that I'm of African stock.
I'm a Jamaican in New York
maaaaaaaaaan I ain't got time to use multiple usernames lol
It must be really scary being inside your think every women you see is a tranny or some shyt.
you know who would write something similar to what you wrote... right?
'her' fingers are bigger than a fukking iphone
strong jawline
hiding 'her' adams apple in every picture
fake t*ts
fukk outta here faq
Not all before i get jumped on but alot of them
It amazes me how every ethnicity who isn't black loves to suck up constantly to cacs in every way possibly even when they were opressed by them. See how the Japanese sometimes stereotype and treat black people when we had nothing to do with the massacre in 45.
I call it Battered Nation Syndrome where they fall in love and constantly praise the cacs who either opressed them or never did anything for them while shytting on blacks in every way when we never did anything to them.
Only thing worse than a racist is a self racist. Folks too damn color struck
Black in Latin America - Episode 1 - Haiti & the Dominican Republic - An Island Divided - YouTube
"7:30 to 7:35"
Straight out of the mouth of a native
'Dominicans are in denial of who they are"
I remember there was thread here about Haitians and someone here shared a story that growing up there parents always reminded them that there were different they were Haitian , not "black" like them "pants sagging" Americans,hopefully someone can share if they have stories like this, not the first time i have heard that , have heard it more from Africans more than carribbean folks though
I am Black and proud to be. Some call me racists, the way I carry my black pride ala @BLAZO da GAWD and @SLCpremium
However, I don't wanna be called African American. I am a Black Haitian male who has nothing but respect for all the self-respecting, positive African Americans out there, but I seriously look down to ghetto, ignorant AAs who think they cool. Like you 28 year old coming to work blasting Chief Keef cursing. Oh, lemme not forget the AAs who think all Haitians stink and always trynna throw voodoo jokes my way. The things I tell em are worse than a white supremacist could ever tell em.
Lotta Dominicans, especially DOminican Kid from SOHH are Black but they won't admit they are Black. Brazillians, from my experience don't wanna be called Black because of the prejudice they go through in their country. I have a dude from DR who claim he's not Black and dude is darker than me. Those are c00ns who suck up to the white man and looks down to other Blacks
When I was a kid I was bullied for being Haitian. A kid threw me down the stairs once. I hate ignorant AAs who sag their pants low thinking their cool. People make fun of me for being well-mannered and speaking properly (to the point that some people on here think I'm white). AAs are fukked up.