1. The police , employer , landlords already use people ethnicity to shyt on them, whats even worse is that because the person is a Dominican, Haitian etc etc they use there ethnicity to shyt on them even worse. You think they gonna pull some bullshyt with a African american who understands there rights here ? There not.
Being discriminated against because of your skin color is one thing but being discriminated against because of your skin color AND your ethnicity is a whole different monster and that's something that African Americans here in the US will never have to experience.
2. They wont "ride" with immigrants per se but just take a look at

immigration policy, various news articles online and even threads made here in the HL and you can see that the white political structure of this country is catering to immigrants not the blacks whom as you said have "dam near the same culture" , Why do you think that this? Why not cater to issues going on in the black communities first (highest levels of violence,unemployment, drop outs etc etc ) Why cater to a minority who as you said seem to hate this country so much? Ill let you sit on that for a while.
3. The rude awakening already happened when they came to this country and saw how they were greeted by people of there same skin color , like i said before and like two posters already confirmed for me and what people fail to realize is that African Americans (for the most part) want nothing to do with "blacks" from other countries. These foreigners know all about white supremacy , shyt they know about it more than this current generation of AA will ever know ( you have to remember the civil rights movement was before the real large influx of immigrants ) White supremacy and american foreign policies is what destroyed there countries and made them so poor , as you have mentioned several times in this thread. So knowing that , they come here and they WORK they asses off , break they backs. Mean while AA in this urban areas where they live are giving them the

face for working so much, for not integrating into american culture right away, for not speaking english , for being more successful than them etc etc again this is not just me saying , this is not a couple of posters confirming this is real life. There is no finding common ground , the average "black" person outside of the U.S is not worried about the skin color of the next man,they dont care who says "am not Dominican, am not Haitian, am not blue am not green am not brown" they are concerned with improving there quality of life , AA are concerned it seems with everything but that
1-You obviously don't get what I'm stating. MY PARENTS, GRANDPARENTS, THEIR GRANDPARENTS, ETC. couldn't drink water, live, work worthy jobs, have sex, go to church, complain about wrongdoing from people in power, with white people. BLACKS CHANGED ALL OF THIS. The fact that you are comparing someone being a dikkhead, and making it hard for you to live life peacefully, to something that was LAW, and you NOT BEING ABLE TO shows why foreigners just don't know the history of this country, and believe the white supremest lie. The fact that you can complain to someone about wrongdoing, AND GO TO COURT is because of BLACK AMERICANS. Pay homage.
2-If these people knew white supremacy was the cause of their problems, why do they praise everything white, and shyt on their own people because they are brown or look black. IN ALL OF THESE COUNTRIES, THAT Y'ALL LOVE SO MUCH NONE OF THE PEOPLE IN POWER LOOK LIKE YOU IF YOU ARE DARK OR LOOK BLACK, and I don't just mean skin color. They have features of black people in America. Even in black countries, they put up other races or light skinned blacks in power. Doesn't sound like you know what white supremacy is to me. It looks like they are acting it out. Where is the black power movement that happened here in all these countries that you claim know about white supremacy?. I never seen it.
3-You really think they allowed foreigners because they care about you?. No, it was because they want a cheap labor force, and the goal is to take down America, that is coming from Great Britain. Most blacks who aren't poor, don't give a fukk where you come from if you give respect, and not acting high & mighty. Poor people fight each other all day so that is a given. Also, you keep talking this foreigners being more successful then blacks, but latins are more then blacks in this country, but have a lower income. Yeah, they have a higher family income, but that is because they have more people living in the same household, whereas with black americans that is not the norm. If you look at individual income blacks are higher.
Again, I'm concerned about you claiming AA when you shyt on me, but NEVER have as much issues with whites who have fukked your life up in your country, and when you get here. My people made it comfortable for you to be here. Look at the site you are on, a hip hop site. You can shyt on rap, but look how much positive things came from it, with the consciousness movement, getting blacks to want more out of life, and think big. Go to Atlanta, and see blacks living BIG, go to D.C., and Southern Maryland, and see the same thing. Go to North Carolina, and see blacks living good. Go to Houston, and see blacks living good. shyt, go to NYC around Lafayette Ave. in fort green/Clinton Hills and blacks were doing their thing. Look at the Brooklyn Boheme documentary, and learn how that area inspired so much things YOU ARE ENJOYING.
You are proving my point as well, with this bullshyt beliefs foreigners have about blacks and themselves.
I'm done because, some of the people in this thread obviously are in their small world where blacks are fukked up, foreigners are working hard, living good, and getting hated on by black americans because they are eating good. I know too many foreigners who don't think like this, but I'm starting to question if they think like this, but I doubt it because they experienced more of America, and not just the hood. shyt, my boy from Ecuador put me onto Dr.York, while the Dominicans he hung with, who LOOKED LIKE ME, downplayed it, and didn't take it serious. When I stated all people come from Africa, his homegirl looked at me and said "Africa?

". He had to pull her out the house because he knew how stupid she was going to sound by debating me.
Shout out to the foreigners who know the truth about this country, and the world, how it works, and how we need to do away with the backwards rural southern American, old ways of the islands, and old ways of latin america, Europe, Asia, to advance as a society in America. That ignorant shyt won't cut it anymore. If you are in America you better learn it's history of both the white & black side, and pay respect to people who pay respect to you. You won't get a pass dissing my people just because a few bad ones treated you bad because by calling out African Americans in a bad way you are shytting on me, and my people who are doing the right thing. shyt ain't gonna happen anymore. fukk THAT

.Peace out.