Anyone else think that plane crashed? The wings dipped way too sharply to be coming in for an uneventful landing. They're supposed to be coming out with that stand alone webisode that takes place on a plane. That might be it.
The creator has stated that he has no plans on ever showing the origin of the virus or outbreakI'm kinda on the fence with this show. Watched the first 3 episodes and interested in seeing where it's gonna go.
But I'm still not quite sure how this whole zombie apocalypse started initially (which I thought was the purpose of the show) also it would be cool if they would gave shown this from a few more perspectives other than just this family. I really don't like none of the characters, outside of the Barbershop owner. And is this still in Atlanta cause not only did almost the brothers get killed in the 1st 3 episodes but I don't think I've seen a black woman yet