There Are 64,000 Missing Black Women in The USA.


Dec 19, 2017
I have always followed the number of missing black women and I know The Coli isn't going to like this BUT black women are not protected. I don't think it's sex trafficking either, I high key think a lot of black women get targeted by serial killers and organ harvesting groups.


Feb 12, 2015
They get funneled into rich, sick ass old white man sex slave trade. Whites set up this myth that blacks are undesirable as a public front because they trying to keep up appearances.

Meanwhile they want to keep blacks economically crippled so that there is a steady supply of youth in our community that is sexually exploitable. There are slave narrative and historical accounts of white women trying to coerce black females into having sexual relations for their husbands. Grand irony is that whites will SWEAR up and down that this is what they want

but be forming Wyle E. Coyote schemes behind the scenes to get to this

The devaluing and denegration of black women in the public sphere plays into them being easily preyed upon. Because after all, nobody would a.) BELIEVE that the women allegedly at the bottom of the dating barrel would be desired, b.) because of her lack of social value, even if you do get convicted you are sure to get off because nobody cares. You can always just blame it on those nasty, black jezebels allegedly “wanting” it, right? Or them young girls just being “fast”. I mean you can piss on a 14 year old and marry a 15 year old black girl and no one will care.:yeshrug:

At some point people will try to blame “twerking” and black female media image for this, not realizing that black women could be fukking saints and still have these nasty ideas projected onto to justify their abuse and exploitation.

Solutions: Teach young black women, empower them, make these dynamics publically known again and again and again from every media avenue. Expose the snakes at the top and their intentions. Have discourse around the perverted white desire and simultaneous disrespect of black bodies. Expose the secrets. The industry. The players in the industry. Teach black women that they are in control of their own sexuality. Put this shyt in the faces of power until they can’t deny or run from it anymore.

Also stop believing the damn lies whites produce about black women which promotes the devaluing of black women.
For instance:

Ashley Banks

All I ever wanted was the world
Jun 19, 2012
So sad. Just makes me think about how Jeffrey dahmer got away with his crimes for so long because he targeted mostly black/ethnic men. Most recently there was Anthony Sowell, many black women reported him for rape and attempted rape, he even went to prison for rape yet he was able to murder 11 black women and keep their bodies inside his home for years going undetected because no one was looking for his victims.

That’s why I don’t go anywhere alone. I had one brush with death and that was all I needed. My location is always on for my family to see, when I leave one place and go to another, I tell my husband. I’m always with my sisters, my husband, or friends.


Real nikkaz,beat bytches
May 2, 2012
in ya mama bed
the number is crazy but i wonder do a certain lifestyle they may lead help increase the chances of them ending up missing?

like are these regular people who are going to work a regular 9 to 5, going to the store, out for a jog, etc and just suddenly dissapear one day?

and im not just talking about black women, its really for all those 600k people that are missing.


Feb 12, 2015
So sad. Just makes me think about how Jeffrey dahmer got away with his crimes for so long because he targeted mostly black/ethnic men. Most recently there was Anthony Sowell, many black women reported him for rape and attempted rape, he even went to prison for rape yet he was able to murder 11 black women and keep their bodies inside his home for years going undetected because no one was looking for his victims.

That’s why I don’t go anywhere alone. I had one brush with death and that was all I needed. My location is always on for my family to see, when I leave one place and go to another, I tell my husband. I’m always with my sisters, my husband, or friends.
This is why I’m a proud gun AND knife owner. And I have zero qualms about taking a life if it means protecting my own. It’s time that black women take their safety seriously. In general I hang out in groups too. But I like to hike and walk by myself. So when I go hiking I keep pepper spray and my knife on me at all times. I’m a great actress. I’ll be all submissive and crying and all that stuff right before that knife finds it’s way in that motherfukker’s neck. My mom told me the biggest factor between being predator and prey is fear. And my dad told me don’t EVER hesitate to use lethal force against anybody who tries to violate you.
Times are only going to get worse. Women have to be willing to stand up for themselves.

There also needs to be community discourse in impoverished communities about giving their daughters up into prostitution as well. Because there’s another angle here that needs to get teased out as well. It’s not just the outside male predator demand for these young black girls. There’s also an inside black female supplier in many cases who recruit, target young women because they were turned out and abused in the industry too.

But people not gonna wanna talk about that either.

Oh well. Too bad. Our children are more important than protecting a$$holes feelings.


Feb 12, 2015
I keep telling yall the militants on here don't really care about black ppl like they claim they do. Threads like this get little engagement while threads showing the worst of us do football numbers
A lot are uncomfortable discussing this shyt because they have similar dynamics going on in their own families believe it or not.