The Jewnited States
A lot of these hoes (and dudes too I guess) be outchea using therapy terminology in everyday conversations and often times using the words/concepts incorrectly and that shyt really be annoying. They try to get the moral high ground on you because "they have been to therapy and know what they are talking about". Guess what? I been to therapy too and am really invested in the shyt via classes and social circle and what not and I know God damn well they ain't using the shyt correctly. Pop psychology and tiktok hoes got these muthafukkas thinking they really onto something but they got it all twisted and confused and begin living into a diagnosis they gave themselves 
"I'm just setting a healthy boundary"
"You can live your truth, but this is my truth" <----- if you have your truth and it's different from an objective truth based in reality then guess what? It's not the truth its your fukking opinion
"Stop gaslighting me" - often used when you're simply disagreeing with them and backing it up with logic/facts they don't wanna hear
"You're being a manipulative narcissist" -most times people use this they don't even know the definition of it
"I need you to validate my feelings"
"I need to be heard, and seen, I need a safe space to feel vulnerable"
-Just people in general not being able to differentiate between thoughts, feelings, opinions, beliefs, facts. Assuming that if it's what they "feel" or based on their "intuition" then it must be right. Guess what? Some people "feel" like shooting up an elementary school today. Should we "validate their feelings"? Nah we call em fukking crazy and dangerous
I'll be back to add on more as I think of the ones I encounter often
Post your therapy speak pet peeves

"I'm just setting a healthy boundary"

"You can live your truth, but this is my truth" <----- if you have your truth and it's different from an objective truth based in reality then guess what? It's not the truth its your fukking opinion
"Stop gaslighting me" - often used when you're simply disagreeing with them and backing it up with logic/facts they don't wanna hear
"You're being a manipulative narcissist" -most times people use this they don't even know the definition of it
"I need you to validate my feelings"

"I need to be heard, and seen, I need a safe space to feel vulnerable"

-Just people in general not being able to differentiate between thoughts, feelings, opinions, beliefs, facts. Assuming that if it's what they "feel" or based on their "intuition" then it must be right. Guess what? Some people "feel" like shooting up an elementary school today. Should we "validate their feelings"? Nah we call em fukking crazy and dangerous
I'll be back to add on more as I think of the ones I encounter often
Post your therapy speak pet peeves