angels take upon many forms, including the average everyday man. but what are some of their more exotic forms? One form of angel is specifically a
dragon made out of light. The devil is also this type of angel, except evil and lawless.
there are fiery dragon like angelic beings that are righteous. This specific classification of angel is called a seraph, or seraphim.
Isaiah 6
1 In the year of King Uzziah's death I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted, with the train of His robe filling the temple.
2 Seraphim stood above Him, each having six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.
3And one called out to another and said, "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of hosts, The whole earth is full of His glory."
- serpent, fiery serpent
- poisonous serpent (fiery from burning effect of poison)
- seraph, seraphim
- majestic beings with 6 wings, human hands or voices in attendance upon God
as beings originally mythically conceived with serpents' bodies (serpent-deities, compare Isaiah 14:29; Isaiah 30:6), or (CheComm.) personified of lightning, compare arts. SERAPHIM, StrachanHast. DB CheEncy. Bib.; Di Marti and others compare also Egyptian guardian-griffins, called Šerref; see also כְּרוּב; on Assyrian Šarrapu (-bu), epithet of god Nergal, connected by DlWB with √ שָׂרַף, see שָׁרָב, ZimKAT 3. 415); — in OT. majestic beings with six wings, and human hands and voices, attendant upon ׳י Isaiah 6:2,6.
The hebrew word for seraph is spelled like this שָׂרַף . This is a shin, a resh and a final fe/pe. So the correct pronunciation for this word is sharaf, or shereph, or