Religion/Spirituality Theism Discussion (Abrahamic Religions, Religious Philosophy, etc.)


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
@Type Username Here

Can you please explain the history of the jesus image to me? TBH Im so ignorant of euro history I didnt even know white people were around in the 3rd century.

Op is masterful troll. First he makes a case for Jesus's image being based on Cesare Borgia, he even appeals to your Hip Hop knowledge by alluding to a GZA song on the album Liquid Swords B.I.B.L.E.(Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth), then soon after he posts pictures of Jesus again that are from centuries before Cesare Borgia was born and they all look the same. You can then conclude that Cesare Borgia wasn't basis for the image of Jesus.


Richard Wright

Living Legend
Jan 16, 2013
Op is masterful troll. First he makes a case for Jesus's image being based on Cesare Borgia, he even appeals to your Hip Hop knowledge by alluding to a GZA song on the album Liquid Swords B.I.B.L.E.(Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth), then soon after he posts pictures of Jesus again that are from centuries before Cesare Borgia was born and they all look the same. You can then conclude that Cesare Borgia wasn't basis for the image of Jesus.

Wouldnt there have been hundreds of dudes claiming to be a messiaic figure in the time Jesus supposedly lived in? Life must have really sucked back then.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Wouldnt there have been hundreds of dudes claiming to be a messiaic figure in the time Jesus supposedly lived in? Life must have really sucked back then.

From what I remember having read in the past about it there were lots of wandering preachers, religious groups, and the like. Living in that quarter of the world then would undoubtably be worse than it is today if that is even imaginable.


Jun 8, 2012
Resident Muslims(not NOI muslims) please explain this one to us

You can't draw Muhammad — unless you're one of many Muslim artists who did

i'm just trying to get clarification. I need to know where in the quran does it say no one can draw him? "No one" meaning muslims or even non muslims.

Or is that a scripture just for muslims to abide by?
Or when you look hard enough you cant find said scripture in the quran because it doesnt exist. and i'll take a translation, breakdown within context of the time and place where these words may have been written/spoken within the quran.

Or is it like the article says, you cant draw him unless you're a muslim artist who is commissioned by muslims to do so?

Please do not come in here on hate mode non muslims. i'm really trying to get serious answers. Thanks for the responses.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
A’ishah relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The people who will be most severely punished on the Day of Resurrection will be those who aspire to create like Allah.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (5954) and Sahîh Muslim (2107)]

Ibn ``Abbâs relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Every image maker is in the Fire. For each image he made, a being will be fashioned to torment him in Hell.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (2225) and Sahîh Muslim (2110) – The wording accords with al-Bukhârî]

Abû Talhah relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The angels do not enter a house wherein there is a dog or images representing (people or animals).” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî(3225) and Sahîh Muslim (2106)]


Jun 8, 2012
A’ishah relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The people who will be most severely punished on the Day of Resurrection will be those who aspire to create like Allah.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (5954) and Sahîh Muslim (2107)]

Ibn ``Abbâs relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Every image maker is in the Fire. For each image he made, a being will be fashioned to torment him in Hell.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (2225) and Sahîh Muslim (2110) – The wording accords with al-Bukhârî]

Abû Talhah relates that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “The angels do not enter a house wherein there is a dog or images representing (people or animals).” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî(3225) and Sahîh Muslim (2106)]

no one liners i need the entire script for context. i apologize for not stating this in my original post. i need to see the entire portion leading up to those scripts for reference. its the same way i go in on my own christian folks for one linering people to death and actually lying on Jesus/God and the bible. because they are taking things completely out of context.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
no one liners i need the entire script for context. i apologize for not stating this in my original post. i need to see the entire portion leading up to those scripts for reference. its the same way i go in on my own christian folks for one linering people to death and actually lying on Jesus/God and the bible. because they are taking things completely out of context.

No I apologize, here are the "scripts" before and after this is for the first hadith i posted, (its number 838 ) , hopefully you can bless use with insightful opinion on this subject

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 674:

Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar:

Allah's Apostle said, 'Allah will not look at the person who drags his garment (behind him) out of conceit.''

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 675:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar:

The Prophet said Allah will not look, on the Day of Resurrection at the person who drags his garment (behind him) out of conceit. On that Abu Bakr said, "O Allah's Apostle! One side of my Izar hangs low if I do not take care of it." The Prophet said, 'You are not one of those who do that out of conceit."

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 676:
Narrated Abu Bakra:

The solar eclipse occurred while we were sitting with the Prophet He got up dragging his garment (on the ground) hurriedly till he reached the mosque The people turned (to the mosque) and he offered a two-Rak'at prayer whereupon the eclipse was over and he traced us and said, "The sun and the moon are two signs among the signs of Allah, so if you see a thing like this (eclipse) then offer the prayer and invoke Allah till He remove that state,"

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 677:
Narrated Abu Juhaifa:

I saw Bilal bringing an 'Anza (a small spear) and fixing it in the ground, and then he proclaimed the Iqarna of the prayer, and I saw Allah's Apostle coming out, wearing a cloak with its sleeves rolled up. He then offered a two-Rak'at prayer while facing the 'Anza, and I saw the people and animals passing in front of him beyond the 'Anza.

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 678:
Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet said, "The part of an Izar which hangs below the ankles is in the Fire."

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 679:
Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Apostle, "Allah will not look, on the Day of Resurrection, at a person who drags his Izar (behind him) out of pride and arrogance

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 680:
Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet (or 'Abul Qasim) said, "While a man was walking, clad in a two-piece garment and proud of himself with his hair well-combed, suddenly Allah made him sink into the earth and he will go on sinking into it till the Day of Resurrection.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Volume 7, Book 72, Number 681:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar:

Allah's Apostle said, "While a man was dragging his Izar on the ground (behind him), suddenly Allah made him sink into the earth and he will go on sinking into it till the Day of Resurrection."

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 682:
Narrated Abu Huraira:

that he heard the Prophet (narrating as above No. 680).

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 683:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar:

Allah's Apostle said, "Whoever drags his clothes (on the ground) out of pride and arrogance, Allah will not look at him on the Day of Resurrection."

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 684:
Narrated 'Aisha:

(the wife of the Prophet)

The wife of Rifa'a Al-Qurazi came to Allah's Apostle while I was sitting, and Abu Bakr was also there. She said, 'O Allah s Apostle! I was the wife of Rifa'a and he divorced me irrevocably. Then I married AbdurRahman bin Az-Zubair who, by Allah, O Allah's Apostle, has only something like a fringe of a garment, Showing the fringe of her veil. Khalid bin Sa'id, who was standing at the door, for he had not been admitted, heard her statement and said, "O Abu Bakr! Why do you not stop this lady from saying such things openly before Allah's Apostle?" No, by Allah, Allah's Apostle did nothing but smiled. Then he said to the lady, "Perhaps you want to return to Rifa'a? That is impossible unless 'Abdur-Rahman consummates his marriage with you." That became the tradition after him.

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 685:
Narrated 'Ali:

The Prophet asked for his Rida, put it on and set out walking. Zaid bin Haritha and I followed him till he reached the house where Harnza (bin 'Abdul Muttalib) was present and asked for permission to enter, and they gave us permission.

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 686:
Narrated Ibn 'Umar:

A man asked, "O Allah s Apostle What kind of clothes should a Muhrim wear?" The Prophet, said, "A Muhrim should not wear a shirt, trousers a hooded cloak, or Khuffs (leather socks covering the ankles) unless he cannot get sandals, in which case he should cut the part (of the Khuff) that covers the ankles."

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 687:
Narrated Jabir bin Abdullah:

The Prophet came to visit Abdullah bin Ubai (bin Salul) after he had been put in his grave. The Prophet ordered that 'Abdullah be taken out. He was taken out and was placed on the knees on the knees of the Prophet, who blew his (blessed) breath on him and dressed the body with his own shirt. And Allah knows better.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Volume 7, Book 72, Number 688:
Narrated Abdullah bin 'Umar:

When Abdullah bin Ubdi (bin Salul) died, his son came to Allah's Apostle and said ' O Allah's Apostle, give me your shirt so that I may shroud my fathers body in it. And please offer a funeral prayer for him and invoke Allah for his forgiveness." The Prophet gave him his shirt and said to him 'Inform us when you finish (and the funeral procession is ready) call us. When he had finished he told the Prophet and the Prophet proceeded to order his funeral prayers but Umar stopped him and said, "Didn't Allah forbid you to offer the funeral prayer for the hypocrites when He said: "Whether you (O Muhammad) ask forgiveness for them or ask not forgiveness for them: (and even) if you ask forgiveness for them seventy times. Allah will not forgive them." (9.80) Then there was revealed: "And never (O Muhammad) pray for any of them that dies, nor stand at his grave." (9.34) Thenceforth the Prophet did not offer funeral prayers for the hypocrites.

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 689:
Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Apostle has set forth an example for a miser and a charitable person by comparing them to two men wearing two iron cloaks and their hands are raised to their breasts and necks. Whenever the charitable man tries to give a charitable gift, his iron cloak expands till it becomes so wide that it will cover his fingertips and obliterate his tracks And, whenever the miser wants to give a charitable gift, his cloak becomes very tight over him and every ring gets stuck to its place Abu Huraira added; I saw Allah's Apostle putting his finger in the (chest) pocket of his shirt like that If you but saw him trying to widen (the opening of his shirt) but it did not widen

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 690:
Narrated Al-Mughira bin Shu'ba:

The Prophet went to answer the call of nature, and when he returned, I met him with water and he performed the ablution while he was wearing a Sham, cloak. He rinsed his mouth, put the water in his nose and blew it out, washed his face and tried to take his hands out of his sleeves, but they were too narrow, so he took out his hands from under his chest and washed them and then passed his wet hands over his head and Khuffs (leather socks) .

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 691:
Narrated Al-Mughira:

One night I was with the Prophet on a journey. He asked (me), "Have you got water with you?" I replied, "Yes" So he got down from his she-camel and went away till he disappeared in the darkness of the night. Then he came back and I poured water for him from the pot (for the ablution). He washed his face and hands while he was wearing a woollen cloak (the sleeves of which were narrow), so he could not take his arms out of it. So he took them out from underneath the cloak. Then he washed his forearms and passed his wet hands over his head. Then I tried to take off his Khuffs, but he said, "Leave them, for I have performed ablution before putting them on." And so he passed his wet hands over them

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 692:
Narrated Al-Miswar bin Makhrama:

Allah's Apostle distributed some Qaba's but he did not give anything to Makhrama. Makhrama said (to me), "O my son! Let us go to Allah's Apostle." So I proceeded with him and he said, "Go in and call him 'or me." So I called the Prophet for him The Prophet came out to him, wearing one of those Qaba's and said, (to Makhrama), "I have kept this for you " Makhrama looked at it and said, "Makhrama is satisfied now"

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 693:
Narrated 'Uqba bin 'Amir:

A silken Farruj was presented to Allah's Apostle and he put it on and offered the prayer in it. When he finished the prayer, he took it off violently as if he disliked it and said, "This (garment) does not befit those who fear Allah!"

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 694:
Narrated Abdullah bin Umar:

A man said, "O Allah's Apostle. What type of clothes should a Muhrim wear Allah's Apostle replied, 'Do not wear shirts, turbans trousers hooded cloaks or Khuffs; but if someone cannot get sandals, then he can wear Khuffs after cutting them short below the ankles. Do not wear clothes touched by saffon or wars (two kinds of perfumes) "

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 695:
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:

The Prophet said, "Whoever cannot get an Izar, can wear trousers, and whoever cannot wear sandals can wear Khuffs."


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Volume 7, Book 72, Number 696:
Narrated Abdullah:

A man got up and said, O Allah's Apostle! What do you order us to wear when we assume the state of Ihram?" The Prophet replied, "Do not wear shirts, trousers, turbans, hooded cloaks or Khuffs, but if a man has no sandals, he can wear Khuffs after cutting them short below the ankles; and do not wear clothes touched with (perfumes) of saffron or wars."

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 697:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar:

The Prophet said, "A Muhrim should not wear a shirt, a turban, trousers, hooded cloaks, a garment touched with (perfumes) of saffron or wars, or Khuffs except if one has no sandals in which case he should cut short the Khuffs below the ankles."

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 698:
Narrated 'Aisha:

Some Muslim men emigrated to Ethiopia whereupon Abu Bakr also prepared himself for the emigration, but the Prophet said (to him), "Wait, for I hope that Allah will allow me also to emigrate." Abu Bakr said, "Let my father and mother be sacrificed for you. Do you hope that (emigration)?" The Prophet said, 'Yes." So Abu Bakr waited to accompany the Prophet and fed two she-camels he had on the leaves of As-Samur tree regularly for four months One day while we were sitting in our house at midday, someone said to Abu Bakr, "Here is Allah's Apostle, coming with his head and a part of his face covered with a cloth-covering at an hour he never used to come to us." Abu Bakr said, "Let my father and mother be sacrificed for you, (O Prophet)! An urgent matter must have brought you here at this hour." The Prophet came and asked the permission to enter, and he was allowed. The Prophet entered and said to Abu Bakr, "Let those who are with you, go out." Abu Bakr replied, "(There is no stranger); they are your family. Let my father be sacrificed for you, O Allah's Apostle!" The Prophet said, "I have been allowed to leave (Mecca)." Abu Bakr said, " I shall accompany you, O Allah's Apostles, Let my father be sacrificed for you!" The Prophet said, "Yes," Abu Bakr said, 'O Allah's Apostles! Let my father be sacrificed for you. Take one of these two she-camels of mine" The Prophet said. I will take it only after paying its price." So we prepared their baggage and put their journey food In a leather bag. And Asma' bint Abu Bakr cut a piece of her girdle and tied the mouth of the leather bag with it. That is why she was called Dhat-an-Nitaqaln. Then the Prophet and Abu Bakr went to a cave in a mountain called Thour and remained there for three nights. 'Abdullah bin Abu Bakr. who was a young intelligent man. used to stay with them at night and leave before dawn so that in the morning, he would he with the Quraish at Mecca as if he had spent the night among them. If he heard of any plot contrived by the Quraish against the Prophet and Abu Bakr, he would understand it and (return to) inform them of it when it became dark. 'Amir bin Fuhaira, the freed slave of Abu Bakr used to graze a flock of milch sheep for them and he used to take those sheep to them when an hour had passed after the 'Isha prayer. They would sleep soundly till 'Amir bin Fuhaira awakened them when it was still dark. He used to do that in each of those three nights.

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 699:
Narrated Anas bin Malik:

In the year of the conquest of Mecca the Prophet entered Mecca, wearing a helmet on his head.

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 700:
Narrated Anas bin Malik:

Once I was walking with Allah's Apostle and he was wearing a Najram Burd with thick margin. A bedouin followed him and pulled his Burd so violently that I noticed the side of the shoulder of Allah's Apostle affected by the margin of the Burd because of that violent pull. The Bedouin said, "O Muhammad! Give me some of Allah's wealth which is with you." Allah's Apostle turned and looked at him, and smiling, 'he ordered that he be given something.

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 701:
Narrated Abu Hazim:

Shahl bin Sad said, "A lady came with a Burda. Sahl then asked (the people), "Do you know what Burda is?" Somebody said, "Yes. it is a Shamla with a woven border." Sahl added, "The lady said, 'O Allah's Apostle! I have knitted this (Burda) with my own hands for you to wear it." Allah's Apostle took it and he was in need of it. Allah's Apostle came out to us and he was wearing it as an Izar. A man from the people felt it and said, 'O Allah's Apostle! Give it to me to wear.' The Prophet s said, 'Yes.' Then he sat there for some time (and when he went to his house), he folded it and sent it to him. The people said to that man, 'You have not done a right thing. You asked him for it, though you know that he does not put down anybody's request.' The man said, 'By Allah! I have only asked him so that it may be my shroud when I die." Sahl added, "Late it was his shroud."

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 702:
Narrated Abu Huraira:

I heard Allah's Apostle saying "From among my followers, a group (o 70,000) will enter Paradise without being asked for their accounts, Their faces will be shining like the moon." 'Ukasha bin Muhsin Al-Asadi got up, lifting his covering sheet and said, "O Allah's Apostle Invoke Allah for me that He may include me with them." The Prophet said! "O Allah! Make him from them." Then another man from Al-Ansar got up and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Invoke Allah for me that He may include me with them." On that Allah's Apostle said, "'Ukasha has anticipated you."

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 703:
Narrated Qatada:

I asked Anas, "What kind of clothes was most beloved to the Prophet?" He replied, "The Hibra (a kind of Yemenese cloth)."


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Volume 7, Book 72, Number 704:
Narrated Anas bin Malik:

The most beloved garment to the Prophet to wear was the Hibra (a kind of Yemenese cloth).

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 705:
Narrated 'Aisha:

(the wife of the Prophet) When Allah's Apostle died, he was covered with a Hibra Burd (green square decorated garment).

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 706:
Narrated 'Aisha and 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas:

When the disease of Allah's Apostle got aggravated, he covered his face with a Khamisa, but when he became short of breath, he would remove it from his face and say, "It is like that! May Allah curse the Jews Christians because they took the graves of their prophets as places of worship." By that he warned his follower of imitating them, by doing that which they did.

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 707:
Narrated Abu Burda:

Aisha brought out to us a Kisa and an Izar and said, "The Prophet died while wearing these two." (Kisa, a square black piece of woolen cloth. Izar, a sheet cloth garment covering the lower half of the body).

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 708:
Narrated Aisha:

Allah's Apostle offered prayer while he was wearing a Khamisa of his that had printed marks. He looked at its marks and when he finished prayer, he said, "Take this Khamisa of mine to Abu Jahm, for it has just now diverted my attention from my prayer, and bring to me the Anbijania (a plain thick sheet) of Abu Jahm bin Hudhaifa bin Ghanim who belonged to Bani Adi bin Ka'b."

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 709:
Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet had forbidden: (A) the Mulamasa and Munabadha (bargains), (B) the offering of two prayers, one after the morning compulsory prayer till the sun rises, and the others, after the 'Asr prayer till the sun sets (C) He also forbade that one should sit wearing one garment, nothing of which covers his private parts (D) and prevent them from exposure to the sky; (E) he also forbade Ishtimal-as-Samma'.

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 710:
Narrated Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri

Allah's Apostle forbade two ways of wearing clothes and two kinds of dealings. (A) He forbade the dealings of the Mulamasa and the Munabadha. In the Mulamasa transaction the buyer just touches the garment he wants to buy at night or by daytime, and that touch would oblige him to buy it. In the Munabadha, one man throws his garment at another and the latter throws his at the former and the barter is complete and valid without examining the two objects or being satisfied with them (B) The two ways of wearing clothes were Ishtimal-as-Samma, i e., to cover one's shoulder with one's garment and leave the other bare: and the other way was to wrap oneself with a garment while one was sitting In such a way that nothing of that garment would cover one's private part

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 711:
Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Apostle forbade two types of dresses: (A) To sit in an Ihtiba' posture in one garment nothing of which covers his private parts. (B) to cover one side of his body with one garment and leave the other side bare The Prophet also forbade the Mulamasa and Munabadha.