Religion/Spirituality Theism Discussion (Abrahamic Religions, Religious Philosophy, etc.)


Jun 8, 2012
thanks for that. but now i need to have the original verses where they actually were within all of this text. thats the only way context can be understood properly.

this is not real ..just for example

rapbeats 1:2 "rapbeats said ... man should not kill one another."

and thats all i say.. if some super orthodox person gets a hold of that scripture they will live by that one script and not place the others together to place that line in context.

now when i add the before and after scripts it reads

rapeats 1:1 these are the rapbeats rules for those who follow rapbeats
rapbeats 1:2 "rapbeats said ... man should not kill one another."
rapbeats 1:3 "unless in self defense or defense of another's life"

well now that changes everything.

shoot some other crazed rapbeats follower may even flip verse 1:3 and say "well i can kill those of other beliefs because that would be in self defense and defense of my kinds life. since we know they have some out there that will attempt to kill /harm us. so we will just take them all out now since per the word of rapbeats Its "self defense"

now if you read the entire thing. you can tell good and well thats not what that last line is about either. But this is what happens to people who get converted for the purpose of being some religious nuts goons. These dudes most of the time are not that smart, are not well versed in any scriptures, and they couldnt break down the context if someone paid them to. So if some bootleg imam brings them any kind of message. they will go for it regardless of what the scripts actually are trying to say. its not a coincedence that a huge majority of these guys are young men (30 and below). and usually mid 20's at best. thats usually when you're wide open for a belief system unless you are already really serious about the one you have had since you were a kid. Now i'm not saying the quran doesnt say to harm people who draw the prophet. I'm saying even if the quran was just referring to believers. That part would go unspoke by some bootleg imam. just so he can covert his goons. if the quran said you shouldnt draw the prophet or on judgement day you will not be with the prophet. that doesnt say muslims should kill people who draw him. that says at their judgement they will be judged accordingly. thats not in some random new coverts hands to bring judgement. again this is all quran speculation on my part. I'm just saying. the coverting of young wide open dudes that have nothing better to do in life, into muslim goons usually has a pattern. sure there are some that are intelligent and down for that crazy cause regardless. but most are not.


May 28, 2012
Doesn't mention it anywhere in Quran. It mentions it in a few hadiths which are oral traditions compiled 250 years after the death of Muhammad so their accuracy can be taken with a grain of salt. For a hadith to be true it should coincide with the Quran and there is no mention of guidelines regarding images of Prophets in the Quran .

If an image is drawn and people start worshipping it then there is a problem in Quranic terms though since it does mention idol worship.


Jun 8, 2012
So just like i figured.

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 834:
Narrated Muslim:

We were with Masruq at the house of Yasar bin Numair. Masruq saw pictures on his terrace and said, "I heard 'Abdullah saying that he heard the Prophet saying, "The people who will receive the severest punishment from Allah will be the picture makers.'"

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 835:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar :

Allah's Apostle said, "Those who make these pictures will be punished on the Day of Resurrection, and it will be said to them. 'Make alive what you have created.'"

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 838
Narrated 'Aisha:

Allah's Apostle returned from a journey when I had placed a curtain of mine having pictures over (the door of) a chamber of mine. When Allah's Apostle saw it, he tore it and said, "The people who will receive the severest punishment on the Day of Resurrection will be those who try to make the like of Allah's creations." So we turned it (i.e., the curtain) into one or two cushions.

Volume 7, Book 72, Number 840:
Narrated 'Aisha :

I purchased a cushion with pictures on it. The Prophet (came and) stood at the door but did not enter. I said (to him), "I repent to Allah for what (the guilt) I have done." He said, "What is this cushion?" I said, "It is for you to sit on and recline on." He said, "The makers of these pictures will be punished on the Day of Resurrection and it will be said to them, 'Make alive what you have created.' Moreover, the angels do not enter a house where there are pictures.'"
So i think its pretty clear, you shouldnt be drawing pictures of the prophet. But within context it should be clear, the only people that would know and also understand these scriptures would be muslims(his followers). You can never expect a non follower to truly GET where you are coming from. They wont and they cant. Sure they could choose to not draw because you said the prophet said so. But they dont know the prophet like you do. so why would they treat him with the same respect as you? They wont most times. but thats human nature. again context is key. Who is he talking TO? EVERYONE MAN on earth? NO. he's talking to other followers. Similar to how Jesus use to bang out other Jews(followers). about their wrong doing. But the gentiles or non believers were not spoke to with the same disdain. because Jesus didnt EXPECT anything from people who were not following. its like expecting someone elses kids to act properly like your own children. not going to happen on average. Since those are not your kids. They dont know your house rules .

Lastly, read the red bolded. Where does it say its ok for a random muslim to go off and play Allah aka the judge and jury for these picture makers? It doesnt. and if it does. please show me where it says that. It sure looks to me like that is supposed to be left up to allah to take care of these folks at judgement. So why are muslims running around lying talking about this is for allah and the prophet. knowing good and well that was no the instructions?(unless you have other scripts that tell regular muslims to go out and harm people on his behalf in these situations.


Jun 4, 2012
Well, who are you asking because...

The majority of Muslims dont care too much.... some hadiths say it. Mainly you can't worship idols and create blasphemy.

Not every Muslim has an issue, but if you live next door to a Muslim that says he will kill you, then the smart thing to do would be to avoid painting a Muhammad on your door.

Its not in the Qur'an though.

Explain to me why Christians dont usually do have the shyt in the old testament


Jun 8, 2012
Doesn't mention it anywhere in Quran. It mentions it in a few hadiths which are oral traditions compiled 250 years after the death of Muhammad so their accuracy can be taken with a grain of salt. For a hadith to be true it should coincide with the Quran and there is no mention of guidelines regarding images of Prophets in the Quran .

If an image is drawn and people start worshipping it then there is a problem in Quranic terms though since it does mention idol worship.
which makes perfectly good sense. i dont want you worshiping any idols.


Jun 8, 2012
Well, who are you asking because...

The majority of Muslims dont care too much.... some hadiths say it. Mainly you can't worship idols and create blasphemy.

Not every Muslim has an issue, but if you live next door to a Muslim that says he will kill you, then the smart thing to do would be to avoid painting a Muhammad on your door.

Its not in the Qur'an though.

Explain to me why Christians dont usually do have the shyt in the old testament
the smart thing to do would be to not paint the Muhammad OR call the cops on your neighbor or play cop yourself and run up on your neighbor first. there are a multitude of choices you could make in that scenario that would be seen as smart depending on who the person is. if you dont want any conflict. do things to not conflict with other peoples beliefs. but if you do that all the time. you will be miserable trying to walk on egg shells you dont even understand nor believe in.

i just saw your last part about why dont half of the christians dont do what it says in the OT. well i'm not half of the christians so i wouldnt know why they do or dont do something. if you know the bible. you know there is also a NT.

OT and NT

what is the difference if i can put it simply.
the OT is the book of rules and regs to abide by verbatim. if you miss one beat you've missed them all. There are over 600 laws i believe in the OT. its not just the 10 commandments. Most people dont even know this. What that means is you better do them all or you have done non of them. Its like if you miss one question on the exam you fail the entire exam.

But here's the thing. God knew no one could pull that off. which is why his son was sent and here comes the new testament. which simply put is the SPIRIT of the law. so you have the OT - The letter of the law and the NT the spirit of the law.

the NT talks about where one's heart is. See there were people who were doing just about every law properly back in the day. But they were doing them trying to check them off the list and then dance about how proud they were of themselves for completing them while also looking down on others for not being as great as they were at it. Doing these things are actually sinful(PRIDE). So bam test failed. This is why its a heart thing and not a head thing. Where is your heart really. are you doing it because its the right thing to do and you are doing it because you love the Lord since he gave you life and everything else? or are you doing it just to check another rule off the list so you can say "i'm the best rule checker."
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May 20, 2012
Look at this fugazi Jesus, brehs :mjlol:


This inherently evil Italian CAC was born in the 1470's. White paintings of Jesus are modeled after him. You know it's true because it was in a Wu song.

Compare that demonic imagery to this painting of Jesus from the so-called 6th century, hundreds of years before Cesare Borgia was born!


:whoa:The white skin is because he was an Asiatic Blackman, brehs. The straight hair comes from his Indian side. You know Jesus da Gawd had good hair.

Or maybe that image was transmogrified by the devils. Let's look at Jesus in the 4th century.


:whoa:The long nose is symbolic of the long journey of the BLACKman under oppression. The red hair significates the redness of the embarrassed CAC devils.

Let's go back further and look at Jesus da Gawd in the 3rd century.


:whoa:Young Jeezius was a lightskin breh like Master Fard. He had to pass so the Khazars wouldn't deport him.

All that sounds good for trolling but, you left out one important connection to each of those pictures, they all came from Europe, not the actual area Jesus would have been. And, they came when religion already was accomplishing what it was made for, power over the people!

Jesus would look nothing like those pictures. At the very least he would look like French Montana or some other person who looks biracial.


You're minor, we're major
May 1, 2012
Am I the only one who actually this the OP is an alias of @88m3 ?

Is there any other serious candidate as well?


Jun 4, 2012
the smart thing to do would be to not paint the Muhammad OR call the cops on your neighbor or play cop yourself and run up on your neighbor first. there are a multitude of choices you could make in that scenario that would be seen as smart depending on who the person is. if you dont want any conflict. do things to not conflict with other peoples beliefs. but if you do that all the time. you will be miserable trying to walk on egg shells you dont even understand nor believe in.

i just saw your last part about why dont half of the christians dont do what it says in the OT. well i'm not half of the christians so i wouldnt know why they do or dont do something. if you know the bible. you know there is also a NT.

OT and NT

what is the difference if i can put it simply.
the OT is the book of rules and regs to abide by verbatim. if you miss one beat you've missed them all. There are over 600 laws i believe in the OT. its not just the 10 commandments. Most people dont even know this. What that means is you better do them all or you have done non of them. Its like if you miss one question on the exam you fail the entire exam.

But here's the thing. God knew no one could pull that off. which is why his son was sent and here comes the new testament. which simply put is the SPIRIT of the law. so you have the OT - The letter of the law and the NT the spirit of the law.

the NT talks about where one's heart is. See there were people who were doing just about every law properly back in the day. But they were doing them trying to check them off the list and then dance about how proud they were of themselves for completing them while also looking down on others for not being as great as they were at it. Doing these things are actually sinful(PRIDE). So bam test failed. This is why its a heart thing and not a head thing. Where is your heart really. are you doing it because its the right thing to do and you are doing it because you love the Lord since he gave you life and everything else? or are you doing it just to check another rule off the list so you can say "i'm the best rule checker."
well, if you have a violent or crazy neighbor, then you should call the police.
If you want to know how Muslims act then go to a multicultural mosque and chill..... aka meet some of the nicest and genuine people you can possibly meet.

About the OT and NT... you're ironic. You claim they switched the game up so people would do right then brag and look down on others.. but.... ummmm..... have you been to church lately???? I visit churches all the time, most are filled with fake and judgemental people...... so much so that if I attend a church eventually people latch on to me and I have the potential to be a church leader. I have a Christian counseling certification and other stuff and im Muslim. People assume im Christian because im a young black dude, lol. Point is.....

Muslims follow a bunch of rules too. One of the reasons Islam was needed is because jews and Christians were off the path and on the money path. But following rules doesn't always hsve to not be from the heart .... Muslims use heart and logic and spirit and brolilness, lol. We are fareal with it, and it could be a million rules... we will memorize verbatim then follow from the heart. We dont need pasters who buy helicopters on the backs of the poorest black people in America. We dont need high levels of Adultery or homosexual or.....

No, the smart thing is to detain/eliminate the psychopath living next to you.

Your too bytchmade to detaine shyt , so you probably should just be respectful of other cultures.

See the thing is.... most Muslims don't live in the middle east. Sure a few thousand are crazy and don't follow Qur'an.... but most adapte to the culture of their land and its haram not to respect it.


Countdown to Armageddon
Apr 30, 2012
Your too bytchmade to detaine shyt , so you probably should just be respectful of other cultures.

See the thing is.... most Muslims don't live in the middle east. Sure a few thousand are crazy and don't follow Qur'an.... but most adapte to the culture of their land and its haram not to respect it.
Oh really? What do you know about me, fukkboy?

I am completely respectful of all cultures. I'm not respectful of psychopath zealots who think they can control people with threats and violence. Your attempts to equate the two are just your latest display in hilarious idiocy.

That tree will fall on you.


Jun 4, 2012
Oh really? What do you know about me, fukkboy?

I am completely respectful of all cultures. I'm not respectful of psychopath zealots who think they can control people with threats and violence. Your attempts to equate the two are just your latest display in hilarious idiocy.

That tree will fall on you.
:dwillhuh:... I just told you what I know about you.

:hamster: And at least im consistent, with my "latest"


All Star
May 30, 2012
Bay Area
If I could ask, why do people of this particular religion think following the Qur'an word for word is the appropriate path? To me that encourages no self thought, no critical thinking, just simply following something written hundreds of years ago in a completely different time.

I ask this because I do use a Bible as a guide, but by no means do I take scriptures and judge people based on my personal interpretation of it.

This is why religions trouble me. Every religion has been guilty of the same practices certain Muslim groups are being ridiculed for today.
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