This is not scriptural.
Doesnt the bible say "all are born in sin, shapen in inequity" "You must be born again to enter heaven" etc. According to theology, you're a born sinner and have no choice in the matter bc Adam did the damage.
Isn't that why people baptize their babies, ya know....just to be safe?
But it would be pretty hard to praise/believe in a god who didn't stop(or caused it to happen) that violent tornado in Oklahoma that not only killed the kids, but caused them to die by drowning helplessly in the school basement. THEN send them to hell to be burned & tortured even further for zillions of years. What did they do? Oh I know, they were born human, or maybe they sheepishly lied about taking a cookie outta the cookie jar.
That's a pretty tough sell for religion, nobodys gonna follow that, nobody's gonna give money, etc.
That's a worse act than any human would ever do. No human would do that, so surely no god would, right? But that excuse can't fly b/c "gods ways are not our ways", right?
So let's create this idea that there's an age of accountability. Some non-descript age that a person is eligible for hell. Nobody knows what it is exactly....maybe 15, maybe 13....maybe 19 for some.
Oh and while we're at it, this idea about eternal fire and torture....yeah that's a bit ones gonna follow that a supposed loving god is gonna torture people in hell for trillions of years. People like Ghandi(and the ones before him) are burning in eternal fire right now...some average Chinese farmer who worked on his farm al his life to provide for his family is burning and being tortured by the devil.....
So let's soften this a little.
Let's create purgatory. A place where people go for a little while. Maybe there's fire there, maybe not. Until they're clean then they get to go to heaven.
Everybody wins.