You can't know because simply saying "God causes the tides to flow" is ambiguous...
Its not ambiguous. Religious people have been doing it forever.
If I explain how a miracle works and that its not a suspension of the laws of nature, is it still a miracle?
it could in fact be through what we call "science" that shows us the "how."
this is poetic semantics aimed at side-stepping the core issue.
And there is no evidence that much of anything is teleological (for a particular purpose).
They are FUNCTIONALLY opposed to one another. One claims to know, the other doesnt, but rather supports its assertions via testable and repeatable hypotheses. The inclusion of that small margin of error makes it a more accurate process. Its like learning physics in high school then going to college and grad school and learning that shyt was pretty inaccurate but rather more complex.
It's the problem with attacking something that is basically "all powerful."
Thats not my problem. Thats your problem. You made that god up.
Unless you're also a God then there will always be room for ambiguity and belief in a mighty being.
Using this logic then you can say theres always room for lisa frank unicorns and leprechauns.
I don't think "faith" is stupid.
Faith is belief with the lack of evidence. Literally. You don't use faith in ANY other form of your life. Whether it be drafting players for your fantasy team or haphazardly crossing the street.
We all operate on faith at some level
Nope. Unless you're confusing faith with empiricism...which isn't faith.
seems that you don't understand what you're talking about.
Atheist tend to be satisfied by science answering "how" but not "why."
Science doesn't claim to be able to answer "why"
The "why" question doesn't get you anywhere either since it infers a purpose or a which case you must ask why you're pursuing a meaning in the first place. Until you can justify that there IS a meaning (outside of one that you place upon such a thing) then you'll never answer that question.
There is no supported reason to suggest "why"
You can assert that there is no "why" but then you'd be going on faith just as much as a religious person, no matter how coherent your logic and reasoning are.
i don't assert that there IS NO WHY. I can't do that.
I can say however that there is no evidence for me to support a "why"
its YOU who do that.
I do think bigots and zealots ruin the reputations of many but you can't generalize. A suicide bomber does not make me hate Muslims. Kritic does not make me hate the people who post in HL.
I hate islam.
i don't hate muslims.
Get mad if you want to.
That being said...BEING RELIGIOUS IS VOLUNTARY. If you don't like abiding by even the most socially controversial parts of it, thats YOUR fukking problem. Its not my fault you refuse to be held to the standards you imposed on yourself.
Like I said, I'm Agnostic but I never really understood the whole religion versus atheism. It's really a waste of time with the life we're given.
Agnosticism only answers one question: What you know.
Atheism answers a completely different question: What you believe.
I do not know if there is a god. I can't know what I don't know.
Based on the lack of evidence to support theistic or religious claims, i do not have any sufficent reason or evidence to believe in those claims.