Thecoli's favorite youtube feminist has made yet another documentary. This time about bucks and wenches


Oct 26, 2014
He can be insightful but a lot of his videos are sometimes milquetoast. It feels like they are for a leftist audience - specifically one that includes non-black men.

Which, shouldn't inherently be bad, but I feel like he's trying to get a pat on the back from non-bm, and at the expense of black men.

It feels like he's trying to pander certain bw feminists that tend not to extend any empathy for bm

I don't know of this specific video does this or not


Dec 25, 2014
Usually, I don’t bytch about this stuff but he let black women swirlers off the hook majorly especially those weirdos doing white boy slave play shyt on tik tok and who talk a bag of shyt on Twitter about black men in general.

If ‘passport bros’ got called out surely these female swirlers should’ve too as they are just as lame and are sometimes even more dangerous with their rhetoric

Overall an interesting video but that section was some bullshyt. And pushes the idea that he really doesn’t like to get on black women’s bad side.


May 24, 2022
He can be insightful but a lot of his videos are sometimes milquetoast. It feels like they are for a leftist audience - specifically one that includes non-black men.

Which, shouldn't inherently be bad, but I feel like he's trying to get a pat on the back from non-bm, and at the expense of black men.

It feels like he's trying to pander certain bw feminists that tend not to extend any empathy for bm

I don't know of this specific video does this or not

I'd say his videos specifically exclude "Cis Hetero Black Men"...and he's quick to say eff y'all inwards. He always manages to take the most "The Root"/"Lipstick Alley" position on every single one of his videos. It's quite amazing.

He truly hates the stereotypical Coli Breh, and probably hates the regular Coli Breh for being adjacent to the stereotypes.

This particular video is primarily focused on Black Men dating Non Black Women.
And that's a happy coincidence because white society focuses primarily on the danger of Black Men and White Women.

Keep in mind, "Swirl" is primarily a term used by Black Women, and typically for Black Women and White men...but I don't want to say that FD is using linguistic psy-ops intentionally. He wouldn't do that. He's probably just woman-centered when it comes to research, analysis, creation, and debate. Those are the spaces he's in.

He's still very much afraid of tackling/dismantling Tommy J Curry and T Hasan Johnson, and other actual scholars. Much like he will do with Umar, he will "agree" with where they started but now where they end up - without really getting into the meat of the argument.


- Quick to mention that a lot of the racialized sexual crimes of slavery were White men rapping Black Women, and a casual toss off to Buck Breaking, but not that Buck Breaking.

Umar Johnson - He goes into Umar, and agrees with Umar on some points, but then goes into how plenty of people that have a proven record of being down for the cause, were partnered with others. (Including Bayard Rustin and his white gay husband?)

Delves into Umar being a student of Garvey, a Pan Africanist...but a right leaning Pan-Africanist. There's a brief defense of Pan Africanism, but not much of a description of Pan Africanism. Indeed, Garvey was mostly popping in the 20's and 30's, but per FD the real "Pan-Africanism" were Africans on the continent and mostly during de-colonization. Like all of his "leftist" comments - he mainly focuses on pop culture/media analysis, and has little to offer outside of that. And like Umar, that pop culture/rage bait stuff pays the bills.

This Umar section is the most unfocused (imo) because it's about black treatment, Umar, pan-africanism, but not really about "swirling".

Back to Swirling - He purports to talk about Black Male motivation to date White/Non-Black Women.

Some black men see non-black women as an affirmation of status.

This is such a tired trope coming out of the bell hooks camp, I can't even start to addreess it.

A quick shot at K. Samuels talking about facial symmetry and linking that to eugenics.

He makes 1 of the 2 good points in the video - Swirling is not about Black Men's preferences, but about (white) society's love for stigmatizing and denigrating black men's behavior.

The speaker argues that the visibility of black men in interracial relationships does not accurately reflect black men's beliefs and behaviors on love but rather society's love for stigmatizing and denigrating black men's behavior.

It's such a nice rhetorical trick, and by calling it society, he let's the "bullet bag" people off the hook.

What I would say
  • 75% of white people do not have non-white friends. (famous stat, reported by the washington post)
  • The vast majority of white people live like Friends, Seinfeld, and How I Met Your Mother - Black people really don't exist at all in their world.
Who's talking the most about Black men's dating preferences? Black women.

And who cares the most about Sexxy Red and Megan Thee Stallion busting it wide open? Black Men.

Even though he's trying to say that Black Men/Black Women dating out is part of some bigger problem, and capitalism bad, - it's really an internal discussion in the culture. Much like Asian women dating dorky white guys is something for AZN Masculinity/Identity to handle, this is our discussion. He does call out the most race disloyal - White Men and Latinas, but that's neither here nor there. I'll let La Raza handle that.

Statistics - He goes out of his way to say that
  • Black women are more race loyal.
  • Black women and white men marriages last longer than Black men and non-black women marriages
You're supposed to come away with the idea that the stats mean that Black women are more virtuous, and Black men are terrible husbands. Elsewhere in the piece he discusses Black people marrying into wealth...but clearly no one would stay in a marriage for the money....

He doesn't come out and repeat the LSA rhetoric verbatim, but that's the gist of it.

The rest of the video is really not that spicy (by black standards), and tells his mostly white audience, that the hubbub about interracial dating and marriages in the media - is almost always about white people.

The other great part of the video is talking about Sojurner's "Ain't I a Woman" speech - and he points in that the "Ain't I" was actually something added by a white abolitionist woman to make Sojourner's "truth" more "authentic" (cause that's how you ppl talk! even if you ppl don't talk like that)

A shame he got a view out of me, but at least I got all the ads blocked.


May 24, 2022
One other thing to say

Around the 53:30 mark he says this is me just saying what I think is right I've never dated out, I've always preferred black women, hell I prefer darker black women if you want to go there

It's hard to describe exactly what he's intending to sub-communicate here, but it's something you'll with a lot of these Derrick Jaxn and Stephan Labossiere types say.

Imagine any Black Man saying he likes "Mulattos" (how this term came back I'll never understand", multi-racial, light skin, medium skin, "brown" skin.

Y'all already know what time it is. A "strong" Black Man can only have one type of preference.

It's just a YT video, it's not that serious at the end of the day, but folks need to get savvy about their media consumption.

The message and the meaning is more than just the words being said.


May 5, 2012
North Jersey
One other thing to say

Around the 53:30 mark he says

It's hard to describe exactly what he's intending to sub-communicate here, but it's something you'll with a lot of these Derrick Jaxn and Stephan Labossiere types say.

Imagine any Black Man saying he likes "Mulattos" (how this term came back I'll never understand", multi-racial, light skin, medium skin, "brown" skin.

Y'all already know what time it is. A "strong" Black Man can only have one type of preference.

It's just a YT video, it's not that serious at the end of the day, but folks need to get savvy about their media consumption.

The message and the meaning is more than just the words being said.
He's talked about this in other videos about Black men but FD was grew up a fat Black nerd. All his children hood friends, even brought one of them on, fit the BM stereotypes and would run through BW with ease. Not FD....he was clowned or ignored by BW, but that never made him seek out anti-Black redpill mentors, battle diverstors or pull a Donald Glover and complain about BW on the internet.

I think FD is still salty about how ppl still think he chases ww because he like anime, speaks up for black queers and goes after "misbehaving" BM. :pachaha: his content started off being more inclusive to all races but he's been getting more and more anti-white as time goes. FD lowkey trynna tell his BM haters they the real c00ns:russ:


Oct 26, 2014
I'd say his videos specifically exclude "Cis Hetero Black Men"...and he's quick to say eff y'all inwards. He always manages to take the most "The Root"/"Lipstick Alley" position on every single one of his videos. It's quite amazing.

He truly hates the stereotypical Coli Breh, and probably hates the regular Coli Breh for being adjacent to the stereotypes.

This particular video is primarily focused on Black Men dating Non Black Women.
And that's a happy coincidence because white society focuses primarily on the danger of Black Men and White Women.

Keep in mind, "Swirl" is primarily a term used by Black Women, and typically for Black Women and White men...but I don't want to say that FD is using linguistic psy-ops intentionally. He wouldn't do that. He's probably just woman-centered when it comes to research, analysis, creation, and debate. Those are the spaces he's in.

He's still very much afraid of tackling/dismantling Tommy J Curry and T Hasan Johnson, and other actual scholars. Much like he will do with Umar, he will "agree" with where they started but now where they end up - without really getting into the meat of the argument.


- Quick to mention that a lot of the racialized sexual crimes of slavery were White men rapping Black Women, and a casual toss off to Buck Breaking, but not that Buck Breaking.

Umar Johnson - He goes into Umar, and agrees with Umar on some points, but then goes into how plenty of people that have a proven record of being down for the cause, were partnered with others. (Including Bayard Rustin and his white gay husband?)

Delves into Umar being a student of Garvey, a Pan Africanist...but a right leaning Pan-Africanist. There's a brief defense of Pan Africanism, but not much of a description of Pan Africanism. Indeed, Garvey was mostly popping in the 20's and 30's, but per FD the real "Pan-Africanism" were Africans on the continent and mostly during de-colonization. Like all of his "leftist" comments - he mainly focuses on pop culture/media analysis, and has little to offer outside of that. And like Umar, that pop culture/rage bait stuff pays the bills.

This Umar section is the most unfocused (imo) because it's about black treatment, Umar, pan-africanism, but not really about "swirling".

Back to Swirling - He purports to talk about Black Male motivation to date White/Non-Black Women.

Some black men see non-black women as an affirmation of status.

This is such a tired trope coming out of the bell hooks camp, I can't even start to addreess it.

A quick shot at K. Samuels talking about facial symmetry and linking that to eugenics.

He makes 1 of the 2 good points in the video - Swirling is not about Black Men's preferences, but about (white) society's love for stigmatizing and denigrating black men's behavior.

It's such a nice rhetorical trick, and by calling it society, he let's the "bullet bag" people off the hook.

What I would say
  • 75% of white people do not have non-white friends. (famous stat, reported by the washington post)
  • The vast majority of white people live like Friends, Seinfeld, and How I Met Your Mother - Black people really don't exist at all in their world.
Who's talking the most about Black men's dating preferences? Black women.

And who cares the most about Sexxy Red and Megan Thee Stallion busting it wide open? Black Men.

Even though he's trying to say that Black Men/Black Women dating out is part of some bigger problem, and capitalism bad, - it's really an internal discussion in the culture. Much like Asian women dating dorky white guys is something for AZN Masculinity/Identity to handle, this is our discussion. He does call out the most race disloyal - White Men and Latinas, but that's neither here nor there. I'll let La Raza handle that.

Statistics - He goes out of his way to say that
  • Black women are more race loyal.
  • Black women and white men marriages last longer than Black men and non-black women marriages
You're supposed to come away with the idea that the stats mean that Black women are more virtuous, and Black men are terrible husbands. Elsewhere in the piece he discusses Black people marrying into wealth...but clearly no one would stay in a marriage for the money....

He doesn't come out and repeat the LSA rhetoric verbatim, but that's the gist of it.

The rest of the video is really not that spicy (by black standards), and tells his mostly white audience, that the hubbub about interracial dating and marriages in the media - is almost always about white people.

The other great part of the video is talking about Sojurner's "Ain't I a Woman" speech - and he points in that the "Ain't I" was actually something added by a white abolitionist woman to make Sojourner's "truth" more "authentic" (cause that's how you ppl talk! even if you ppl don't talk like that)

A shame he got a view out of me, but at least I got all the ads blocked.

One other thing to say

Around the 53:30 mark he says

It's hard to describe exactly what he's intending to sub-communicate here, but it's something you'll with a lot of these Derrick Jaxn and Stephan Labossiere types say.

Imagine any Black Man saying he likes "Mulattos" (how this term came back I'll never understand", multi-racial, light skin, medium skin, "brown" skin.

Y'all already know what time it is. A "strong" Black Man can only have one type of preference.

It's just a YT video, it's not that serious at the end of the day, but folks need to get savvy about their media consumption.

The message and the meaning is more than just the words being said.
Breh thanks for breaking this down. It's such a great summary, and it really helps me also expand on what I wanted to say:

At heart, he's one of this bm that treie to come across as "non-threatening" to liberals.

Any breh that has spent time with liberals/progressives knows that the way they respond to masculine black men is VERY different than how they respond to masculine white men. They still don't like or feel comfortable with a confident black man that has a healthy sense of self and isn't a people pleaser.

Even in the black community. Think Of the root, or any Black progressive space. They like "punching up" on BM to the point where they blatantly lie (remember how they keep on trying that "BM aren’t voting blue" every few years?). They implicitly and explicitly look down on us and hate that we are the men of our communities.

So that's the vibe that FD Signifier sometimes gives off. Scared, scared to offend, scared to defend Black men without any qualifiers, scared to actually advocate for bm.


Oct 26, 2014
I'll still never forget his video about black male objectification. He downplayed and dismissed black male beauty standards ("most women don't even care about muscles") and stated that BM like Andre 3000 were "huge sex symbols" in the black community.

Why is he saying that? So that none of his viewers will have to feel sorry for BM, or examine the way they contribute to it (especially progressive/ leftist types). It makes it easy to blame or attack black men for being the cause of their own issues. And still paint them as an enemy.


May 24, 2022
Breh thanks for breaking this down. It's such a great summary, and it really helps me also expand on what I wanted to say:

At heart, he's one of this bm that treie to come across as "non-threatening" to liberals.

Any breh that has spent time with liberals/progressives knows that the way they respond to masculine black men is VERY different than how they respond to masculine white men. They still don't like or feel comfortable with a confident black man that has a healthy sense of self and isn't a people pleaser.

Even in the black community. Think Of the root, or any Black progressive space. They like "punching up" on BM to the point where they blatantly lie (remember how they keep on trying that "BM aren’t voting blue" every few years?). They implicitly and explicitly look down on us and hate that we are the men of our communities.

So that's the vibe that FD Signifier sometimes gives off. Scared, scared to offend, scared to defend Black men without any qualifiers, scared to actually advocate for bm.

It's easy to dunk on ol boy. I don't think he's a willing part in the conspiracy against black men. He's just unwittingly doing the work of the enemy to feed his family.

I think his older content (before he got all the white folks with the Bo Burnham video) was more inline with a bell hooks/Kimberle Crenshaw. Him breaking down Baby Boy wasn't really pointed at White Audiences at all.

He was trying to give y'all a read on Black Movies/TV Shows/Black Icons and show how "problematic" they are. He had a whole lot more heat for Kanye than he did for Nicki Minaj for instance.

But there's an algorithm problem with covering Black stuff from a "Leftist" pov. There aren't enough folks looking for that stuff.

Like if you cover something Black - Youtube is probably gonna get slotted into nothing, or into "Black Tube". He kept getting pushed into folks who watch Yvette Carnell, Tone Talks, Tariq n'nem. But his material is the wrong fit for them.

So Most of Black Leftists end up doing "culture" stuff, because that's what gets traction.


Foreign Man in a Foreign Land

Khadija Mbowe

Yhara Zayd

Intelexual Media

But you get a few doing stuff like this


And then you get actual Black Leftist stuff

Anansi's Library

FD figured out there was more money in the culture war/cultural analysis, and a lot more money in bringing white people into it.

I'm not mad at him. Get money!

Indeed, a lot of cats figured out there's money in posting every bad thing any woman has ever done.

That's why there's steady diet of outrage and rage against Bird Babble.


Feb 16, 2017
Say what you want about FD but I have yet to find a coli breh refute what this brother says.

All the rebuttals are nonsensical ad hominem attacks
I can refute some of the shyt he says frankly he refuses to hold women accountable.

That being said I aprreciate Some of his takes this one while skriting BW accountability does make the argument that Cacs play in the playing up of the swirl stereotype and the break up of the Black family.


Feb 16, 2017
Short version the vast majority of Black people date and marry other Black people.

The media plays up swirling as if it's something that most Black people aspire to. Other than some bucks and wenches promoted in the algorthim and hollywood lazily adding random Black "friends" of white people in movies or TV that it's not reflected in reality.

Dr. Umar rides hard against Black Men in IR because he knows that BW co sign it


Jan 12, 2017
I can refute some of the shyt he says frankly he refuses to hold women accountable.

That being said I aprreciate Some of his takes this one while skriting BW accountability does make the argument that Cacs play in the playing up of the swirl stereotype and the break up of the Black family.
Can you give an example of him not holding women accountable?


Jan 12, 2017
He barely mentioned the Diverstors and when giving some smoke for bucks who promote pawging over everything, he didn't really address the swirl movement at all.

No way he knows about the SYSBM dudes and not about the standard swirlers.
He's said in previous videos that he doesn't cover the divestors because they are a small group, and covering them just makes them seem bigger than they are. But he has addressed divestors, he has a whole 30 min segment in this video about the black manosphere

Also it doesn't sound like you don't think he doesn't hold women accountable as you listed times he mentioned things but it sounds like you don't like how he doesn't go hard on women.