I think the biggest issue with FD and Breadtube is
1. the lack of speaking on how patriarchy/capitalism turns Women into the very same narcissistic, selfish, user/abusers that the worst men are often labeled as and thats a huge part of what keeps the manosphere spinning.
YES a lot of men are dealing with resentment and misogyny due to the behaviors of modern day women not lining up with the traditional model of Women before the sexual revolution/Women having more agency.
But there is also the fact that in this patriarchal, digital, capitalist system, being a bad actor in the dating market is REWARDED for both men and women. And a lot of men are bitter and turn to the manosphere because theyve been jilted, rejected, used and abused by women and had good intentions . Telling men "well men did this for hundreds of years to women so tough shyt nikka

" or "You sure you just arent a fake good guy or fukkboi?

" or "Get over it, people get dumped everyday B" doesnt address the fact that a man will do everything society "told him to do" and still get genuinely hurt and used and gaslit into thinking its their fault they got hurt.
The manosphere in and itself becomes poisonous because it focuses too much on women, but what it initially provides is EMPATHY and a avenue for understanding the problem at large (though the conversation eventually skews in the other direction). That is seductive to a lot of men and honestly why even the more sane of us still tune in to straight up loons like BGS and T. Hassan Johnson.
Theyre often wrong, out of touch and vindictive but goddamn at least some of the content talks about how the context of socioeconomics is creating flawed family units led by flawed women who are creating flawed boys.
Maybe FD feels he cant comment on that because hes a dude but the inability to address that is particularly a point of contention i have with him.
2. The Black Nerd argument seems to be a huge blind spot for him. Theres a whole diatribe i can go into but essentially I think he misses the point that the Manosphere was founded by Black Men who by and large were Black nerds who probably had interests and hobbies that were more socially acceptable with White People. Not to mention the fact that Patriarchy means a Black Man can become more easily accessible to White People (whether implicitly or unconsciously) often time at the cost of alienating himself from the Black community.
The internet has changed things for sure and this is less and less of a thing BUT the damage was done. Many Black Men are never going to forgive and forget how their peers (especially female peers) treated them even IF they eventually found a Black spouse/Black mother of their children or can court Black Women now. Once again its a jarring feeling to do "everything right" and still get called a c00n, sellout, square, educated lame and told its your fault it happened to you.
And to see the worst actors get rewarded with the same praise and adoration from Women, who you are told know better than you and will appreciate a good thing.
Once again its a point of contention with me that the perspective of "Maybe hundreds of years of Black Oppression IS creating Women who are just as ignorant, dysfunctional, and toxic as the worst of Black Men and that could be a factor in creating Black Men who resent Black Women?

" is never considered or talked about.