Yeahanybody order from Target?
Yeahanybody order from Target?
I guess they are saying that their value proposition is to have some new and shiny and have games that the predecessors have. For everyone, it is different. It isn't the same for me. There are so many games that I held off on for this console so for now, it may feel like I'm playing on PC while just upping the specs but that is great for me. The capabilities of both of these consoles are so far beyond what was able to be done in this generation so I'm willing to look past things like Halo not being there for example. As I say, the console is still the console. It plays multiple generations of games, most have improved immensely and will be the best place to play 3rd party games in addition to what Microsoft will put out. Seems like a must buy to me.
NopeYou got a shipping update yet?
i dont know why anyone would complainExactly but they are acting like fanboys. Just say as of now you can't justify the purchase for the device due to their being no games... these dudes starting coming at the controller n shyt and dashboard lol
I guess they are saying that their value proposition is to have some new and shiny and have games that the predecessors have. For everyone, it is different. It isn't the same for me. There are so many games that I held off on for this console so for now, it may feel like I'm playing on PC while just upping the specs but that is great for me. The capabilities of both of these consoles are so far beyond what was able to be done in this generation so I'm willing to look past things like Halo not being there for example. As I say, the console is still the console. It plays multiple generations of games, most have improved immensely and will be the best place to play 3rd party games in addition to what Microsoft will put out. Seems like a must buy to me.
Nah, I did the shipping trick thing a couple weeks ago and it updated. I did it again for the PS5 earlier today and it updated too.
So what does this mean if changing the speed doesn’t work?
Will it change automatically in the next few days?
Does it mean my shyt not coming on launch day?
Mirrors how do they work?
So what does this mean if changing the speed doesn’t work? Will it change automatically in the next few days? Does it mean my shyt not coming on launch day? Magnets, how do they work?
Frankly, none of the launch (or potential launch) games for either system excited me. Couldn't give a shyt about Halo so that was never going to sell me the console. Spiderman just doesn't interest me, and I never had fun with the Souls games. Never played Ratchet and Clank and that gameplay didn't wow me. Looks nice but you'll never sell me on a game simply because it looks nice. So the games, games, games stuff, I really don't care.
I pre-ordered the Series X because I'm in the ecosystem and will continue to be in the ecosystem. I still have games I'm playing and will continue to play. It makes no sense to not upgrade at this point since I've been running with the Original Xbox One for like 4 or 5 years now, or whatever the time has been. Currently, my only reason for wanting a PS5 is for Ghost of Tsushima... a last gen game. This console war bullshyt is for MFs that just want to belong. Way beyond sad at this point.
That's fine if you don't like the games and if you don't want the console, but that doesn't mean there's no reason for anyone else to buy the console.I hate all the games on this console = no reason for anyone to buy this console