The worst type of blacc person, is the black person who..


American Weirdo
May 23, 2012
I just don't see how you can put both of those in the same category. Hell nikkas don't even use the word "c00n" or worry about white people all the time in the "Hood"( at lease here in Baltimore ).

Can somebody please tell me what "acting" white means anyway? From my experience I know but it makes us look like dumbasses by saying it.

If somebody wants to act "White", guess what ? let them be. I'm not worried about that person trying to rob me or mistake me for somebody else from a different neighborhood. They aren't the ones out here doing the stupid stuff.

You put them on the same level as both affecting the black community..lolol Tell that to anybody who has lost a love one to violence. they are nowhere near on the same level.

You're biased, and that's understandable considering what you went through, but if you don't think black people making a conscious OR subconscious effort to be white is a serious issue then you are a fool.

And yes you should stop entering these threads. It is clear that you are incapable of seeing the big picture. I doubt you've even sat down and thought about the people who've blatantly built environment many of us turn into cruel, violent creatures in to begin with. How it all traces back to them at the end of the day.


All Star
May 15, 2012
Tries so hard to not fit in the "black stereotype" that they go out their way to play devils ad-vo-kint whenever a major (racial)news story pops up

For ex:

I know a dude(gay) who says he doesnt feel zimmerman should go to jail. Why does he feel this way? He cant tell you why, but in reality he doesnt want zimmerman to go to jail, only because most black people do want him to go to jail.

Another ex:

I know a bytch(fat) who defend Paula using the N-word, all because other black people say it.

I wont lie, 99% of the black people I know like this are Light skinned :mjpls:

Not surprised you hang out with gay dudes and fat bytches all day.


Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
You're biased, and that's understandable considering what you went through, but if you don't think black people making a conscious OR subconscious effort to be white is a serious issue then you are a fool.

And yes you should stop entering these threads. It is clear that you are incapable of seeing the big picture. I doubt you've even sat down and thought about the people who've blatantly built environment many of us turn into cruel, violent creatures in to begin with. How it all traces back to them at the end of the day.

I will agree that someone trying to be what they are not is venomous. The issue is that people need to be them-fukking-selves and stop trying to fit into some overall racial or cultural niche a nikka that loves reading comic books, smoke hookah, eat organic, and go boating shouldn't be less of a nikka than anyone else. An oreo is just as cancerous as a wigger, because they are shades, caricatures of a culture and not true honest participants of them. But the problem is we need to look at the circumstances of that person as well. If a guy was born in the burbs, his only contact with blacks are his parents and MAYBE one or two classmates, how do you expect him to act? His CULTURE is not the urban black guy that you all unrealistically expect.

Racial Solidarity is about more than just skin color, but also about shared experiences. I know black dudes that come from small suburbs that have NEVER been accosted by the police but do all sorts of rachet shyt, in the same sense i know dudes from the city that have NEVER had a desire to do street shyt.

But at the same time we need to stop putting the onus of our own agency onto the white man. Yes, we still must battle against centuries of oppression and MANY forms of physical and economic segregation, that is only now being brought to the forefront. However, it is no excuse to sell poison to your own, nor is it an excuse to murder your own people.

I would like some one to explain to me how the villainy of the white powers that be gives us the moral high ground to kill each other? Or leave our seeds?


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Tries so hard to not fit in the "black stereotype" that they go out their way to play devils ad-vo-kint whenever a major (racial)news story pops up

For ex:

I know a dude(gay) who says he doesnt feel zimmerman should go to jail. Why does he feel this way? He cant tell you why, but in reality he doesnt want zimmerman to go to jail, only because most black people do want him to go to jail.

Another ex:

I know a bytch(fat) who defend Paula using the N-word, all because other black people say it.

I wont lie, 99% of the black people I know like this are Light skinned :mjpls:
I agree with this but don't think all the adjective stuff like gay and fat matter. I hate that shyt from blacks regardless. I know a dude who's podcast I listen to every now and then that said Zimmerman should get off and he would do the same thing. Honestly people like him I wouldnt mind him catching that Hernandez :violent: treatment.

The chicks who go out of their way to shun black culture and people. Like having only white friends and hating on rap music while shouting out shyt like country and rock. Them bytches always look stupid to me.
I agree just would have said what the next poster said but some people just grow up like that. I have friends while they hang with me most of the time they are with their white friends and that's their reality so I don't take it no type of way. I can tell the phonies real quick though.

The worst type of black person is the one who shyt on other black people. No matter the gender, size, religion or whatever :mjpls:

A black person acting like a c00n definitely affects the black community as a whole. Especially if they're in a position of fame like a 2 Chainz, a Tyler Perry, or a Nikki Minaj. They reinforce negative stereotypes to people who already don't give us the benefit of the doubt. It sends a message to the black community that acting like a c00n can bring great success. We're certainly not joined at the hip, and what one black person does shouldn't affect every other black person, but the drastic social disadvantage we're born into this country with due to our skin color means - at least to some extent - we're all in this together.

In the case of an Uncle Tom, the more prominent they are in society, the more it diminishes the perception of black excellence. Again, like the c00n, it shows that by kissing the white man's ass and idolizing his women and culture while looking down on your own that you can achieve great "success". It encourages the easily impressionable to follow in their footsteps. It weakens our presence and voice in this world as a whole.

It's a lot deeper than just "physical pain." c00ns and Uncle Toms are a bad look no matter how you slice it. They are a disgusting poison to the black community that cannot be disregarded as "no big deal" just because they may not be violent. Are they worse than a violent gangster or drug dealer? Probably not, though I would argue that most try-hard gangsters and drug dealers are some of the biggest c00ns of all.

In short, it's very important that we don't have a simple minded approach to a very complex and dangerous issue my friend. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if you're white or an Uncle Tom yourself, which would explain why you don't care.
Im sorry I just can never agree with the basically "dont act up whitey/other people are judging us rhetoric" Go after them but stop this shyt like every black person has to be some talented 10th black or else. No group has that so why harp on others when the bigger issue is do these same whites/others look at the fukk ups of their group and say they are all like that? Of course not so why are they so easily allowed to do it to us and nobody wants to say shyt? Also why do you mention his women like black chicks don't do the same are y'all that fukking insecure? Also most AA want the same version of success as everybody else though maybe I'm not understanding things.


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
I would think the worst type of "blacc" the one who sits down and tries to focus on who is the worst type of black person.


American Weirdo
May 23, 2012
I will agree that someone trying to be what they are not is venomous. The issue is that people need to be them-fukking-selves and stop trying to fit into some overall racial or cultural niche a nikka that loves reading comic books, smoke hookah, eat organic, and go boating shouldn't be less of a nikka than anyone else. An oreo is just as cancerous as a wigger, because they are shades, caricatures of a culture and not true honest participants of them. But the problem is we need to look at the circumstances of that person as well. If a guy was born in the burbs, his only contact with blacks are his parents and MAYBE one or two classmates, how do you expect him to act? His CULTURE is not the urban black guy that you all unrealistically expect.

Racial Solidarity is about more than just skin color, but also about shared experiences. I know black dudes that come from small suburbs that have NEVER been accosted by the police but do all sorts of rachet shyt, in the same sense i know dudes from the city that have NEVER had a desire to do street shyt.

But at the same time we need to stop putting the onus of our own agency onto the white man. Yes, we still must battle against centuries of oppression and MANY forms of physical and economic segregation, that is only now being brought to the forefront. However, it is no excuse to sell poison to your own, nor is it an excuse to murder your own people.

I would like some one to explain to me how the villainy of the white powers that be gives us the moral high ground to kill each other? Or leave our seeds?

This is a good post. Seeing as how I never would argue that a black person wanting to be white is the same thing is as black person being well-rounded, civil, and educated, I have no qualms with what you said. I am a vegetarian, some of my favorites shows ever are anime, I love tennis, and I think Christopher Nolan is a genius. Having an appreciation and genuine love for things outside of our culture is NOT what I mean by a black person wanting to be white. As long as at your core is a love for who you are, what you are, and where you come from, it's all good. I believe that a healthy understanding and appreciation for cultures outside of our own is paramount for a well rounded and fruitful existence. That isn't being an Uncle Tom.

Do not put me into that ignorant box of fools who have such narrow minded views on what being a "real nikka" is about. They are just as harmful to the black community as the Uncle Toms I detest.

Also, I never said the white powers that be give us a moral high ground to be violent or irresponsible. I said that that after they gave us our "freedom" that they put us in poorly maintained, drug infested, survival-based environments with limited educational opportunities that oftentimes breed that type of demonic behavior. It's a system. A racist system that has been fukking us over for centuries.


May 1, 2012
Tries so hard to not fit in the "black stereotype" that they go out their way to play devils ad-vo-kint whenever a major (racial)news story pops up

For ex:

I know a dude(gay) who says he doesnt feel zimmerman should go to jail. Why does he feel this way? He cant tell you why, but in reality he doesnt want zimmerman to go to jail, only because most black people do want him to go to jail.

Another ex:

I know a bytch(fat) who defend Paula using the N-word, all because other black people say it.

I wont lie, 99% of the black people I know like this are Light skinned :mjpls:
Yea, we have a word for people like that, c00ns.


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
this is a interesting tThread

Blk. Ppl that do negative shyt and harm the community

And blk that try hard to assimilate to what white america wants them to be

Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
This is a good post. Seeing as how I never would argue that a black person wanting to be white is the same thing is as black person being well-rounded, civil, and educated, I have no qualms with what you said. I am a vegetarian, some of my favorites shows ever are anime, I love tennis, and I think Christopher Nolan is a genius. Having an appreciation and genuine love for things outside of our culture is NOT what I mean by a black person wanting to be white. As long as at your core is a love for who you are, what you are, and where you come from, it's all good. I believe that a healthy understanding and appreciation for cultures outside of our own is paramount for a well rounded and fruitful existence. That isn't being an Uncle Tom.

Do not put me into that ignorant box of fools who have such narrow minded views on what being a "real nikka" is about. They are just as harmful to the black community as the Uncle Toms I detest.

Also, I never said the white powers that be give us a moral high ground to be violent or irresponsible. I said that that after they gave us our "freedom" that they put us in poorly maintained, drug infested, survival-based environments with limited educational opportunities that oftentimes breed that type of demonic behavior. It's a system. A racist system that has been fukking us over for centuries.

I know you didn't but those systems aren't absolutes. I know well of the oppression of the hood. My issue is the people that use the hood as a crutch instead of a source of ambition.

The hood is a breeding ground for some of our most brilliant minds. Because of the survival, because of the strife, we aren't afforded the time or luxury of "figuring ourselves out" we develop skills, a certain set of skills that can only be bred in the hood. Now more than ever we are being shown that small groups of poor and downtrotten can change the entire destinies of nations. The system may be created against us, but once we realize that the system is ultimately US...we can't be stopped. Its what happened in the 50's and 60's and it can happen again.

The issue in my opinion is education and ignorance, i went to the same Detroit Public Schools as every other kid in the city, so why did I turn out so different? It starts at home with the exposure to culture, the reinforcement of self-worth, and the belief that I am in control of my own destiny. We do that we can eliminate "real nikka syndrome" and make kids aspire to want to be engineers and physicists and Vice Presidents of Community Affairs and shyt like that....we have to make that COOL to young black kids and not just being rappers/hoopers.