The Witness (PC, Xbox One, PS4, iOS)


May 21, 2012
Where's the native VR support? I thought that was happening. I've held out on this game, cuz I thought it was getting VR.

Guess not :francis:

Maybe it'll be time to fire it up after I beat the new Fallout 4 DLC :ehh:
May 10, 2012
We’re doing a PS4 Pro patch! Here are the technical details.
Jonathan Blow September 8, 2016Uncategorized
Now that the PlayStation 4 Pro has been announced, we can tell you that we are working on a PS4 Pro patch for The Witness.

The Witness already runs at a consistent 60fps on the base PlayStation 4, so rather than increasing frame rate, our patch is about visual quality. Please don’t take the specifics mentioned here as absolute promises; things might change by release. But here’s what we are aiming for:

When you start up the game on a PS4 Pro, it will go into one of two modes, depending on the current display device:

* When using PS4 Pro with a 4k display, we will render at 1440p or possibly higher, all while keeping a consistent 60 frames per second. This image will then be upscaled to 4k, and we will draw text, menus, and other UI at native 4k resolution. (This is similar to what happens on the base PS4, where we render the 3D scene at 900p, then upscale to 1080p and draw UI at 1080p). We might be able to achieve resolutions higher than 1440p based on various engineering tradeoffs (for example, if we boost the resolution of the main scene to a greater degree than we boost the resolution of the reflections in water, which tend to be distorted anyway. Also, we’ll evaluate checkerboard rendering — we’re not sure if it’s the right way to go for this game, but we’ll see.) We’ll post again when we finalize these specs.

* When using PS4 Pro with a display that is 1080p or lower, we will render the scene at 1080p (instead of the old 900p), and increase antialiasing quality from 2x to 4x MSAA, again while keeping a solid 60 frames per second. We are exploring additional visual quality increases, like increased streaming distance for high-resolution meshes, or decreasing the noticeability of the fade-in between faraway LODs and high-res close-up meshes. Again, we’ll post details when this is finalized!
We’re also working on HDR support. Here in the office we just got a new LG B6P television, which is very bright and has low black levels, providing a lot of dynamic range, and it’s been fun so far tweaking the look of the game on HDR displays like this.

We thought we were working on HDR support only for the PS4 Pro, but yesterday Sony announced that they will be enabling HDR support on all PS4s via a firmware update. Sometimes Sony even surprises developers! (Back when the PS4 was originally announced, we were surprised by some of the final specs too … and I was on stage in that show!)

We think it’s great that Sony are doing this. We don’t know the technical details of how it will work, yet, but provided that nothing prevents us, the Witness patch will use HDR on all PS4s when available. (You will, of course, need an HDR TV or monitor for HDR mode to kick in!)

If all goes well, this patch will be downloadable on November 10 when the PlayStation 4 Pro is released.

We’ll keep you posted as we continue work on this patch!

Flywin Lannister

May 4, 2014
Lannister Bloodline
Does anybody even know what the gameplay/genre is?

Do people learn from No Man's Sky, yes or no?

39.99 is not 5 dollars. It better be a good, if not great, game.

I remembered the first 'The Witness' E3 videos to be about some guy observing some experiment being done on someone in some room. And it was mysterious. I have no clue what this game I see in these videos is about.


Just end the season.
May 1, 2012
Does anybody even know what the gameplay/genre is?

Do people learn from No Man's Sky, yes or no?

39.99 is not 5 dollars. It better be a good, if not great, game.

I remembered the first 'The Witness' E3 videos to be about some guy observing some experiment being done on someone in some room. And it was mysterious. I have no clue what this game I see in these videos is about.


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
Does anybody even know what the gameplay/genre is?

Do people learn from No Man's Sky, yes or no?

39.99 is not 5 dollars. It better be a good, if not great, game.

I remembered the first 'The Witness' E3 videos to be about some guy observing some experiment being done on someone in some room. And it was mysterious. I have no clue what this game I see in these videos is about.
it's a puzzle game. my GOTY


Siempre Fresco
Jun 25, 2012
lol, Jonathan Blow bytch-slapped some shyt talker on Neogaf

What PS4 Pro games could look like on 1080p screens

jett said:
Well, The Witness devs announced their Pro patch details and they aren't downsampling shyt. Game will run at native 1080p on regular HDTVs. I guess the downsampling process ins't standard at all.

This thread was a royal waste of time.

Risk Breaker said:
It is a standard as in if devs set the resolution to 3200x1800 or whatever, it will be downsampled to 1080p automatically. That's all they need to do. Clearly Jonathan Blow doesn't seem to care much about it.

Jonathan Blow said:
Actually, no, we care a lot about it. We are trying to carefully make decisions based on what is going to provide the highest image quality.

For example, we think doubling MSAA will give us a better result than rendering double the number of pixels and downscaling -- it's faster, and leaves more performance on the table for other features.

Examples of other features are things I mentioned in the posting, like having a longer streaming distance before the high-res meshes turn into low-res LODs. I think that kind of LOD popping has a much bigger effect on visual quality than some extra pixels that just get downscaled again anyway. So if we are able to put some of the GPU power into that, we feel it is the better choice.

HOWEVER, we might not be able to increase the LOD radius very much, because that also requires memory, and we are already pushing the boundaries of the console's memory. In that case we might have GPU power to burn, in which case maybe we might render at a resolution higher than 1080p, with 4x MSAA also, and then downscale.

But if I announce that right now, and then we end up not doing it, we will get a lot of people yelling at us for betraying them. So what I announced is the minimum that we can definitely do. And, as I said in the posting, none of this is completely final, and we will announce the final tech specs when the patch is done.

It seems like people appreciate this kind of posting and getting solid details on what a PS4 Pro patch means. That's great ... and some people are wondering why most developers don't do this. Well, it's because sometimes there's no way to win. If you announce one set of specs, people will try to punish you for not doing enough. If you announce another set of specs, and fail to meet them, people will try to punish you harder at that time.

If you want more of this kind of honest communication, please chill and give developers at least a little bit of the benefit of the doubt. We are working hard on this stuff. If people just go and look for random things to get mad about, then you're basically just punishing developers for communicating at all, so they won't.

May 10, 2012
PS4 Pro patch update
Jonathan Blow November 2, 2016Announcements
Previously, I made a post listing the technical details of the PS4 patch.

That was a work-in-progress, and I said at the time I’d post final specs as soon as we know them, which we now do.

We are definitely supporting HDR, on both the PS4 Pro and the base model PS4. If the game detects an HDR TV, it will start in HDR mode. HDR works in all resolutions mentioned below.

If you have a PS4 Pro, and are outputting to a 1080p TV, The Witness will render at 1080p, 60fps, 4x MSAA (which is substantially higher than the base PS4’s 900p, 60fps, 2x MSAA). This is the same as we announced in the earlier posting.

If you have a PS4 Pro, and are outputting to a 4k TV, then you get a choice of two modes from the options menu:
(a) 1440p rendering of the game world, upscaled to 4k, text and UI rendered at 4k, 60fps
(b) 4k rendering for everything, 30fps

We added option (b) because a lot of people seem to want it, and it does look really good!

I don’t yet know the exact release date for the patch, but it is coming pretty soon, in November sometime. We are now in the process of nailing down all the little details and making sure they are good. As soon as we know the release date I will announce it here.