The Wire: Randy Is The New Marlo

Don Jesus

All Star
Apr 20, 2015
Randy was an innocent, empathetic kid who got swallowed up by the system. In Season 4, once it got around that he was a snitch, violence and despair started to surround him 24/7. In his last scene of Season 4, he gets beat up by some group home kids, after he throws a brave punch. In Season 5 he turned into a hardened teenager with no remorse for anyone. When Bunk tries to interrogate him about Lex's murder, unlike his cooperating nature in Season 4, this time, he sternly is unwilling to even come to terms with the cop. He gives Bunk a look of hate the entire time.

The same exact look Marlo gave Herc when they first met. That scene when Marlo and his goons looked like they were about to beat down him and Carver. Enter Marlo, a sociopathic drug kingpin in his late 20s. Obsessed with the reputation of his name. Because he knows how destructive a tainted reputation can be in the hood. After all, look what happened to Randy, when word got out that he was a snitch. Maybe he learned from that...and made sure the infrastructure of his name was always solid from now on. But to come up from being a former snitch...being beat up by group home kids probably would have to do something over the top just to get nikkas to respect you again. Something drastic. Possibly evil, cold hearted and/or ruthless. Which explains Marlo's character.

officer Walker took $200 from Randy. Marlo takes herc's $4000 camera.

Randy was the only one who was semi interested in Dukie's misadventures with the pigeons when everyone else was clowning Dukie (season 4 episode 1). Marlo owns a pigeon coup.

Marlo's character strongly suggests he grew up an orphan or group home. Randy was in a group home.

Randy always low key had heart. Unlike Namond who was a complete bytch. When Namond was about to go to baby booking for ONE night, he begged Carver to let him just sleep in the police station instead. Randy was about to get sent to a violent group home for 4 years, but did not once beg carver to help him out of the situation. He took it like a man, pat carver on the back, and told him "you tried".

That little bit of heart Randy showed, not only made Carver feel terrible, but was a early sneak peek of Randy taking his destiny like a man, instead of trying to coward his way out like Namond did.

Which eventually was what toughened Randy up. Maybe a little too much.

If you felt sorry for Randy, but hated Marlo....take a moment
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May 5, 2012
Uptown, Downtown, Switzerland

i say it nearly everytime but :yeshrug:..i couldn't stand that little kid that played Randy.


Non-FBA. AdosK
May 5, 2012
The suburbs
Nah. Randy was a hustler and IMO was just shapened up to be a soilder. Sort of link Monk or Cheese(his dad)

But The thing is Randy was never involved in the drug game at any point during the series, so its hard for me to say he becomes a kingpin, seeing as how most kingpins start out dealing drugs at a very young age. Randy was a kind hearted kid who was "hardened". Marlo was a straight up psycopath, you know, the type of person thats BORN crazy. This is the same dude that had a guy and his whole family(including kids) killed over a rumor :huhldup:


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
Hmmm...something to think about perhaps. Though I thought the kid that killed Omar would probably be the one that becomes Marlo. I say this cuz he got his first kill at such a young age and it was someone that was very notably feared and heavy in the streets, so I'm sure his rep got huge off of that. Remember, when they were going over Marlo's former raps, the cops were astonished with what he'd already done, despite none of them actually revealing anything of what he did. That's probably cuz he did some heavy shyt when he was really young too.

Also, you said Marlo was in his late 20's. I don't think so. I think he was very much into his early 20's.

Nah. Randy was a hustler and IMO was just shapened up to be a soilder. Sort of link Monk or Cheese(his dad)

But The thing is Randy was never involved in the drug game at any point during the series, so its hard for me to say he becomes a kingpin, seeing as how most kingpins start out dealing drugs at a very young age. Randy was a kind hearted kid who was "hardened". Marlo was a straight up psycopath, you know, the type of person thats BORN crazy. This is the same dude that had a guy and his whole family(including kids) killed over a rumor :huhldup:

Cheese was his father?!:dahell: When did that get revealed?


Real Talk
Jun 3, 2012
Hmmm...something to think about perhaps. Though I thought the kid that killed Omar would probably be the one that becomes Marlo. I say this cuz he got his first kill at such a young age and it was someone that was very notably feared and heavy in the streets, so I'm sure his rep got huge off of that. Remember, when they were going over Marlo's former raps, the cops were astonished with what he'd already done, despite none of them actually revealing anything of what he did. That's probably cuz he did some heavy shyt when he was really young too.

Also, you said Marlo was in his late 20's. I don't think so. I think he was very much into his early 20's.

Cheese was his father?!:dahell: When did that get revealed?

nah marlo had to be at least 28