Breh. U heard that they're about to start droppin GBA games on the U right? Think they announced the first ones coming to it already.@Mikey2Toes I already have Earthbound and to be honest I bought it out of good will in hopes that they'll localize Mother 3. I own it and beat it back in the day.
I have no clue what the lineup will be but outside of Bayonetta 2 and Smash Bros they have announced X, Sonic Boom, Child of the Light, Project Cars, Shim Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem, and whatever else they might show at E3. Basically all those games they announced early as hell instead of announcing them at E3 last year.
Now..I don't wanna get your hopes up at all, but maybe, just MAYBE, they'll bring Mother 3 over finally
Crazier things have happened