the final season DEVASTATED its all time rank. Really unprecedented .
I've never seen anything like it. Doesn't matter what walk of life, you just KNEW Thrones was the greatest TV of all time. The acting, the sets, the budgets, the stories, everything top to bottom. The world stopped for Game of Thrones. Even in the off season, people were still breaking down every character and sentence to predict any and everything.. A level we never seen.
It is not only not mentioned at all anymore... It's brought up and ill feelings are the first thought. Downright anger. From top 1 to not mentioned at all. W&B will never live that down. Worst letdown in history
How did y'all want Night King to go out? I thought it was logical but anti climatic. I'll say this.. I actually thought Night King was gonna win. All the people fighting over thrones, I thought it was setup for Night King to wipe out everything...
I did not think there would be a happy ending. I thought either Night King gonna kill everything or Dany is gonna kill everything. Everyone should have seen the Dany turning heel thing coming a mile away.. they telegraphed it way way back..
Execution is/was the issue. Have the nightking fight John... Ok that's cliche even though that EXACTLY what the entire prophecy was about. Have him fight and halfway lose, or die, but then have Arya jump out... Have Arya get frozen by his touch, like every other human, but kill him right before they both drop and shatter.. Have John kill the dragon.. Have a dragon kill the dragon... Have Khaleesi kill something.. DO SOMETHING BETTER!!! fukk. Getting mad all over again.
Same with the ending.. Have the crowd boo her.. Have them all rioting.. Give her the throne then have them revolt.. Let her make a speech and then someone throws a rock... Have them not celebrate her to her liking... Have someone say some suspect shyt.. Have her lock Jon up first.. Just don't have her win, have them submit, then have her burn up her own people (no way she had dead eye aim) and new subjects... All cause what?? Cause oh NOW she's mad after all the shyt that went on.. She gets everything she wanted and now it's time to kill innocent women and children.
They could have sold it better.. Both things. Both major fukking endings to main plots of the entire show and they fumbled BOTH. There is no coming back from that. From day 1 there has been two questions... What are they gonna do about the dead and who's winning the throne. Bran didn't even want the shyt one episode prior but "why did I come all this way" into that shyt.. After a weak heel turn.. After a weak killing of Night King