@ some of the comments I'm reading going back through the thread...
Some devils, (in nature, not colour always when I say that) actually dissing an artist for having concepts and twists in their stories/concepts
. And their knowledge is so limited they don't even have the faintest idea what they are talking about. It's a joke. P.S the one dumb motherfukker that keeps talking about white people, some of your biggest allies in this thread are white lol, and the ones who are pro K-Rino in this thread are by and large nearly all black. Interesting yet not categorically conclusive.
The same devil went on to highlight the word "they" lmao
, this is so moronic it goes beyond belief and rationalisation. That's like highlighting the word it, we or I lol. It was in like around 7 lines, out of a song with MASSES of lines, ignoring not only the rest of the bars, but also the middle and ending of the bars of those very lines
. It's insane mindblowing idiocy and a monolithic reach because the lyrics are pretty much perfection.
Also the nectarine line is DOPE. Someone once specifically highlighted that line to me as being ill, that person is also a VERY dope rapper, because of how it helps add a visual element to the song, you can picture and visualize it vividly, which is dope. To think that someone's secretary would bring them a snack is hardly an unbelievable thing, it also highlights the nonchalance and arrogance of the doctor, obviously it's not real so you don't have to follow medical guidelines like another idiot said, it's a FANTASY track lmao. How do people say such ridiculous things? It's probably just trolling, hating and ignorance in reality.
Once again, for that to be cited as a equivalent of "rain like a slight chance of raining" is sheer ridiculousness, but it's from ridiculous people so..............