As a Sony customer why do I care what Microsoft does? I'm getting all major third party games, some major third party exclusives, and Sony first party titles. In order for them to grab my attention they need something I actually value not some abstract "games" new IP that doesn't exist because even if that new IP comes into existence why should I care? I'm good here.
Your suggestion that some new IPs are going to get me and other gamers to drop PlayStation is laughable to me. There has never been a time in my life I've ever purchased a Microsoft console without either the intent or actual ownership on a Sony one and TBH I never will. There is nothing Microsoft could ever do with a new IP to get me to purchase an Xbox over a PlayStation. Xbox is always a second or third choice to me and I'm not in the minority here.
Satisfied customers aren't looking to jump ship over new IPs no matter what you say.
But isn't that essentially what you said here?
The fact of the matter is this. If a customer is in your ecosystem and you don't give them a reason to leave they won't. Most people don't want to buy 2 and 3 home consoles. They want to spend the $500 on a single box and be done with it. Building new IPs there is nothing Microsoft will ever be able to do when on Sony you're getting all major third party games, some major third party exclusives, and Sony first party games.
Microsoft doesn't need games as a vague concept like yall talk. They need games people actually care about. Hence they're buying publishers that make those.
So, by your logic Microsoft's dropoff in market position from the begining of the XBox 360 to now is just people not playing games altogether, and not in any way influenced by seeing games they want elsewhere, and just buying those systems instead?
In that case, that's crazy that revenues in gaming have been going up with a shrinking userbase.

Breh, you gotta stop assuming that just because YOU would never have an XBox as your primary console, that no one would. There are tons of folks that made the switch from the XBox to Playstation at the generational switch, and vice versa. It just depends on what each side has to offer them.