In summary and also serving as future prediction of how this thread will continue:
Sony Stans: *posts single tweet*
You GUYs are lIKe *dap fishing trump redirection* i MeaN DoNaLD TruJMP thE REPUBlIcanS spiNs BetHESDa whaT KInD OF GaMes are soNy TRaNspAreNt aBoUt I cAn'T sEE notHiNg elSE trUMp Sony StAnS SupPorTER ANti cONSUmeR
gAMEpaSs famIly pLan Y'All. whEn CAN y'AlL RelEaSE an EXclusive? PC GOT scORn GOT CrazY raTINGs but it'S NIChe! LITTLEBIGPLANET IS ON PC NOW!
*The Mad Titan juelzs for 4 posts*
Sony Stans
Actual Sony stans:
lEt'S TAlk aBOuT anTI coNsUmEr pRaCTices
aGAIN. SOny gAMES are oN PC and iT'S tIme To annOunCE THAt sONY has NO ExcLuVIEs On Ps5
i'm NOt eVen MAD y'ALl *trump deflection*
*Random Leasy Post*
You guys are horrible omg chill out and go do something
Me: *joke post to lighten up the thread*
*real life accusations*
*updates GPU drivers*
*launches COD Vanguard on PC*