I saw Daygo Taco use this phrase in his conversation with The Real in the India rape thread. It sounded like a phrase he borrowed from somewhere to me (not to mention insipid and comical), so I decided to google it. It comes from this video.
Female Hypoagency and its Causes as well as Ideas for MRAs and MGTOW.... - YouTube
I don't know how I even made it through 28 minutes and 45 seconds of this bullshyt.
This guy is one of those MGTOW/men's rights advocate pussies and he basically he says that women have nothing of value to add to anything other than their vagina and uterus, and they know that so this breeds insecurity. And a result of this insecurity, women join in groups together and force their way into move into traditionally male spaces like the workforce. And they have co-opted the government to take their side and oppress men. And he suggests ending relationships with women altogether as a strategy to stop this oppression.
He thinks all womens' gyms are sexist are tyrannical. And of course he uses the same obscure slang words Reincar and them use like "mangina" and "white knight." And at the end, he talked about how these types need to organize so they can change the world and hoped that they won't be killed by the "Gestapo powered by females."
How can anybody take this nonsense seriously?