thought most of the bio-tech was moving up to huntsville
thought most of the bio-tech was moving up to huntsville
Afro-Atlantic University System
- Satellite universities around the Black Atlantic. Flagship campuses could be in places like Monrovia, Havana and Port of Spain as well as three in the United States (Charleston, Atlanta and Houston for example)
- Goal should be the development of an Afro-Atlantic mercantile, cultural and political elite.
Excellent, excellent post.
The best Black people can do (short of migrating on mass to Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina to create demographic majorities) is to create pockets of Black autonomy within white majority states. After that's accomplished, how do we make those pockets viable and able to be immune to attacks on Black 'sovereignty'?
Emergency management has destroyed Black political autonomy in Northern US states after gains started to be made in the 70s (issues with US de-industrialization aside). In cities like Jackson, Mississippi - states are slowly stripping powers from city governments to erode Black autonomy.
Short of Af-Ams forming demographic majorities in regions/emigrating from the US on masse - this is what has to be done.
A factor which may help AfAms is creating the Afro-Atlantic Network. AfAms could create a mercantile class which allows them to draw on the economic strength/resources of Africa/Black diaspora. That would strengthen their hand in a number of ways.
Will do I have some free time.
On a side note: I wish we could do something more for brazil. When you look at history everything has been Africa-> Carribean-> U.S.->(Repeat: maybe add the UK & France at times) If you look at Bahia Brazil they have really been strong "keepers of the culture" do to their isolation from the Government/society. From what I've read they're are really welcoming of other diasporans also. I've read about a good deal of AA going down to open businesses and such so the contacts are on the ground.
It would be great to build a university thier for the people. Something along the line of...
Merchent marine school: navigation, maritime trade, ship building,
Transportation: Trucking, Railway contruction & mantinence
Mineing: mineral economics, earth sciences, materials, and environmental science and engineering.
Fisheries: fish farms, deep sea fishing, etc
Forestries: tree farms, etc.
A history & culture department would be nice also to document Afro-brazilian & south/central american history & culture.
(Basicaly a school dealing with extraction, distribution, and managing natural resources ***Tired of everyone trying to be a lawyer or a doctor*** Yes, they are desperatly needed but often times I smell self importent "prestige hunters" )
It would be good for Afro brazilians in helping them get their hands into the wider central/south american market. It would also be a school diasporans from central american, Africa, U.S and carribean could find useful cause lets face it.. this knowledge is needed and your not going to get it at Howard.U, etc
(yes I know there are other schools that teach these subjects but Afro-Brazilians can't get into **most** schools given thier isolation)
Interesting..but what is the likelihood that the Brazilian gov't will allow that though?
I mean Afro. Brazilians are aware of who they are racially speaking, esp. due to the internet and the influence of other diasporans (AAs & Caribs) in the form of entertainment (mostly music). But we are talking about them having their own education system which requires money...lots of it.
From a legality stand point I don't see how/why they could stop it
From a geopolitical stand point ...well, thats a different story. But I'm up for a battle
I think historically they deserve it and given the rising economy in Brazil it would be nice to see them positioned in society to where they can take max advantage.
I understand they know who they are. I'm talking mainly about recording and tracking who they are before and while it changes. Though how they fit into the wider "African World" would be nice also.
Example: I didn't even know that there were as many African people in south/central America growing up. I also didn't know how many retentions from Africa caried over to the U.S and carribean. I thought it was stuff people just did, not knowing they get it from/or it was derived from elsewhere.
Actualy I'm curious who would staff it.....?? I just feel a school would be the most beneficial thing to do. you could alway go the cheap rout and open businesses and let them work for you but I feel like that would be parasitic. What happens when they close or go out of business? They are back to square one. There is enough money in the diaspora to open a school(one department at a time) Especialy if it's training thats hard to get otherwise(limited seats, etc.) or a great location like Bahia Brazil!
I'd love to go to school on the beach :p
1. Open it up one department at a time.
2. Sell it as a school for Afro-Brazilians mainly along with Africa, U.S, Carribean
3. Target it at skills that are hard to get otherwise (Merchant marine)
(See: us merchant marine academy )
***remember one department at a time you can buy a fishing troller/cargo vessel***
***How much money do we blow on air/boat fair***
From my days "1:04am On Apr 25, 2013"
Certainly wouldn't be surprised if there where expansions given that it's a NASA hotspot and there are satellite industries that would be involved in their work.thought most of the bio-tech was moving up to huntsville
I'm drawing inferences from that post. Are these inferences correct?
A) Pockets of Black autonomy are possible - see Birmingham AL
B) But, expect resistance in a multitude of forms from cacs - see white flight in Southern cities post-Civil Rights era
C) Black people should move to areas to form demographic majorities?
Am I missing anything that's crucial?
Go look at,
eventually I would like to buy some land to setup some boutique cattle and hog farming (Berkshire hogs and Angus/Wagiyu beef).
I think it might be better if black folks start buying our own land and making our own hubs.
Well why do I see so much nonesense on the news?
Because there are damn near 50 million African Americans in the U.S.
2015 Census Black Population Estimates
1) 46,282,080 or 14.4%: Black Only and Black in combination with another race
2) 42,632,530 or 13.3%: Black Only
3) 42,816,387 or 13.3%: ‘Black Only’ and ‘Black in combination with another race’ (non-Hispanic)
4) 39,925,949 or 12.4%: Black Only (non-Hispanic)
NOTE: The most common figures used by the Census Bureau and most other public and private organizations are 1) and 2). Since ‘Hispanic’ is an ethnicity and not a race ‘non-Hispanic’ numbers are only available for specific data.
Around 22% of which would be classified as "poor" thats...
22% = 11 million people
You are not going to miss the exploits of close to 11 million people. There are nations that have less than 11 million people.
Well there shouldn't be that many poor people!
At the point of talking about "that many" the question becomes "ok whats a good number/percentage of poor people for you?"
15% ? = 7.5 million people
10% ? = 5 million people
5% ? = 2.5 million people
2% ? = 1 million people
0% ?
The entire population of Jamaica is only 2.8 -3 million freak'n people.
Folks have to accept that African Americans are a HUGE population of people. The whole AA Minority & "we are only 13% of the country" narrative throws people off. Chinese are a minority also about 20% of the worlds population
...but it's 1.35 billion of them.
Useing the terms "minority" & "percentage" when dealing with the African American population will always throw you off.
African Americans 45-50 million people
Entire Caribbean = 44 million people
Canada = 35 million people
Australia = 23 million people
Ancient Egypt = 5 million people+/-(probably never cracked 10 mil)
South korea & Spain are the 28th - 29th largest populations of people in the world via cia fact book
South korea: 50,924,172
Spain: 48,563,476
The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency
African Americans are not a tiny population ...with all that entails in terms of viability & poverty. That said there are plenty of people in a variety of incomes able to invest on African soil.
There is something else that needs to be added here when talking about the population of African Americans. Before I go further let me clear up the numbers...
There are enough African Americans (45 - 50)million to completely repopulate
1. Canada - 35.16 million (2013) ....and 5+ small states in the U.S.
2. The Entire Caribbean - 42+/- million ....and 5 small states in the U.S.
3. The Entire Central America - 42+/- million ....and 5 small states in the U.S.
4. Louisiana 4.65 million + Mississippi 2.994 million + Alabama 4.849 million + Georgia 10.1 million + South Carolina 4.832 million + North Carolina 9.944 million
5. Central Africa minus Congo & chad(AA would be around 6th largest country population wise in Africa)
Point being that making a call on all African Americans based on ...screw it I'll go big, even 100 people(and that's an exaggeration) makes about as much sense as me going to Cape Verdi and making a call on all of west Africa. You can't go to New York or see something about Chicago on TV and make a call on people on the other side of the American continent.
People think "oh AA are just a small group of people in the U.S." there is a huuuge amount of African Americans here!
Being from the U.S south(black belt region) I have to speak on this issue because I never hear anyone else do it.
I assume most of you speaking on this are from, lived, or currently living in the U.S north. There seems to be this fundamental break in narrative between what people in the north(or even out west) are given as history and what people down here are given.
The integration myth - There is no big discussion about integration down here. We were basically neo-colonized down here. While in New York / Chicago African Americans might have a side of town or burrow. African Americans in the south have entire counties were they are the majority. Problems were that they couldn't manage their own cities and counties because they were disenfranchised from the political process. "Integration" was basically a shinny package that contained access to public processes and accommodations. I.E it was a means to an end it wasn't an end in and of it self(Which is what northerners seem to believe).
It would be like African Americans demonstrating and shutting down the ore plants that move goods that come from the Congo or other African countries unfairly having there resources ripped off while Africans on the continent demonstrated the pits and warehouses they are being pulled from and stored at until they "integrate" the process and make it more equitable. The notion of "Integration" would be a package with the content being control of our own resources.
This also reminds me of how I have to laugh when I here someone say "we need to start our own town" or "black folks need to get some land" That's my automatic que that the person isn't from the black belt.
List of U.S. counties with African-American majority populations in 2000
Bullock County (69.5%)
Dallas County (69.4%)
Greene County (80.4%)
Hale County (58.3%)
Lowndes County (72.8%)
Macon County (81.5%)
Marengo County (51.7%)
Perry County (68.0%)
Sumter County (73.6%)
Wilcox County (72.2%)
Chicot County (53.96%)
Lee County (57.24%)
Phillips County (59.04%)
St. Francis County (52%)
Crittenden County (51%)
Gadsden County (57.1%)
Baker County (50.4%)
Burke County (51.0%)
Calhoun County (60.6%)
Clay County (60.5%)
Clayton County (51.6%)
DeKalb County (54.2%)
Dougherty County (60.1%)
Hancock County (77.8%)
Jefferson County (56.3%)
Macon County (59.5%)
Randolph County (59.5%)
Stewart County (61.5%)
Talbot County (61.6%)
Taliaferro County (60.3%)
Terrell County (60.7%)
Warren County (59.5%)
Washington County (53.2%)
East Carroll Parish (67.3%)
Madison Parish (60.3%)
Orleans Parish (67.3%)
St. Helena Parish (52.4%)
Tensas Parish (55.4%)
West Feliciana Parish (50.5%)
Baltimore City (64.3%)
Prince George's County (62.7%)
Adams County (52.8%)
Bolivar County (65.1%)
Claiborne County (84.1%)
Clay County (56.3%)
Coahoma County (69.2%)
Copiah County (51.0%)
Hinds County (61.1%)
Holmes County (78.7%)
Humphreys County (71.5%)
Issaquena County (62.8%)
Jasper County (52.9%)
Jefferson County (86.5%)
Jefferson Davis County (57.4%)
Kemper County (58.1%)
Leflore County (67.7%)
Marshall County (50.4%)
Noxubee County (69.3%)
Quitman County (68.6%)
Sharkey County (69.3%)
Sunflower County (69.9%)
Tallahatchie County (59.4%)
Tunica County (70.2%)
Washington County (64.6%)
Wilkinson County (68.2%)
Yazoo County (54.0%)
Saint Louis City (51.2%)
North Carolina
Bertie County (62.3%)
Edgecombe County (57.5%)
Halifax County (52.6%)
Hertford County (59.6%)
Northampton County (59.4%)
Warren County (54.5%)
South Carolina
Allendale County (71.0%)
Bamberg County (62.5%)
Clarendon County (53.1%)
Fairfield County (59.1%)
Hampton County (55.7%)
Jasper County (52.7%)
Lee County (63.6%)
McCormick County (53.9%)
Marion County (53.4%)
Marlboro County (50.7%)
Orangeburg County (60.9%)
Williamsburg County (66.3%)
Haywood County (50%)
Shelby County (52%)
Brunswick County (56.9%)
Charles City County (54.9%)
Emporia City (56.2%)
Franklin City (52.3%)
Greensville County (59.8%)
Petersburg City (79.0%)
Portsmouth City (50.6%)
Richmond City (57.2%)
Surry County (51.6%)
Sussex County (62.1%)
National Rankings
Jefferson County, Mississippi (86.49%)
Macon County, Alabama (84.64%)
Claiborne County, Mississippi (84.11%)
Greene County, Alabama (80.34%)
Petersburg City, Virginia (78.97%)
Holmes County, Mississippi (78.66%)
Hancock County, Georgia (77.76%)
Lowndes County, Alabama (73.37%)
Sumter County, Alabama (73.17%)
Bullock County, Alabama (73.11%)
Wilcox County, Alabama (71.90%)
Humphreys County, Mississippi (71.51%)
Allendale County, South Carolina (71.00%)
Tunica County, Mississippi (70.15%)
Just to make it absolutely plain the position of Malcolm to be separate from Europeans and have/manage our own etc etc
Was already largely achieved by lots of African Americans in the south. As such his vision held less meaning to southern African Americans. Because just like Haiti and other African countries they experienced that when you have "your own", Europeans uses economic & military means to control or manipulate that space.
Southern African Americans already had/ currently have what Malcolm envisioned they were/ currently are trying to solidify control over it. The problem today is similar to other African peoples which is brain drain.
(Graduates leaving to maintain other peoples cities in exchange for a shiny home & night life instead of building their own, back home)
**It was/is not an ether/or proposition it's an order of execution issue**
Very true. But then, I you really own what you are unable to protect? Black wall street is still history after is was brutally taken down. Perhaps Malcolm's message is more relevant to the south than you realize
Considering that the damage done to Tulsa Oklahoma is exactly what I mean when I say...
"just like Haiti and other African countries they experienced that when you have "your own", Europeans uses economic & military means to control or manipulate that space."
I'd say my position is still within it's proper context. especially considering it was civil rights legislation that opened the space to politically control the space you live in. I.E it was the civil rights legislation that allowed Malcolm's idea to be politically feasible. Now if you want it to be militarily feasible also a bunch of guns and train the people(shrugs).
Though when you control the political apparatus of the locality you also control the law enforcement. So it's actually a two for one deal. If you want an African American politically/"militarily" run area such as Malcolm envisioned move to one of the counties listed on the prior page. Though you still have to deal with...(see your own comment below)
That's neither here nor there... not only is it readily apparent that the brain drain is the "result, not the cause" we also know what it is the result of(under development caused by European enslavement /colonization of African peoples) and that the talented are the means by which that underdevelopment is corrected.birdman:
No young talent or graduate is going to miss a chance at expanded potential in the big city, even if it ends up being a mirage. What 23 year old graduate wants to risk becoming the 43 year old man with no future in a nameless small town.
The brain drain argument was also echoed by Fashola recently. They forget that the Nigerian who became a star neurosurgeon in the US would be a store clerk at some nameless company had he stayed behind.
The brain drain is the result, not the cause
Now a better conversation would be why do we go to school for things which we have not the infrastructure to support? Be it on the continent or in the diaspora you see people trying to walk before they crawl. People in the diaspora Spending money on stupid flashy status symbols instead of using it to open a grocery store, bank, or buy/pay off your home. People on the continent with flashy "electronics"(there happy now?) and can't keep the electricity on 48 hours.
Why the hell would that "Nigerian who became a star neurosurgeon" go to school in a field that his/her country has not the infrastructure to support? If they wanted to do medicine primary care, nursing, and pharmacology would be the focus until you have the infrastructure to support "specialty medicine".
Diaspora & continent with a** backward priorities wasting great talent
The Afro-Atlantic Network
- A union of majority Black states and regions around the periphery of the Atlantic with the purpose of supporting economic, educational and cultural development of Black peoples. The eventual goal should be a customs union, however it should start by participating countries having agreements recognizing the legitimacy of licenses and academic degrees. Thus, enabling greater economic freedoms.
Furthermore, the basis of the agreement should be these following freedoms for the citizens of this network: Freedom of travel, work, study.
Moreover, there should be a uniform system of contract law and commercial arbitration across participating states.- Another goal of this network should be the setting up of an 'Afro-Atlantic University'. It should have sattelite campuses across the region. For example, Lagos, Atlanta, Havana, Kingston and Monrovia could have sattellite campuses. Thus, forming the 'spine' of an Afro-Atlantic elite who could carry out the work of the network. The network could expand to further academic study for Black uplift.
- Cultural centres can be a part of this network too.
The Sahel League
- Sahelian countries pool resources for planting and anti-desertification efforts. Will aid the eventual management of subterranean aquifers and oases & nomadic land use. Wil help poor nations have better farming and herding practises. The eventual goal is to strengthen the 'Green Wall' efforts in the Sahel, away from the influence of foreigners.
....The "American dream" means absolutly nothing to me. It's simply a historical point they told us in elementary school about people coming from Europe thinking the streets were paved with gold. I.E propaganda Put another way when you live here you know what the streets look like.
I actually wrote a post about this a while back, before the big data wipe that caused me to leave.............
An earlier naraland thread asking "what's the Nigerian dream?" reminded me of an article I read awhile back where a group from a Caribbean country(Name not necessary) living in the U.S made the comment
"African Americans don't believe in the American dream anymore but we still believe in the American dream."
I don't disagree or agree with that assessment one way or the other. I have issue with the central topic "The American dream" and it's validity as being something to believe in. That sounds like something I vaguely remember being discussed in elementary school concerning early European settlers in the 1700-1800s thinking the cities were made of gold or something outrageous like that(which is also reminiscent of the idea European explorers had who were killing the indigenous people of the Americas in search of El dorado "the city of gold" ).
If the idea of "The American dream" is present in Nigeria...
1.Where does this idea come from?
2.How is it propagated to the children?
I'm an African American and I skip the proposition of belief altogether and say the idea of "The American Dream" holds no real meaning for me. I'm not even aware it is something I was suppose to considerThe only dream they push around here is MLKs' dream and I think that is just propaganda to keep people docile(for lack of a better word).
If I had "a dream" it would be for African people to...
1. Have our own curriculum that teaches African history and the intellectual tools to build the industries needed to protect & nurture Africa.
2. Practice our cultures without pressure from outside actors trying to change it to suit their visions of "how the world should be".
3. Use our cultures as the foundation for further cultural improvements(as oppose to whole sale adapting of others culture)
4. Have the capacity to extract, process, and manufacture all the goods Africa needs with the resources in the ground
5. Have the capacity to move all goods around the continent and trade internally.
6. Be independent of all non-African owned NGOs, production, and/or extraction corporations only leaving foreign sellers, traders, and tourist.
7. Have a resource depot for surpluses in the Caribbean, Seychelles/Mauritius, and Kerkennah Islands.(Sale surplues after domestic needs met)
8. Diaspora uses sale of Continental surplus resources from depots as base financial revenue generator to make them economically independent.
9. Funds from surplus sales are used to fund the ideas & dreams of the diaspora(banking, new business ,schools, movies, tech innovations, etc)
10. Live life as an African in contact & harmony with humanity but insulated from the political games of foreigners especialy these Europeans and their propped up "African/Black leaders" looking for favor & status.
Oh yeah.
Systems of governance of African making; based on and respecting/integrating African cultures would be fantastic also. Economic freedom for north African Tamazight/Nubian groups so they don't have to go through Arabs to meet their needs/ambitions on their own land/continent.
Sorry that was so long winded
Speaking as one African American if I had a "dream" the above would be closer to it and that dream clearly has little to do with "America". So if I don't believe in "The American Dream" it's cause I personally have a better more fulfilling "African Dream" to work towards.
But hey, wadaya do
The African Freedom Congress
(I've posted this idea before but I might as well share it again)
- First, it's not strange or unethical for ethnic groups to have their own party vehicles for their political interests. African-Americans are actually an ethnic group within the United States that has been formed by the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and shaped by the American Apartheid (Jim Crow). In other countries, ethnic groups have their own parties. In the UK, there's the Scottish Nationalist Party. In Canada, there's the Parti Quebecois. In India, there's the Sikh political party of SAD.
These ethnic groups have their own political parties because they recognize that their interests are unique and distinct. Moreover, their ability to obtain public goods and services are harmed by joining other political parties. Although African-Americans are a key voting bloc for the Democrats, very few of our concerns are addressed. Even when the US President IS a self-identified African-American (Barack Obama). We need a political party which will cater to our interests in order to gain what is ours!
Let's construct the hypothetical African-American political party.Goals should be simple, for now: Increased political autonomy for African-Americans. Stronger social safety net to address poor socio-economic conditions geared towards Black people. Reparations for stolen land, labour and wealth. Increased connections with the African diaspora and African continent. Entice Black people to become the majority of states such as South Carolina, Mississippi and Georgia via migration.
The party should operate solely in municipal, gubernatorial and congressional elections.
Why not Presidential elections?
We can't win. African Americans are 13 per cent of the US population and will rise to 15 per cent by mid-century. What we can do is our political leverage in an increasingly polarizing US to move at least one major political party towards us.
Why municipal elections?
We are the demographic majority in major cities.
Why gubernatorial elections?
To protect our gains in the pockets of black political autonomy located in cities. To act as a spoiler vote similar to how we'd function during Presidential elections.
Why congressional elections?
To incentivize more legislation which will directly benefit us. They (at least one party) will need our votes in order to pass bills.
Forming a Black Republican counsel in each state is my goal.My advice to you, you guys needs to reform the Republican Party. Because as this alt-right (Strom Thurmond type) has been hijacking the party of Lincoln for decades. TBH, if it was a moderate type I'd vote for him or her if their honor was high
...or you could say fukk the dems & republicans organise nationwide on the city, county, & state level ....then for (inter)national issues sell your vote to whoever pays the piper.
I can't respect black republicans as a political group...
1. They bring nothing to the table that I can't get from garden variety black nationalism in spades.
2. They are like black nationalist sans the nationalism
3. They refuse to call out the pervasive external enemy & the worldwide system employed by that enemy.
4. They are obviously intellectually stuck in the worldview of the two party scheme.(you don't need to speak to dems or repubs till national politics)
(If neither coke nor Pepsi is good for me i'm going to drink tea ...or water. I'm not going to swap back and forth between two subpar choices)
If you hate the dems(no problem with that) and as a result(in protest) choose to go republican.
That tells me all I need to know about your small worldview and how mentally trapped you are..
Afro-Nationality Law
- Grants citizenship to Afro-descendants for countries which enact this law. Can be incorporated into aspects of the Afro-Atlantic Network. I can see countries along West/West-Central Africa adopting this at first.
Man were do I even start with this thread!?!?
Well, I'll start at the title question since that's easiest
Simple answer: Yes. Though most of the hard critical make or break work is and has been over since the 70's 80's.Is It Time For African Americans To Fight Back Against Police Brutality?
Objectively I understand that black peoples problems are self imposed and police brutality is only a symptom of the bleeped up situation black people have CAUSED for themselves.
I had to address the above statement:
I've been around here long enough to know that I disagree with the vast majority of pleeps interpretations of history and problem analysis in general. That said I must say this is yet another interpretation I disagree with. Now lets continue......
That depends on what they are afraid of and personally I can't be bothered with finding out what white people are afraid of... though I'm student enough of history to know that's a tactical mistake so I'll say that's not high on my priority list now. From my read of history It's time for those scattered pockets of African Americans to move back down to and consolidate in the black belt region.pleep:
But there is a visceral reaction you get from watching video after video of some coward white trash killing unarmed men while claiming "their life was in danger." Is it time to give them something to actually be afraid of?
Fortunately this is already occurring
"After nearly 100 years, Great Migration begins reversal
College grads and retirees are leading the return of blacks to the South"
-by Greg Toppo and Paul Overberg, USA TODAY 2015
After nearly 100 years, Great Migration begins reversal
Luckily it's the educated(new grads) and experienced(retirees) who come south. The need now is to turn that into business creation which would serve as a magnate for the less fortunate to move down and consolidate while having an economic slot to fill. The best example of that being Atlanta(Though we certainly don't need another strip club / gay land city down here) one of the best moves was when former mayor Andrew young told the local banks that if you don't loan to the people we are pulling the city funds out of your banks Bold move .
The issue now is that all those people who left the south to get away from the racist jim crow laws spread themselves way to thin. When the right to vote was won African Americans essentially decolonized large swaths of the southern black belt region which is were I grew up. The type of stuff you see on the news doesn't go on down here like that because we both admin the city and run the police. Most of these incidents happen in areas were African Americans are a minority in the population. Nobody is marching in greene county Alabama because the police shot an unarmed black man ...damn near all the police are black anyway.
List of U.S. counties with African-American majority populations in 2000
Example: when police beat this guy
There was no need to march down the street and why? Because...
Birmingham police beating video: Five officers firedmost of the hard critical make or break work is and has been over since the 70's 80's.
Birmingham police beating video: Five officers fired
Once you have control over the city and police you can start weeding out the B.S.
Its time for African Americans to go back to Africa. Let them come back with the knowledge they've acquired there. The whites will always see them as ******s and nothing more. Afterall, no major invention has been accredited to them and most of them live off welfare
Welfare: A White Secret,9171,156084,00.html
A. Most welfare recipients are white
B. Most African Americans are not on welfare nor have they ever received welfare
C. Anything mentioned after a and b are basically pointless facts and/or assertions(yes there is a such thing as a pointless fact)
40mil African Americans couldn't go to any one country without drastically blowing up the politics of the country. Even a big country like Nigeria wouldn't work. Remember a lot of African nations are woefully under populated in comparisons to the rest of the world(which is one of the main reasons for African Union/ Pan-Africanism) Imagine 40mil+ going to botswanna with a population of 2mil + there are more people in Metro Atlanta then that.
There are only 2 real solutions to a case like that for me.
A. Set aside a huge ass plot of land for diasporans (personally I don't like this cause I don't care for colonial boarders and admin zones)
B. Country population / Total African population =
percentage of citizenship slots to country * Total African American population = number of African Americans accepted as citizens
Feel free to check my math