The Toussaint-Garvey-Nkrumah Institute

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
Hello everyone,

For the past few days, I have discussed the creation of a 'think tank' on the Coli. Specifically, in the Root. I've come across so many posts which have great ideas for uplifting Africa and the global Black diaspora as a whole. This thread, perhaps can be a place where we post these ideas and explain how they can work. Moreover, this thread can be a place where we discuss the merits of ideas for our betterment. I shall start by posting an idea below.

:ufdup:2 part series I plan to post

@KidStranglehold Ok, I've glanced over this thead before after @Poitier mentioned it as a thread that should have gotten more views than it currently has.

I was thinking of making something similar but my analysis was a bit different from his. Also I wanted to prep the argument with a different base with 2 parts.

:ufdup:2 part series I plan to post

Post 1
10 fundamental flaws of the western intellectual canon
Post 2
The big picture(I may change the title)

Post 2 will be the one that parallels this topic. :francis: That said I did make a miniature(off the dome) version in TLR.....:patrice: I can do a quote/reprint...:yeshrug:


Below is a reprint of a good conversation I had between myself and @David_TheMan in one of my TLR threads... this is a quick and dirty version I made in the context of that conversation at the time:whoa: ...but it gives you an idea of where my head is at in terms of "the big picture":ehh:

Man stay in Auburn, Auburn is rapidly expanding, excellent location between Atlanta, Montgomery (primary UPS hub for the region), Bham, and still close to Memphis (Fedex hub), plus land is a lot cheaper and plentiful in lee county than Jefferson county.

:whew: I can't even knock your analysis :whew:

Go look at,


eventually I would like to buy some land to setup some boutique cattle and hog farming (Berkshire hogs and Angus/Wagiyu beef).


I think it might be better if black folks start buying our own land and making our own hubs.

1. You don't really save much time from Montgomery to either location. I ran the test and it's...
1 day to Montgomery
1 day of central processing
1 day of shipping to both auburn(30 min away) & b'ham(45min away)

2. Given that I have an internet business and the internet speed is much much faster in b'ham(given that it's a data center nexus) it makes sense to build there.

The telephone company that is now owned by AT&T Inc., which was formerly BellSouth and before that South Central Bell, which had its headquarters in Birmingham, has a major nexus in Birmingham, supported by a skyscraper downtown as well as several large operational center buildings and a data center.
Birmingham, Alabama - Wikipedia

3. Most importantly my political position is that we need to finish correcting our cumulative historical projection.
End transatlantic slave trade (Done)

End the formal institution of chattel slavery(Done)

-I look at the modern prison complex as it's own demon*

End overarching wide scale political division of African people(Done)

-current tribalism levels doesn't trump the current pan-african / African Union / regional, continental, & diasporic integration consciousness and thrust

End governmental colonialism(Done)

End academic(mental/spiritual) colonialism(initiated)
-Reconstruction of an African worldview(definitions of reality, values, principles, etc)

End economic colonialism(initiated)

Have capacity to fund all political actions
Have the capacity to extract, process, and manufacture all the goods Africa needs with the resources in the ground
Have the capacity to move all goods around the continent and trade internally.
Be independent of all non-African owned NGOs, production, and/or extraction corporations only leaving foreign(sellers, traders, and tourist).
Have a resource depot for surpluses in the Caribbean, Seychelles/Mauritius, and Kerkennah Islands.(Sale surpluses after domestic needs met)
Diaspora wholesale purchase surplus and use global sale of goods from depots as base financial revenue generator to maintain economic independence/sovereignty of global African peoples.

End military deficiency(initiated)

- gain policing, military powers, and the ability to enforce law. Grow capacity to deal with the total array of threats land, sea, air, cyber, biological, etc.

:jbhmm:In street terms
Me building in a cac city is hustling backwards :to: terms of governance & economics. My employment opportunities needs to go to "my people", my tax funds need to go to "my people" & my political donations needs to go to making sure "my peoples" political candidates(and their policy maneuvers) are not beholden to "alien" financiers.

....I got so many ideas to build on:banderas: I swear I won't c00n my money away like most of these rich folks :ohlawd:

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me

Do you feel it's possible for African Americans to exist in the United States within the following context?
1. %100 Finance(staff, ads, & living/travel expenses) of African American politics(city, county, state, & federal reps)
2. Employment of African Americans facilitated 85%-100% by African Americans
3. Administration, legal position/drafting, enactment, repeal, & enforcement(city, county, & state) by 60%-100% African Americans per jurisdiction
4. (federal representation) legal position & drafting 100% by African Americans
5. Foreign trade relations of A.A. companies conducted and facilitated %100 by African Americans
6. Food needed by African Americans grown 100% by AA / African(diasporan) nations
7. Civil infrastructure needed by African Americans constructed 100% by AA / African(diasporan) nations
8. Entertainment/cultural material consumed created 100% by AA / African(diasporan) nations
9. Educational (funding, world view, theory, content, curriculum, books, & instruction) facilitated 100% by A.A.
10. Transportation & telecommunications infrastructure facilitated 100% by A.A./ African(diasporan) nations
11. Live only in states where African Americans are the governor

What caused you to even ask this kind of question?

I came across the Excerpt 1 below of a south African saying that African Americans tried to merge with a people/country "that doesn't want you". That in turn remind me of Excerpt 2 below which was a Ghanaian saying when African Americans merge with with "America"(civil rights era conversation) AA will cease to be a distinct people.

Excerpt 1:

".................... In the summer of 2007, I spent time in Johannesburg, South Africa, working with government officials and activists to improve local elections. South Africans were generally friendly, but I was struck by how optimistic they were about the future of the country even though apartheid had only ended, like, 15 minutes ago (1991, to be exact). I couldn’t understand why they weren’t more enraged and bitter. One night at dinner, I asked one of my colleagues why.

“We’re here in a restaurant that you couldn’t eat at when you were 16 years old because of apartheid. That’s not ancient history. That’s high school. Doesn’t that make you angry still?” I asked. “The last ‘Whites Only’ sign was probably taken down 10 years before I was born—but black Americans are still pissed about racism, past and ongoing.”

She considered my question for a minute, probably thinking of a way to explain a lot of complicated history to an American outsider.

“Well, we got our country back,” she said. “We’re home; it’s our land. You fought and you’re still in a place that doesn’t want you.”

Posted: December 9, 2016
Trevor Noah, Tomi Lahren and When Black Twitter Gets It Wrong

Excerpt 2:
Ghanaian - "I feel sorry for you black Americans "
Horace - "Why?"
Ghanaian - "If we succeed in our struggle in Ghana we'll have a nation, but if you succeed in your struggle you will disappear become an american"​


Now I disagree with those analysis for various reasons most of which being the civil rights era wasn't about merging with anyone. In the big scheme of things it was AA gaining the capacity to administrate & enforce law over ourselves. Though I know that interpretation doesn't sit well with some people. I'm from the south were all levels of government is ran whole/in part by African Americans so I view a lot of the stuff I hear on thecoli(especially people who live outside the south / in suburbs) about white people this & that and think :rudy: why don't you just move away from places where white people govern(law, education, policing power, etc) over your immediate locality:ehh: Half the stuff I'm hearing are things I didn't grow up worrying about down here in B'ham AL(greater U.S. black belt region):yeshrug: Which all leads back to the question at hand...

Can African Americans exist in the U.S. "insulated" from white America?


The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra

Excellent, excellent post.

The best Black people can do (short of migrating on mass to Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina to create demographic majorities) is to create pockets of Black autonomy within white majority states. After that's accomplished, how do we make those pockets viable and able to be immune to attacks on Black 'sovereignty'?

Emergency management has destroyed Black political autonomy in Northern US states after gains started to be made in the 70s (issues with US de-industrialization aside). In cities like Jackson, Mississippi - states are slowly stripping powers from city governments to erode Black autonomy.

Short of Af-Ams forming demographic majorities in regions/emigrating from the US on masse - this is what has to be done.

A factor which may help AfAms is creating the Afro-Atlantic Network. AfAms could create a mercantile class which allows them to draw on the economic strength/resources of Africa/Black diaspora. That would strengthen their hand in a number of ways.



Dec 2, 2015
83,513 - One of the goals of my 'African Freedom Congress' is to build up the power of Black spaces of autonomy. Birmingham is an example of that. Is the gov't of Alabama trying to strip Birmingham of power over things such as water, electricity, the airport etc?
the state hasn't really done much to hurt Birmingham its politicians did, hell jefferson county is all fukked up money wise.

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me - One of the goals of my 'African Freedom Congress' is to build up the power of Black spaces of autonomy. Birmingham is an example of that. Is the gov't of Alabama trying to strip Birmingham of power over things such as water, electricity, the airport etc?

That already came and went in the late 90s early 2000s:francis: ....they was crafty with that shyt, but not deadly:whew:.

1st they closed the public schools down in the downtown area(noone living downtown had a place to send their kids)
2nd then they shut down all(well not all) the projects in the city especially the ones downtown
3rd started building up the down town area with apartments & entertainment so that people could work & live downtown.
Basically all they wanted was downtown:ehh: ...and left everything else surrounding it alone.:whew:

I think they realized that they couldn't get the surrounding neighborhoods like they wanted.... too muck black ownership as far as residential property is concerned..... a lot of higher earning brothers and sisters need to move into those areas and revamp a lot of those homes....

Right that's one of the major means of attack in places like NYC or even D.C. the reason people are so easily susceptible to certain kinds of attack is because they rent or live in public housing. The only way they can get you short of that is raising the property tax like they did in the Carolina/Georgia low country to build resorts, emanate domain like they did with the freeway system, or straight up buying people out of their land by knocking on the door with a check in hand :feedme:

Man I'm so looking forward to moving back up to da ham(currently down in Auburn) I want to use b'ham as the base for my online business Given it's a major telecommunications hub and it's a black ran city in great standing it's the perfect place for me. I'd love to buy out the old century plaza building and setup shop in it. :ahh:

:jbhmm: I also want to use my money to do some neighborhood stuff on African peoples history & culture(I'm 10+/- years deep in study). :ohhh: I got so many ideas to build on:banderas: I swear I won't c00n my money away like most of these rich folks :ohlawd:

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me - One of the goals of my 'African Freedom Congress' is to build up the power of Black spaces of autonomy. Birmingham is an example of that. Is the gov't of Alabama trying to strip Birmingham of power over things such as water, electricity, the airport etc?


Of course we could, to suggest otherwise implies what WS has been saying from the start, that we are of subhuman intellect and incappable of governing without the a strong white hand to guide us.
However, as black wallstreet proved (i know that was segregation, not insulation), white people would never allow it unless they are defeated in war. Because for WS to exist, black people (and other minorities) must exist in a state of inferiority.

The question should be can White America ever be ok with a black insulated population.

Now this is a far better addition / angle to bring up. Though let me adjust / focus the question a bit :whoa:

What would be the likely response from white society to an "insulated" African American populous living within the context given in the OP?

Now this gives us a wider analytical framework to cook wit.:patrice:

Realistic Answer:
1. Cacs would physically move to areas of the state where they are the majority or out of the state entirely.
2. Cacs would vote themselves out of jurisdictions where they are not the majority and consolidate in their own jurisdictions.
3. Almost all retail, dining, banking, etc. would move to areas where cacs live.(Short of "low cost" stores & franchise stores owned by AA)
4. Cacs would try and shft money to AA candidates in political races where cacs had a financial/political stake in the outcome.
5. Cacs would use the media to construct a narrative justification for federal action against AA politicians who act against their perceived financial/political interest.

Federal government would withhold funds(educational, agricultural, etc) to force compliance with whatever policy they are currently pushing.
7. Federal government would change/tighten customs laws/policy and target shipments for excessive search.(think Arab treatment by TSA)
8. Federal government would under supply national guard armories in AA states.
9. Regional utility companies(power, water, gas) would shut down(skeleton crew) various aspects of their operations short of cac areas.

10. Areas with wealthy AA would be targeted with retail goods to siphon money out the community
11. Exceptional Industrial / s.t.e.m talent would be targeted for hire outside the community
12. Cacs would simply commute to AA jurisdictions where they still worked.

13. Some cacs would just live where ever they could afford & feel welcome, regardless of who is in charge

Context (How did I come to the above 13 points?)
I'm going to come at this question from the angle of a historical analysis of living down south in the U.S. black belt region.(the area in deep purple on the map)

Growing up in a place like Birmingham, Alabama I'm used to seeing AA at all levels of society be it mayor, judges, business owners, police, construction, teachers, office workers, lawyers, retail, sanitation, doctors(aunts a general surgeon at Princeton medical center), etc. I have to say a lot of the stuff I hear from not only yall in this thread but on thecoli in general just throws me off and really highlights the issue of "regional bias/realities" for lack of a better term. Stuff like the convo I'm having with @NoChill Jones above is just baffling to me on certain levels because it flies directly in the face of my lived "regional reality" in the U.S.

For example:
1. You have people who grew up in white majority suburbs or cities that can't wrap their head around the fact that there are those of us who grew up just fine in a black ran city or in the case here that such places really even do/can exist.
2. You also have AA who grew up in the "hood" who think that all places where AA are the majority is exactly like their "hood" and want to escape to white suburbs
3. You have people like myself who grew up middle class in a black ran city who are blind to the issues of direct racism that people in majority white communities face.(I couldn't imagine stop & frisk)

Growing up my daddy worked at AT&T in the advertising(yellow pages) dept while my ma worked at AT&T in your standard H.R. middle management gig. I.E. we were "relatively" comfortable(we had all out needs and most of our wants met). That said we still grew up in a "financially integrated" black area. Everything from warehouse worker & McDonald manager to nurse & electrician.
When I see black folks get shot down without accountability, stop & frisk, courts fukking over AA by stacking jury/ not prosecuting,etc etc etc.
That kinda shyt is foreign to me, nowhere near my "regional reality". Which leads me to think, why do they continue to live under the jurisdiction of cacs when we see how they treat us:dwillhuh:

:dwillhuh:police brutality don't happen in atlanta?

Let cacs govern over your locality then complain how they treat you bruhs
(this shyt is damn near a science)


Black or African American 51.4%
White 41.3%
—Non-Hispanic 38.3%
Asian 3.7%
Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 4.7%

Birmingham, Alabama

According to the 2010 U.S. Census:
73.4% Black/African American
22.3% White
0.2% Native American
1.0% Asian
0.0% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
1.0% Two or more races
2.1% Other races
3.6% Hispanic or Latino (of any race)

Now obviously everyone can't afford to move :whoa: But luckily there is a back migration of African Americans to the south already under way.
After nearly 100 years, Great Migration begins reversal
New Great Migration - Wikipedia

This leads me to put forth 3 positions...
1. The meat of the Civil rights era was about gaining the capacity to govern ourselves and politically manage our own lives.
(whenever I hear people who don't live in the south talk about "integration" my eyes glaze over ...they are typically people who still live under cac jurisdictions)
2. When African Americans gained control of jurisdictions in the south cacs divested from those locations politically, physically, & economically.
3. I put forth almost nothing that doesn't already exist in the U.S. ...I simply expand on it.

In parts of this region before the civil rights era AA made up the bulk of the populous but cacs wouldn't allow them to vote without harassment. So cacs could govern a county with only a %20+/- cac population. When the voting rights bill was passed and AA where able to vote in their own representatives the local cac population left to areas where they were governing their own locality.

They did this by...
1. Physically packing up and moving to a new home
2. Politically voting the locality where they were the majority, out of the larger city and consolidating in their own small enclaves that they govern.
3. Economically they took two different approaches
a. Areas where cacs had significant infrastructure: Retail infrastructure was gradually closed down and moved to jurisdictions where cacs lived. Office space Infrastructure was simply commuted to.
b. Areas where cacs had little to no significant infrastructure: Almost complete divestment no hospitals, restaurants, banks, grocery stores, office space, etc. Maybe low cost fastfood and a walmart.

On a city level cacs funded AA candidates from the shadows that where in line with cac agendas.
On the state level cacs enacted temporary "emergency management" "take over" powers, be it school or city government.
On the federal level they denied funding to jurisdictions/entities who don't operate by their policies.
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Dec 2, 2015
Didn't they blow the bank and bankrupt the county on a damn sewage system :mjlol:
I can't remember but I do remember something about the sewage system fukking them over and not using the money the state gave them for roads on the actual roads for a time, they had duct tape wrapped around some of their overpasses to stop the cement from falling off.

I just look at the failure of B-Ham and realize, so much of its growth came from the steel sector that is just gone and never coming back and there is nothing wrong with that. If you can get a good deal, fine, but I would much rather buy cheaper property in a less taxed county than jefferson, but I got respect for what you are trying to do. I got family in Bessemer

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
It's all detailed in the rest of that post.

I'm drawing inferences from that post. Are these inferences correct?

A) Pockets of Black autonomy are possible - see Birmingham AL
B) But, expect resistance in a multitude of forms from cacs - see white flight in Southern cities post-Civil Rights era
C) Black people should move to areas to form demographic majorities?

Am I missing anything that's crucial?

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
I can't remember but I do remember something about the sewage system fukking them over and not using the money the state gave them for roads on the actual roads for a time, they had duct tape wrapped around some of their overpasses to stop the cement from falling off.

I just look at the failure of B-Ham and realize, so much of its growth came from the steel sector that is just gone and never coming back and there is nothing wrong with that. If you can get a good deal, fine, but I would much rather buy cheaper property in a less taxed county than jefferson, but I got respect for what you are trying to do. I got family in Bessemer

The Incredible Story Of The Jefferson County Bankruptcy -- One Of The Greatest Financial Ripoffs Of All Time
...Portraying Jefferson County as a typical municipal credit is akin to portraying Enron as a typical corporate credit. With Jefferson County, various financial firms – but primarily JP Morgan – exploited an existing culture of corruption and made taxpayers the victims of one of the largest frauds in the history of the financial markets....

...Back in 1996, Jefferson County entered into a consent decree with the federal Environmental Protection Agency to make extensive improvements to its sewer system. The county financed the improvements through several bond offerings. The project was originally estimated to cost around $1.5 billion, but its scope eventually climbed to $3 billion. (Sewer rates quadrupled over four years in order to pay for the project.)

In 2002, the FBI launched an investigation into the county’s construction program, which resulted in the conviction of 21 people, including contractors, county commissioners, and county employees. The convictions were mainly related to construction firms bribing local officials to obtain business....
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Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
I can't remember but I do remember something about the sewage system fukking them over and not using the money the state gave them for roads on the actual roads for a time, they had duct tape wrapped around some of their overpasses to stop the cement from falling off.

I just look at the failure of B-Ham and realize, so much of its growth came from the steel sector that is just gone and never coming back and there is nothing wrong with that. If you can get a good deal, fine, but I would much rather buy cheaper property in a less taxed county than jefferson, but I got respect for what you are trying to do. I got family in Bessemer


Bruh steel hasn't been a major industry in b'ham in damn near half a century :russ: ....B'ham aint going nowhere we are the major medical hub of the state bruh.

Medical Hub: (Got 2 or 3 aunts here)

In the 1970s and 1980s, Birmingham's economy was transformed by investments in bio-technology and medical research at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) and its adjacent hospital. The UAB Hospital is a Level I trauma center providing health care and breakthrough medical research. UAB is now the area's largest employer and the second largest in Alabama with a workforce of about 23,000 as of 2016.[42] Health care services providers HealthSouth, Surgical Care Affiliates and Diagnostic Health Corporation are also headquartered in the city. Caremark Rx was also founded in the city.

Banking Hub: (sister & aunt works here)

Birmingham is also a leading banking center, serving as home to two major banks: Regions Financial Corporation and BBVA Compass. SouthTrust, another large bank headquartered in Birmingham, was acquired byWachovia in 2004. The city still has major operations as one of the regional headquarters of Wachovia, which itself is now part of Wells Fargo Bank. In November 2006, Regions Financial merged with AmSouth Bancorporation, which was also headquartered in Birmingham. They formed the 8th largest U.S. bank (by total assets). Nearly a dozen smaller banks are also headquartered in the Magic City, such as Superior Bankand Cadence Bank. As of 2009, the finance & banking sector in Birmingham employed 1,870 financial managers, 1,530 loan officers, 680 securities commodities and financial services sales agents, 380 financial analysts, 310 financial examiners, 220 credit analysts, and 130 loan counselors.[43] While Birmingham has seen major change-ups with its banking industry, it was still the 9th largest banking hub in the United States by the amount of locally headquartered deposits in 2012.[44] A 2014 study found that the city moved down a spot to the 10th largest banking center.[45]

AT&T hub:(my parents, uncles and brother)

The telephone company that is now owned by AT&T Inc., which was formerly BellSouth and before that South Central Bell, which had its headquarters in Birmingham, has a major nexus in Birmingham, supported by a skyscraper downtown as well as several large operational center buildings and a data center.

Fitch Rates Birmingham, AL's GOs 'AA'; Outlook Stable
29 OCT 2015 5:09 PM EST

Birmingham is located in north central Alabama, mainly within Jefferson County. Birmingham has an estimated population of 212,234 in 2014 making it the most populous city in the state.

The city's overall reserve and liquidity position remain very sound. Unaudited financial statements for fiscal 2015 show an unrestricted general fund balance of $91 million or 23.4% of spending (operating expenses plus transfers out). An operating surplus after transfers totaling $13.1 million (3.4% of spending) was achieved, reflecting an improvement in the economy and business related taxes and careful expenditure management. An additional $92 million in reserves was separately held in the Birmingham Fund at the end of fiscal 2015. The Birmingham Fund was originally funded from proceeds of the sale of the city's Industrial Water Board assets several years ago - an amount up to 5% of its rolling five-year average market value can be used for general spending, otherwise the balance held therein is set aside for unanticipated budgetary shortfalls or emergency situations. Liquidity across the primary government is sound with nearly $310 million in unrestricted cash and investments or roughly 6 months of spending.

Press Release :sas2:

The only problem Birmingham has financially is the pension fund:whoa: .....:jbhmm:


Birmingham is in Jefferson county but it's not Jefferson county bruh
City of Birmingham has $5M budget surplus
Tuesday, June 30th 2015, 5:54 pm CDTTuesday, July 7th 2015, 7:26 pm CDT
By Vanessa Araiza, Anchor/Reporter

(Source: City of Birmingham)
BIRMINGHAM, AL (WBRC) -The dilemma a lot of cities run into is that they don't have enough money.

For the city of Birmingham, they are trying to make a plan on what to spend $5 million on. That's the amount the city didn't expect to have at the end of the fiscal budget year.

Mayor William Bell said even though the budget has not been passed due to continuous questions from city councilors he said he's taking it in stride.

The goal right now is to get the budget passed and use a large amount of that money to tackle eyesores around the city.

“This money will give us the shot in the arm that we can go ahead and proceed quickly and mowing those overgrown lots and taking
down abandon houses,” said Mayor Bell.

The city already has contractors ready to tackle the problem.

Mayor Bell said they're just waiting approval of funds from city council.

Copyright 2015 WBRC. All rights reserved.

Are the world games coming to Huntsville and Montgomery :sas2:


The World Games 2021 will take place in Birmingham, Alabama USA. This decision was announced by José Perurena, President of the International World Games Association, on Thursday, 22 January 2015.

World Games 2021

World Games 2021 will take place in Birmingham/Alabama/USA. This decision was announced by José Perurena, President of the International World Games Association, at noon on Thursday, 22 January 2015, at a press conference in the Mövenpick Hotel in Lausanne.

During its meetings on Wednesday the IWGA Executive Committee had made a final assessment of the Bids from Birmingham (USA), Lima (Peru) and Ufa (Russia), and evaluated the delegations’ final presentations. The IWGA Executive Board took the final decision on the host city for the 11th edition of this multi-sports event at its meeting on Thursday morning.

This announcement is subject to successful negotiation of contractual conditions, and subsequent confirmation by the IWGA‘s Annual General Meeting (AGM) in April 2015. The agreement with the next host city will be signed right after the AGM. The 10th edition of The World Games will be staged in 2017 in Wroclaw Poland. The IWGA flag will be handed over to the representatives of Birmingham during the closing ceremony in Wroclaw on 30 July 2017.

Giving reasons for the decision in favour of Birmingham/Alabama, President José Perurena mentioned the excellent bid presented by the host city. "We are happy to showcase our sports in Birmingham in July 2021, and we are sure that we will be offered optimal conditions for our sportsmen and women there. All the bids we received were of very high quality, and it was not easy for us to reach a decision. We have to deliver nothing less than outstanding World Games. We are convinced that Birmingham will exceed these expectations.” José Perurena stated.

Birmingham offers all prerequisites to stage an event like The World Games. The IWGA President added. This refers not only to the required sporting venues and infrastructure. The city also meets expectations in terms of organizing skills and the support of the city administration and the National Olympic Committee.

So, after Santa Clara 1981, the inaugural edition, The World Games will return to the USA. Birmingham is the largest city in Alabama, with more than 210,000 residents. It will be the first time that the city hosts an international multi-sport event.

The bidding process had been started by the IWGA in early 2014. Birmingham (USA), Lima (Peru) and Ufa (Russia) applied to host the 11th edition of The World Games.

The World Games – under the patronage of the IOC - are a quadrennial and multidisciplinary sports event, which showcase 25+ sports, such as Gymnastics, Squash, Tug of War, Sumo and Roller Sports. About 4,500 athletes and officials from approximately 100 countries take part in The World Games. The 10th edtion of The World Games will take place in Wroclaw/ Poland from 20 to 30 July 2017.

Past editions of The World Games
Birmingham, AL (USA), to be Host City of The World Games 2021

How did Birmingham win the 2021 World Games? Meet the man behind the vision and the victory
How did Birmingham win the 2021 World Games? Meet the man behind the vision and the victory