The top 10 games you have to play from THIS GEN according to Big Suge Knight

Big Suge Knight

Runner of Thangs
Jun 14, 2013
Compton California
This post will be updated because this list will be time consuming. And the games will not be in any particular order. Just 10 games you must play this gen if you haven't already.

1.) Forza Horizon

Forza Horizon is probably the best racing game this gen, and possibly ever made. I went back to Forza 4 recently and if you are a person who doesn't like racing games that are too "sim" like in nature? Forza Horizon is that game. I suck at Forza 4, I'm a beast in Horizon. Horizon is fun, its challenging, you can control your car without worrying about driving off the road. It has so much to do in that game. Seriously, your doing yourself a dis service if you don't get this game. If Forza 5 doesn't have anything from Horizon in it? (gameplay wise) then Forza 5 isn't even a must have imo. Thats how good Forza Horizon is

2.) State of Decay

This is a new game, but its been out for a week or two now and the "new game feel" hasn't run its course. I've never played a game that has you really fearing for your characters life like this game does. Most games, especially with Zombies. You can kill everyone nearby and then stroll to your next objective. This game, the zombies come, they come deep, they not only gang up on you. They can literally rip you in HALF (sorry Karen) I've been gaming for a long time. Class 4 is going to be so fukking epic, Class 3 (State of Decay) is already that. I've put in about 15hrs and I'm literally still at the very beginning of the game. 100hrs of gameplay here I come...

3.) Uncharted 2 (Campaign)

I shouldn't have to say much. This is the best campaign on consoles this generation. Part 1 was also epic for its time, and Part 3 while still very good could not improve on the campaign of pt.2. It couldn't even match it. The multiplayer was epic too until the fact it uses PSN which basically cripples the game to the point its unplayable online. Ditto with U3. Cheaters/glitchers/etc flock to the most popular games. So AAA titles suffer on PSN. Call of Duty, Uncharted? Forget about it. Campaign is a system seller tho

Will Update later. If anyone wants to make there own list. Wait til this list is completed. That way you can add games others haven't named.

Big Suge Knight

Runner of Thangs
Jun 14, 2013
Compton California
4.) Kinect & Wii Sports 1 & 2

They are basically the same game, and both are equally MUST PLAYS. If you have one, the other isn't a must have unless you want online play. Then you can only find that on Xbox. The motion controls work flawlessly on games like Bowling and Tennis. Table Tennis for K.Sports 1 >>> Tennis KS2. All the games are deep, extremely deep. And after all this time neither game gets boring. If you haven't played either for an extended period of time? You cannot go wrong. I'm saying it right now, you a lazy son of a piece of shyt if you can't enjoy this game.

5.) Madden 2013 Kinect version + NBA2K11

These are easy choices. This newest Madden has a new tackle engine which is from that real motion capture football game a few years back. When it first launched it had a few bugs. But like all sports games, once the season is done? Everything is worked out, all the players are healthy and they play like there real life counterparts did during the season. If you fired up Madden right now it would be a completely different game than it was during the season. The same goes double for NBA2K anything. Madden with Kinect makes it so all the tedious new age style of play like making a billion adjustments at the line is simple with Kinect because all you have to do is literally speak the command and it happens. Makes the game easier and you a better player because of it. No longer does your opponent who does nothing but eat/sleep/shyt madden have that advantage over the more casual players AKA the majority of us. I chose 2K11 because that was the last game before they started changing the controls. I love 2K13 more than 2K11, but if you don't like to learn new things? New control schemes etc? 2K11 is your man

6.) Gears of War & Halo Reach/4

Considered some of the best graphics this generation, Gears of War 1 was the game that let EVERYBODY know that the next gen had arrived :whoo: and each new version pushed the bar farther. Gears 3 campaign was epic and a lot of fun when you played it with 3 friends. Epic boss battles on top of it secured the 3rd version as epic. Unlike a certain "Unpolished" game that had no boss at the end of its 3rd game :patrice:
HALO REACH campaign is probably the best FPS campaign I've ever played from a EPIC CAMPAIGN GAMEPLAY standpoint. If you want to include Story and Gameplay Halo 1 and GoldenEye might have something to say about that. Half life/etc. But for this gen, Halo Reach easily. I haven't completed Halo 4 to say if it got even better or not. But the multiplayer in Halo 4 is better than Reach so you can't go wrong either way.

7.) Call of Duty

Not everyone is a must have TODAY, but this gen? COD2 launched with the 360 and was the best launch game it had. COD3 was fun but didn't wow. COD4:MW doesn't need me to explain shyt. COD:W@W was excellent and brought in zombie mode. MW2 was epic. Black ops I missed out on but is known as the best in the series by plenty. MW3 is the pinnacle and BO2 zombie mode is insane. Love it or Hate it, but COD is not a game. Battlefield heads are upset, so I will say that BF:Bad Company 2 could be the real sleeper must play, but I personally didn't try that out so :manny: In my expert opinion it would be WISE to give that game a try out as well, then look towards BF4. BF3 is ok, but not good enough to make this top 10



Trill OG
May 1, 2012
3.) Uncharted 2 (Campaign)

I shouldn't have to say much. This is the best campaign on consoles this generation. Part 1 was also epic for its time, and Part 3 while still very good could not improve on the campaign of pt.2. It couldn't even match it. The multiplayer was epic too until the fact it uses PSN which basically cripples the game to the point its unplayable online. Ditto with U3. Cheaters/glitchers/etc flock to the most popular games. So AAA titles suffer on PSN. Call of Duty, Uncharted? Forget about it. Campaign is a system seller tho


:deadrose: how can y'all stan PS3 if this is true. that why I dread the fact that I'm going to have to get a PS4. Sony better fukking get the online right.

That said, my list:

1) Crackdown
2) Borderlands 1
3) Mass Effect 1-3
4) Saints Row 2


May 2, 2012
Horrible start of the list.

Forza Horizon is a pop trash compared to Forza 4.

If anything, Forza 4 is a must play this gen.

Big Suge Knight

Runner of Thangs
Jun 14, 2013
Compton California
:deadrose: how can y'all stan PS3 if this is true. that why I dread the fact that I'm going to have to get a PS4. Sony better fukking get the online right.

That said, my list:

1) Crackdown
2) Borderlands 1
3) Mass Effect 1-3
4) Saints Row 2
Well before the goons get here, you can just google uncharted 2 or COD unplayable and you'll get to the bottom of that. Basically sony/naughtydawg drag there feet to update games. I assumed its because PSN is free. When its free, you can abuse a game and at worst? You'd have to make another free account and continue where you left off. And now because they have access to the "PSN KEYS" people can run any unauthorized code in any game online and sony cannot provide an update to fix it. PS4 will charge for online gaming which is a start, but what will they do to maintain PSN? That is unknown even today which is troubling imo. But that is a different topic which should be discussed in a different thread. So lets not stray too far off topic :shake:
Horrible start of the list.

Forza Horizon is a pop trash compared to Forza 4.

If anything, Forza 4 is a must play this gen.
You are welcome to your opinion. But I think I speak for GAMERS when I say WHAT WE HERE FOR?
I remember Rad Racer, RC Pro-Am, Super Off Road (I haven't even thought of that game in yrs) I can go on and on. As gamers, we played for the fun. Not for the Sim. Sim racers would put you to sleep as a KID. Forza Horizon is for those gamers who used to love racing games. If you liked Burnout, Forza H has some of that too mixed in. Forza 4 is for those rigid hardcore race game players. Thats cool, but that isn't really something GAMERS overall wanted. More so, Car lovers who also gamed wanted that. Sim Racers haven't evolved enough to keep GAMERS interested IMO.


May 6, 2012
The last of Us
Uncharted 2
Heavy Rain
God of War 3
Bioshock 1 /Infinite
I can't think right now.


Jun 2, 2013
Burnt SUVs, Swimming Pools, Dominican dimes and Al
1. The Uncharted series
2. MGS4
3. Halo 3/4
4. Last of Us
5. God of War III
6. Heavy Rain
7. Gears of War series
8. Arkham Asylum/Arkham City
9. Mass Effect 2/3
10. Street Fighter IV

Honorable mentions: NBA 2K11, Battlefield 3, COD4: Modern Warfare, Mario Galaxy 1/2, Infamous 2, Mortal Kombat, La Noire, Assassins Creed II.........and many more


Godzilla got busy.
May 1, 2012
Definitely cosign everything regarding State of Decay. Logged like 12hrs and I can't remember the last time I did a story mission. To be honest with you, I don't even know which missions are story based or side quests. They blurred the fukk outa that line. Games a must buy, would've easily spent $60 on this. :lawd:


Aug 7, 2012
1. The Uncharted series
2. MGS4
3. Halo 3/4
4. Last of Us
5. God of War III
6. Heavy Rain
7. Gears of War series
8. Arkham Asylum/Arkham City
9. Mass Effect 2/3
10. Street Fighter IV

Honorable mentions: NBA 2K11, Battlefield 3, COD4: Modern Warfare, Mario Galaxy 1/2, Infamous 2, Mortal Kombat, La Noire, Assassins Creed II.........and many more

Good diverse list