lmao exactly tariq WILDIN right now b fukk is he talking about?
and there it is my G. i don't rock with the one drop rule either so me & tariq clearly have divergent views there. but you just like me though.. as men, do we take a person's statements or claims we disagree with & throw the baby out with the bath water? of course not. nikkas up on here trying to tell us tariq is a grifter who is an enemy of black people while anderson cooper is an honest man who is a friend of black people lol
Who brought up Anderson Cooper's moist self?
I wish some of you actually saw the amount of fukk shytt Tariq has tried pulling over the years.
I remember when he started listening to Gus T Renegade and started using Codification from Neely Fuller's book as of he'd came up with it himself, it's only when his followers started calling him out that he incorporated "As our brother Neely Fuller says..." before his blatant plagiarism.
That's just the tip of the iceberg.
Tariq flip flops movements depending on where the money is, Hidden Colors 1 the money was in Pan Africanism, Hidden Colors 3 the money and energy was around the police brutality, now he's hopped on the Nativism trend, a movement he tried to co-opt from its founders(Yvette and Tone Talks) and is still beefing with.
We're not saying he don't talk sense sometimes or give out accurate information or call out white racists and c00ns, but all that is a calculated role that he's playing to milk millions out of the plight of black Americans.
Man's got a mullato wife and a full blown white mother in law living in his house
I'd you listened to Mack Lessons, you'll how color struck he's always been.
He always advocated getting with mixed women with a black father
But I digress