So prove it. You keep coming upnwith theories but nothing of facts.Yea i'm not even sure what point ppl are trying to make by saying it wasn't that many Jamaicans here or kool herc came at 12 yrs old
If you know anything about 1st generation immigrant families you know the culture is upheld in the household and if possible they spend ALOT of time around other members of their culture. Doesn't matter if Kool Herc came here at 3 months old, his upbringing was going be JAMAICAN and influenced by everything his parents did. Same way I was influenced by 70s artists my parents liked. shyt ain't rocket science. He still has an accent in the video I posted and talked about trying to hide the fact he was so jamaican when he started DJ'ing
Kool.herc said it himself, and those stats came from the federal government, but they are lying too, right?
Ya are some sad people. Why can't you accept the truth instead.l of rewriting history, what is wrong with yall? Jamaicans didn't even use two turntables, they used one because they were emulating radio djs. American djs used two turntables, and that was j heard of at the time, it came out of early disco djs
I show facts. Listen starting at 20 minutes in to hear herc explain his first set of equipment, ain't had nothing to do with Jamaica