tariq? movement?
"Fighting white supremacy", "Exposing (insert slur against Black people)" or whatever slogan he's running with today was never a goal, It was cash cow to milk for content.
His name is associated with bullshyt because he is a clown.
Facts. When they're not beefing with each other they'll be right back to beefing with Obama, Jay-Z, Beyonce, the CBC or someone else. The descendants of slaves want to fight with everyone but the descendants of slave owners. Of course their focus has always been on chatty patty attacks against other black public figures. They know their shallow audience and they know what drives traffic. Reparations and all this phony, unaccountable militancy was always just a ruse to create content, all of which centered around trolling and attacking other black people (and Democrats) to an audience of phony, unaccountable militants.
This is why it's almost scary watching this regression of political thought and involvement thanks to social media. Real engagement and ideas have been replaced with lazy buzzwords, hashtag netbanging and attention-seeking provocateur. To all the older heads out here, imagine it's back in the day and your favorite political figure spends more time mulling the US Weekly gossip column to beef with celebrities than practicing any form of activism. But I'm supposed to look down on brother Roland Martin and this is who I should accept as the "new black media."
Thank God I had the privilege to grow up during a time of pre-Google search data, research, books, scholars and professors. This generation is all the way lost.