We posted the voting numbers for blacks in America several times before. I'll find a thread with the graphs.
Poltical engagement also involves being informed about issues.
These youtubers and the rise of clowns as thought leaders coincides with the decline of Black(owned) media. There is a current generation that has grown up without ready access to Black owned media and journalism. Perhaps the first in DECADES. The issues affecting the communities, are not being brought to Black audiences FROM black media outlets. The dumbing down is REAL.
In that void, entertaining media figures are who people turn to for information.
I get it, people turned their back on the old guard...but these yters AIN'T IT. Our communities are regressing. We can't afford that.
as far as Ferguson, or any other city. The next election after a police killing, if the Black voter registration numbers don't spike up......then politicians won't take that community seriously.
Tariq is the Malcolm of our generation. Breh is leading the future to think for itself and shed the shackles of liberal intersectional society.![]()
Thanks, wasn't sure exactly what the long term effect of the protests were. I remember we posted a thead about Brown's mother running for a seat and getting a good amount of votes (before losing)Great points.
Actually for Ferguson you saw record black turnout after the murder of Mike Brown. So much that their was an actual shift and white politicians were voted out and were replaced with black activist and politicians.
So yes black folks not voting had an affect on the city just like black folks voting had the opposite affect on the city.
Strappy is obviously a horrible multitasker and it's hilariously evident that you can easily get her off her square.HA!I knew it...Yvette's followers (old church ladies and LGBT ados members) were getting on her head about her constant whining about Tariq on her twitter timeline day in and day out. She told them to mute her and she'll be back on politics today...Sike she not letting her fixation go. she gonna make tariq twitter posts till the cows come home.
it looks like a temper tantrum to be real. after the L's and the her failed "Milk Slide" roast session she struggling.
Strappy is obviously a horrible multitasker and it's hilariously evident that you can easily get her off her square.![]()
Strappy is obviously a horrible multitasker and it's hilariously evident that you can easily get her off her square.![]()
The regression is painful to watch. Some of the oldheads use to school us about life and they wanted us to avoid the mistakes that they made. Wanted us to do better and go further than them.This is why it's almost scary watching this regression of political thought and involvement thanks to social media. Real engagement and ideas have been replaced with lazy buzzwords, hashtag netbanging and attention-seeking provocateur. To all the older heads out here, imagine it's back in the day and your favorite political figure spends more time mulling the US Weekly gossip column to beef with celebrities than practicing any form of activism. But I'm supposed to look down on brother Roland Martin and this is who I should accept as the "new black media."
Thank God I had the privilege to grow up during a time of pre-Google search data, research, books, scholars and professors. This generation is all the way lost.
talk about the old brothers who had itWe gon' make it.
Real recognize real.
All that negativity Yvette and tone generate turns people off. Yvette and Tone aren’t leaders they fukked up by being something they aren’t. They should just be the ones collecting data and research. They want the shine and it’s killing their movement.
I dont take anybody serious anymore.
But, Tariq is regaining his followers he lost when he supported ADOS. And stopped his Pan-African hustle.
Now that he set on trying to tear ADOS down - all those who are not down for what ADOS is fighting for are lending their support to help. They will gladly support his dumb ass to see ADOS initiatives die.
Tariq is a joke and embrassingly immature.
I don’t know if I’d say one is better than the other, but I will say that within our community, our egos tend to get the best of us. That, and the power that is received when you’ve got a gang of people clinging to your word. As black Americans, all of us are needed. The situation were in requires all hands on deck, but it’s going to require us to put our egos to the side, not letting the power go to ones head, and each and everyone of us humbling ourselves understanding that we’re not going to be right in all of our decisions, and that someone else might have the better idea/plan. What’s going on now is ridiculous, but I’m still holding out hope that this can all be put behind everyone, and if you can’t get along with someone, then respectfully moving on, and fighting without causing harm to the next black american.Tariq ego is why he can never be a leader, it blinds him
Still better than Tone and Yvette