The Tariq Nasheed Thread


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Racist militias are Demons that need and require air support for ground offenses against cities of angry people fighting for survival. A racist is really a bully and bullies have no heart friend.

Im sorry friend but they would be crushed stepping foot into the city.

No they wouldn't and we gotta stop pretending about the fukked up situation that we're in. Look at what happened in Katrina, black people were game to these armed white supremacists and militia groups

It was great, it was like pheasant season in south dakota

If it moved we shot it

I am no longer a yankee i earned my wings.

He understands the N word now

We had 3.One without a t-shirt and one full of buck shots. We have the t-shirt to prove it.
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I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
I love that she is woke as fukk though.

I know she just is used to alot of fukkboys coming at her and i dont blame her for frustrations.. But its like everytime we hear a story from here its an issue with a guy. Never anything positive lol. Wasn't she dating someone a couple episodes back who called in and spoke to Tariq and now all of a sudden nothing on that either?

She can't keep relationships for a reason breh and she also comes across as too bougie. Yes she is an ebony goddess but shytttttttttt if a woman is that good there will always be one guy that will wife her up with Tariq's wife

So why is this ebony goddess Sara having all these issues? :sas2:

Because she's too perfect for this planet, angels don't belong on earth :cape:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
And we organizing more marches while BLM makes off like bandits with thousands in donations ... where did that money go?


Black people really need to start studying the cac prepper community. They use a lot of coded language to hide their white supremacist views. There's a close link between WS militias and WS preppers.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Black people really need to start studying the cac prepper community. They use a lot of coded language to hide their white supremacist views. There's a close link between WS militias and WS preppers.
Everything is coded. If a white supremacist is out right like Bundy, he is either an idiot or a dangerous troll like Spencer but most of them are on code, especially the smart ones

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
I went through every page looking for a nikka named Daniel like he owe me money and I couldn't find him.

I feel like you lied to me breh :mjcry:
November 20th 2015. "Essential mindset shift for the generals and the Troops" is his title

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
No they wouldn't and we gotta stop pretending about the fukked up situation that we're in. Look at what happened in Katrina, black people were game to these armed white supremacists and militia groups

And how many actual shootouts did they have. They were shooting loners and unarmed people friend. In a small localized sector not branching to far out because you need serious supplies to get in, harn others and get out.

People in the middle of getting their bearings after a major flood being sniped by cowards vs people knowing an armed militia is coming for them. Friend they would get rocked.

But protect yourself still and train on the humble. I dont think its necessary to broadcast much about ones prepararion, just be prepared, friend.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
And how many actual shootouts did they have. They were shooting loners and unarmed people friend
People in the middle of getting their bearings after a major flood being sniped by cowards vs people knowing an armed militia is coming for them. Friend they would get rocked.

But protect yourself still and train on the humble. I dont think its necessary to broadcast much about ones prepararion, just be prepared, friend.

The bolded is my entire point. How many black people are trained and prepared?

The majority of us don't even realize the shyt that's going down right now. For every 1 person that's prepared there's 10,000 trying to pray the white supremacists away

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
The bolded is my entire point. How many black people are trained and prepared?

The majority of us don't even realize the shyt that's going down right now. For every 1 person that's prepared there's 10,000 trying to pray the white supremacists away
Dont underestimate friends.

Vs the military individuals have little chance.

Vs militias.

Work will be given, friend.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God

Essential Mindset Shift for the Generals and the Troops
ByDaniel F.on November 20, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
All American troops posted to overseas theaters would benefit from reading this manual. But it is the generals and higher-ups who most need the lessons contained in it. 4th generation warfare represents “a crisis of the legitimacy of the state,” and the first step towards fighting them successfully is a mindset shift: to recognize that military force is incapable, by itself, of restoring legitimacy to a state. The standard American practice of “firepower on targets” is simply not effective in 4GW. “Great states must learn how to preserve enemy states at the same time that they defeat them.” This is obviously a central lesson from the Iraq conflict, where this axiom was violated in spades. This manual sets about to correct those mistakes and provide a roadmap for success in the new type of conflict we face.

The manual introduces a new paradigm for dealing with conflicts involving non-state actors. Along with the traditional view of war as involving three levels: the tactical, the operational and the strategic, the authors introduce a new tripartite lens for understanding 4G war: the physical, the mental and the moral. In each case, a higher level trumps a lower level. Indeed, the authors describe the central dilemma of 4GW as the fact that “what works for you on the physical (and sometimes mental) level often works against you at the moral level.” A corollary of this is that “it is more important not to kill the wrong people than it is to kill armed opponents.” Enemy bodycounts may merely present media and PR victories for your opponents, while demoralizing our own troops, and turning public opinion against you.

Among the central concepts and topics discussed in this book are:

-- De-escalation: More often than not, our military goals are furthered by de-escalating, whereas most troops have “escalation” as a default reaction to most situations. This concept goes hand in hand with the idea of preserving the state, and keeping the local populace on our side, or at least not against us.

-- “51% solutions”, rather than total victory are desirable in 4GW.

-- Integrating with, and not alienating, the local populace as key to success.

-- Openness with the press, and admitting to mistakes.

-- Intelligence as a bottom-up rather than a top-down affair. They give the memorable example of the Swedish word for military intelligence, which translates as “corrections from below”.

-- Retraining line infantry as “light infantry”. Troops must become flexible, independent, self-reliant, self-disciplined, less “orderly” and hierarchical, and focus on achieving goals rather than merely carrying out orders.

Perhaps the greatest challenge for the American military (outside of special ops and SEALS that already have this mindset) is to move away from the 2G, centralized, command-based, top-down approach, towards a 3G model that emphasizes nimbleness, lightness of footprint, quick reaction times, and that learns to use the techniques of the enemy against him, rather than relying on firepower alone. The authors make a strong case that Western militaries (and the American military in particular) are stuck in a 2nd generation mindset: “Firepower on targets” is what war is about to them, and it is a hopelessly dated concept. Indeed, it was dated in WWII when the 3G German military defeated a technically superior 2G French army.

Implicitly if not explicitly, the manual focuses on our experience in the Middle East. It is a useful thought experiment to contemplate conflicts in other regions: e.g. the Mexican drug war, the Tamil rebellion in Sri Lanka, the Muslim separatist movement in the Philippines, etc., and to imagine the concepts intorduced here applied in those situations. In any event, given that our military most needs a manual for dealing with the Middle East, this manual is the right tool for our era.

This is a manual for soldiers. Given the events of 11/13/15 in Paris as well as the pervasive low-level civil wars that are taking place across the West, perhaps the publishers can consider producing another manual: 4th Generation Warfare Handbook for the Civilian. Many more of us will be faced with the question of how to defend ourselves against 4GW invaders and hostiles in the places we live than will be posted overseas as soldiers. The proper responses for civilians dealing with conflict within Europe will be very different than the solutions for soldiers fighting in the Middle East. This manual was not written to address that question, but there will certainly be demand for solutions to that challenge in the decades to come. The author’s pronouncement that “Fourth Generation war at home is significantly easier to win than Fourth Generation war abroad” will be cold comfort to the families of the victims of 11/13/15 in Paris, to rape victims in Sweden and Rotherham or victims of racist gang crime in Baltimore or LA. Again, this is not a criticism of this book, which achieves what it set out to do, but a call for a complementary volume.