I'm not quiet understanding the Roots backlash. I'm gonna watch it to form my own opinion.
Currently, my perspective is...maybe it'll change, but...Now I'm thinking...
- ...a movie with a predominately black cast. Great, little known, actors and actresses getting exposure for future films. Perhaps they won't have to go to the same source of actors and actresses for roles.
- I believe it serves as a reminder of the plight we've faced. Reminds are youth. Perhaps providing perspective. Perhaps igniting some responsibility and pride in your melenated skin to fuel the change that is currently needed in our community? Some of our youth have never seen a slave movie even though they are currently on TV. I think some are over-estimating our youths awareness of our history and get their knowledge from hearsay.
- ...Why didn't Jewish people get mad at all the Holocaust movies?
- Is the use of the word "c00n" being used, by some, out of context? I see a lot of people just say someone is a c00n, simply because they hold a different perspective. I define a "c00n" , mostly, in relation to where he or she shares his or her opinion. In public domains where their are a lot of viewers or listeners, if you're parroting things white supremacist say, without acknowledging the systems put in place to cause all this upheaval....then i can see the c00n. But among ourselves, politicking to find a solution, we need free thinkers, and those not scared of ridicule and the condemnation of being called a c00n.
Kind of seems like another divide and conquer agenda. Conscious vs. the c00n....light skin, vs. dark skin...inner city vs. suburbs... etc... It's too easy for us to get segmented, then nothing gets accomplished due to the infighting. Credibility is so easily lost, and some good information gets ignored as a result.
- I do see people upset that it's ANOTHER slave movie. They want balance. I agree with THAT.
- Slave movies can serve as a badge of honor, reminding them of the glory days from their perspective.
- I see people offended by the, constant, inclusion of the "white knight". Their is, definitely something to that.
- Just listened to this Tariq podcast and he touches on the, subtle, change of the narrative included. I'm not with that.
I just wish more backlash was focused on media that is even more toxic to the black community. Let's not pick and choose which ever doesn't apply to us.