1. The broken values in black families is not a "today and now" problem it is a repetition of a broken system designed to fail it since it was introduced to black families in slavery and there has never been a effort on a massive level to fix what was broken and anytime we had leaders that had a voice to help fix it the cia through cointelpro infiltrated and murdered or deported them. You can't realistically fix a issue until you 1st properly diagnosis and investigate the problem, meaning you have to know the history, which rubs white folks and the c00ns that love them the wrong way, because their attitude is always oh let it go.
2. Which brings up #2 , because no nation , especially white folks ever just "let it go" as it pertains to their issues and it's very convenient that NOW white folks and the c00ns that love them want to take the just get over it approach after white folks using the c00ns that love them have usurped all history and knowledge, monopolized all the resources and built trillion dollar media to monopolize influence.
And I know a c00ns and white supremacist mind so spare me the "playing victim" angle because nobody cries "playing victim" with the thousands of socialist groups complaining about government and thousands of militias armed taking over cities and complaining. Spare me the nonsense, you just want to quiet the screams from the victims so the perpetrators can walk free.